House Ravensoul

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The Ravensoul family, once known as House Sunfire, is a former noble family that cut all ties with Silvermoon and the Horde during Legion after Reigen witnessed the actions of Sylvanas first hand. Deciding that she no longer wanted to take part in the Sin'dorei being nothing but followers, Reigen officially started the split when the Eastern Plaguelands was taken back from the Cabal. As such, the family is considered neutral and will aid and sell to either side.

Once located upon the border between the Ghostlands and the Eastern Plaguelands, the estates that the family had lived in since its founding has been destroyed by Ryzn. The family has since moved to the floating islands.

The family has a significant amount of wealth to their name on top of businesses that export raw material, as well as a number of magical and historical artifacts kept hidden within the vault.


Matron Reigen with her daughter Merewen in years past.


  • Matron:Archmage Reigen Ravensoul (Reigen)
  • Patron: Zalyn Ravensoul (Edgar)
  • Captain of the Guard: Izshandriel Dreamstalker (xAnimeSola)


  • Kurin Ravensoul (Eldest Brother | Ural)
  • Kieleron Sunfire (Brother - Deceased | TheGrogloki)
  • Sanguis Sunfire (Brother - Deceased | ThePharoah)
  • Xanthe (Daughter | Caravan)
    • Kapre (Husband | Immy)
      • Ariaa (Daughter | Immy)
      • Ilaw (Son | Immy)
      • Kal'alah (Daughter)
  • Bal'tezaar Ravensoul (Son | Rensin)
  • Jyovani Ravensoul (Son | Immy)
    • Faelara Ravensoul (Wife| Erynn)
      • Numerous Children
  • Noraline Sunfire (Daughter - Disowned | Strip)
  • Celienric Ravensoul(Son | Windy)
  • Merewen Ravensoul (Daughter | xAnimeSola)
  • Sylineri Rivermouth (Daughter - Exiled)
  • Amanae Ravensoul (Daughter | Flamalama)
  • Iris Ravensoul (Daughter | Strip)
  • Krilari Dawnsend (Ex-Husband - Deceased? | Krilari)


  • Taald Sel'theril (Smith/Guard | Edgar)
  • Malavellis Sel'theril(Mercenary | Rensin)
  • Mox (Thief, child wrangler| Strip)
  • Rensin Aviles (Shipments | Rensin)


  • Wrenard Durant (bluelink)
    • The Iron Company
  • Orogos (Edgar)
    • The Golden Quill


The home of the Ravensouls
  • Teleport: .f t Reigen

The Ravensoul family resides upon a series of floating islands that can be found above the border of Mount Hyjal and Winterspring. Due to its location between the two, the islands experience the full range of seasons. How Reigen came to acquire the islands for the family is often questioned, with the woman giving no real straight answer. The truth of the matter is that it was stolen from another mage who had gone insane - the man put down by Reigen and the location kept in mind for when it was needed.

The islands are supplied by airship and portals, with Captain Rensin leading the charge in airway shipping.


Wards can be found all over the islands in order to protect the people who live and visit there. Most have been added by Orogos, friend of Reigen, while others have been added and maintained by the Matron herself. These wards include:

  • Protection from falling off the islands
  • A protective barrier that forms around the islands
  • Anti-Scrying wards to keep residents and visitors safe from detection
  • Teleportation blocks that stop anyone without a badge from teleporting in


The symbol of House Ravensoul


Exiled from the lands of the Kaldorei for their refusal to give up the arcane, the Moonsoul family left with the other ousted Highborne.

Rise in Power

As the Moonsoul family grew in power and wealth, they shed their former name to show how they embraced the changes to their bodies and their minds and took up the name Quel'belore.

Reigen Joining


Third War


Change in Leadership

It was during this period of time that Reigen took over the house, once again changing the name of the family from Sunsoul to Sunfire - her maiden name.

Lich King/Nexas Wars


Deathwing and the Cataclysm


War in Pandaria


Warlords of Draenor




Wealth and Business


It goes without saying that House Ravensoul is wealthy and likely has no need to worry about running out of funds during their lifetime - though war can always change that. As of right now, all members live comfortably and find little reason to think about the cost of an item before buying it.


The Ravensoul family has a number of businesses under their wings that not only bring in money from sales, but gives them all the resources they need without having to do anything more than pay the wages of the workers. They specialize in the sale of raw materials so that they can be sold to any type of manufacturer. Mines, for example, can be used to produce ores, stone, and gems which can be sold to smiths, stonemasons, jewelers. It allows them to be free of branding themselves as just supplying material for weapons.

The family owns a number of mines, farms, lumberyards and a few ships for fishing. They've also been known to fund expeditions to acquire historical or magical artifacts, of which the findings will be sold or kept and loaned for 'optional donations'.

When a land has outlived it's use, such as farmland losing fertility or a mine becoming stripped, the family will rent the land out for a portion of the sales. When the renters eventually fall behind and fail to pay, the land will be seized and sold one more time for development.

With their recent split from the Horde, all owned land on Horde territory has been sold to a shell company that still sends profits to the main family. Listed below is the type of land the Ravensoul's own and how the materials produced as sold.


  • Ore
    • Weapons
    • Armor
    • Household utensils
    • Jewelry
    • Engineering
    • Crafting sea and air ships
  • Gems
    • Jewelry
    • Enchanting
    • Alchemy
  • Stone
    • Stonemasonry
    • Engineering
    • Construction


  • Livestock
    • Meat
    • Leather
      • Weapons
      • Armor
    • Products made of animal parts
    • Bone Jewelry
  • Herbs
    • Cooking
    • Alchemy
    • Medicine
  • Crops
    • Food
  • Fishing
    • Food
    • Alchemy
  • Tree/Orchard
    • Fruits
    • Lumber


  • Wood
    • Construction
    • Weapons
    • Armor
    • Engineering
    • Crafting air and sea ships


  • Renting Land
  • Loan sharking
  • Sale of magical or historical artifacts
    • 'Loaning' artifacts