I've been rather bad at making developmental posts whenever I've changed or fixed something recently (mostly because it's just been little things here and there), so here are a few of the most recent changes:
Fixed an issue with the .add command where it would not check the validity of a shift+click link specified which would cause a crash (e.g., NPC, Spell, etc. links)
Fixed spawning WoD creatures
Added Track Humanoids to all characters
The Minimanager is now accessible via [url="https://mm.wowfreedom-rp.com"><s></s>https://mm.wowfreedom-rp.com. Main links should be updated, but there are still posts strewn about that will still point to the non-https version (along with the port 8080). Currently those links will auto-redirect to the proper site, but Soon™ they will stop working. Be aware!
There may be other things that I cannot remember, but they were undoubtedly small changes or fixes (like deleting the crow.exe code that was bugging out the server - merely a setback, you see!.
As some of you guys have noticed, our custom item system can be... a little less than fufilling sometimes. It's difficult to always ensure it will give you the entry ID for all weapons an npc wields. So, with successful addition of our new item, the Argent Crusader Shield, we now implore you, players of Freedom, to help us find other items that you have had difficulty extracting from an NPC using the minimanager! The request format is below, be sure to tell us what the weapon is (axe, shield, off-hand weapon, etc.) and any other additional information that may be needed.
The staff wanted to give a reminder that STs can claim the same days and overlap, and that for the forseeable future we will not be regulating calendar days as it would be unfeasible with the amount of STs we have, and it would unnecessarily complicate the ST system. That being said, should STs choose to do events on the same day as one another, we encourage everyone to do so thoughtfully and with careful consideration and planning.
For example,
STs who are hosting on the same day can stagger the times to be 2-3 hours earlier or later of eachother, or if they know one is an alliance event and the other may have a horde event they could in theory do it on the same day and time. If a GST knows their event is purely for their guild, and their guild alone and their members dont have interest in the event thats scheduled they could run it at the same time as well.
If you are planning on claiming events in advance do consider staggering event times, or event days. Instead of taking every Wednesday, consider taking two Wednesdays and three Sundays. This is suggested guideline when scheduling, it is difficult with so many STs to maintain a first-come-first-serve policy, so it is important that everyone understands event days that are claimed are not completely blocked out.
Finally, communication with your fellow STs goes a long way. If at all possible, try to communicate and work out with one another if you and another ST are considering running events that is intended to have high traffick on the same day at the same time. But understand that unless for specific reasons underlined with the staff, STs are not inherently required to shift their times and days.
The collection of things I need to do for Freedom.
Look into broken summoning spells
<del>Look into missing Two Forms on Worgen</del> Custom spell table had "Two Forms" listed with the wrong race ID. However, changing it to the 22 it should be didn't resolve the issue.
Remove duplicate entries from object patch
<del>Look into creating <ST> tag for Storytellers.</del> Requires edits to the server core itself with understanding of C++. Should probably talk to Kretol and Crow about this. Explanation of adding commands can be found [url="http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/world-of-warcraft/world-of-warcraft-emulator-servers/wow-emu-guides-tutorials/192958-creating-custom-commands.html"><s></s>here. Might be made in a .DLL for the server to reference. Might want to invest more than just one command, but might not carry over into Legion. I'll have to test it on the Legion server to see if it is possible to carry it over.
More in depth guide is [url="http://www.ac-web.org/forums/showthread.php?131466-C-HowTo-Create-custom-commands-%28Trinity%29"><s></s>here.
So although I do realize there is an existing development thread, I've always made a new topic with additions in the past so folks are able to post replies if they desire without screwing up a pristine changelog thread. This is also a bit of a belated thread, since I did not make one for my earlier code changes.
Near the beginning of this month, I ported over some commands (among other things) from my CotH code that include:
.playlocal - A Storyteller command that will play the specified sound file (You can check [url="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16gISR2d1j7E0hF-zB_Yz2pTaCfJTebjmHe0V9-kMnAA/edit?usp=sharing"><s></s>this spreadsheet, but bear in mind it is very large) to all players in visual range.
.cast player - A Storyteller command that you can use on a targeted NPC that will cast a specified spellID on the character name specified.
.npc return - A Storyteller command that will make the targeted NPC return to its spawn point.
I also made scale and morph commands persistent so you do not have to set them each time you log in. With morphing, be sure to use .f demorph if you wish to clear the persistent morph ID you have saved.
Tonight's changes include persistent pet scaling:
.f petscale - A command that will change your pet's scale to the specified value (uses the same restrictions as normal scaling), also making it persistent. Using 'reset' as the value (ie, .f pet reset) will set your pet's scale to normal.
Another change that I had implemented that was on CotH was infinite view distance for WMOs and generic GObs (such as trees); however, the amount of GObs that can be in a custom area was presumed to be the cause of intermittent server lag since implementing it, so it has been disabled with tonight's changes. I did change the infinite viewdistance to a toggle in the server config, so if we wish to test it again in the future, it is easy for us to enable it again, now.
