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Hi, I'm Reigen! I'm a GM on Freedom since 2021.
Main Characters
These characters here are the ones you'll find me on the most.
- Reigen - Ren'dorei Archmage, Dragonsworn
- Sorley - Kaldorei Druid, OG Worgen
- Tordormi - Albino bronze drake, baker
- Ryia - Demon Hunter, Warden
Secondary Characters
I play these characters on occasion, but will hop on them when asked.
- Zoey - Half-Elf Black Dragonsworn
- Amethyst - Black/Red Dragon hybrid
- Natasha - Half-Human priest/Hunter
- Krysae - Nightborne spellblade/Alchemist
- Scarlet - Worgen hunter, assassin
- Saelthyn - 'Warlock' researcher, damaged vocal cords
- Elysse - Witch, fortune teller
Other Characters
These characters I generally only log on when asked to play them.
- Xerazi - Angry Draenei who rejects the Naaru
- Linus - Worgen rogue
- Meredith - Warmage
- Keadra - Dark Iron gunslinger
- Zadith - Dark Ranger (not yet approved)
- Lieonai - Sin'dorei Necromancer
- Emra - Orc Shaman
- Raintoh - Blind Hunter, weird bird pet
- Euli'nae - Mounted Warrior
- Shiana - Kaldorei savagekin
- Araeviss - Naga Siren, depressed
- Saeldian - Banshee with the Ebon Blade
- Zyanya - Tauren
I got some baddies too
- Chantel - Undead rogue/alchemist, not evil
Characters here died
- Alteryia - Death Knight, ghost in Jidaeo's blades
OOC character ONLY
These characters are never IC
- Rumor - My DM npc
Retired Characters
Sometimes one character gets replaced by another, or just isn't interesting to play anymore.
- Alexa - Replaced by Zoey really