Nostalgia chills
<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Faxe Kondi</dt><dd>Sep 2 2016, 09:07:42 PM</dd></dl><div>my son King Kulthar.

[/quote]Thank you for the kind and generous words man. We saw the dawn of this server together, through the very beginning in the distant year of 2008. I'm not around anymore, but the good memories I have from Freedom are always with me, and you are definitely part of many of them, good friend.
I hope you're doing well my old friend. Those days were fun, back when we were younger and our lives were simpler. Looking back I regret nothing and I wish the best future for all parties involved. 2008 seems like a lifetime ago I was 13 then now Im 21 times have changed... it feels like a lifetime ago feelsbadman
Welcome back! There are plenty of new faces around as well.

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