I will try to keep this updated as time goes on! Feel free to comment on my tasks in replies here if desired (or correct anything I may have incorrect in my notes).
The staff would like to announce an addition to the Black Market as well as talk about issues with loot as of late.
We have taken note of loot saturation when it comes to events, when it comes to mainstoryline the same people attending the mainstoryline tend to pile on a lot of the loot from these events and there is not way to alleviate these items that players get, or for some, they feel they cannot even improve it once they get the item and it stagnates after the use of the item wears off.
The staff discussed several things with regards to loot and have come up with some solutions as well as general reminders!
The Black Market
The Black Market is now accepting Items from events which can result in getting a token back for a certain number of items given up!
Storyteller Events/Eggshell Items/Quest items from Pandaria: (This can be mixed between the two options but the number required is up to the BM discretion )
3-4 items leads to one token
You must give the item, item description and effect, as well as what event it was given out.
Dungeons/Raids (GM hosted only -This can be mixed between the two options but the number required is up to the BM discretion )
2-3 items can lead to one token
You must give the item name
If you are interested in giving up items please make a request here:
We will be doing our best in the future to work on our loot lists, we are no longer doing free roll anymore, and any unclaimed items will go to the BM for the future. Additionally we will be working to add a little more personalization and attachment through stories attached to the items themselves.
Item Upgrades
We realize that it's not clear in our rules, but we do allow players to work ICly in some capacity to create items for themselves or upgrade their current items to have a better effect. So, for example if you got a questitem from Eggshell that you really love and want to make better after using it actively for months we are completely accepting of allowing players to work to upgrade that item in order to make it more personal and to allow them to continue to use it.
Additionally we are allowing players to create items and encourage people to be proactive and creative to do so because no one knows you better than yourself! There are plenty of crafters and enchanters who can help with either of these options which can be found below:
With the restarts earlier this morning, I implemented the [url="http://rochet2.github.io/Dress-NPCs.html"><s></s>Dress NPCs patch into the Freedom code. This allows us to create NPCs completely from scratch so long as it's a race that would normally allow customization (take a look at [url="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pmkCOSDyCflbo9avwYgmAR60_cVV0Dk-t6p_Ec8AyRE/edit?usp=sharing"><s></s>this spreadsheet). Back in the days of CotH, I had created another spreadsheet that folks I had given edit access to could input requested NPCs and the appropriate queries would be generated, making my work easy. I've made a copy of that spreadsheet that can be accessed [url="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18R-E_zRKTxQQfUlvwLGNVeQ0xaIo2XZYVWzFJB-jBD8/edit?usp=sharing"><s></s>here, but right now you will only be able to view it. I'm still working on some minor changes in some of the formulas on there.
I imagine that we will formulate some process for NPC requesting and granting access to add in NPC requests, but announcements for that will come later. I just wanted to let folks know of the ability for it now!
For GMs:
Inserting the creature_template and creature_equip_template values work as normal, in the wod_world database. The creature_template_outfits table is in the freedom database, so insert queries will have to be run there.
The staff wanted announce changes being made to the loot system, as well as make a very important note.
Free Roll will no longer be a feature in future raids at this time. Previously items that were not rolled upon in raids or dungeons went to free roll where after primary loot was done, anyone could roll on free roll items regardless if they got a primary item previously. However, we are no longer going to be using that, and instead all free roll items will go to the Blackmarket.
The Blackmarket can be accessed by blackmarket tokens passed out at GM-hosted events. The player can request to go to the Blackmarket (outside of event-time) and The Blackmarket runner (the staff) randomly selects two mounts, and selects three items fitting to the character, their class, or the current expansion the server is on, and allows the player to pick one out of those five items. The blackmarket token is used up and cannot be reused.
We feel this will help mitigate issues we have been experiencing with free-roll which is loot saturation of loot that is not being used.
Important Notes about Loot:
I wanted to make a few important notes about loot, Firstly and specifically about when you go up for loot. Please do not go up for loot if you do not intend to use it, and more specifically I ask to be considerate of others, just because you can use something doesn't mean you should. What I mean by that is, when going up for loot, especially now that free roll is no longer going to be used, go for loot that is fitting for your character, and consider if it's something necessary to the character.
Secondly, we will be employing Diablo rules with regards to rings and trinkets, which means no more than two rings and two trinkets can be used in encounters, anything more will negate the effects.
Finally, with regards to raids and other events at the DM/GMs discretion, for characters who have not gotten any loot, they will be given a black market token
EDIT: With regards to the token we will be testing this system out in the up coming raid, it may be subject to change depending.
Hey guys. The staff has seen alot of people ask about certain race class combos that are not represented in game. Until now we really had no official announcement on this and it was mostly players who asked. Well, if you want to play a race/class combo that is currently not represented in game feel free to make a CTS and ask us about it. Keep in mind however, not every combo will be accepted, due to lore,physical race attributes, etc.