Antorus Legendary and Lore Weapons!

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Revision as of 10:50, 10 November 2023 by Reigen (talk | contribs) (Created page with "[ Forum post here.] Hey guys this thread is to catalogue all the Legendary/Lore Items that will be dropping in the final Legion raid. Due to overwhelming interest, none of these items will be decided until after Antorus is over. Additionally Artifact Wielders may apply for these items but will have to wait until the artifacts are retired to get them. Those who do not have artifacts do not have to wait. Keep in mind thes...")
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Forum post here.

Hey guys this thread is to catalogue all the Legendary/Lore Items that will be dropping in the final Legion raid. Due to overwhelming interest, none of these items will be decided until after Antorus is over. Additionally Artifact Wielders may apply for these items but will have to wait until the artifacts are retired to get them. Those who do not have artifacts do not have to wait. Keep in mind these items can only remain Legendary/Lore items and cannot be brought up to artifact level.

As a reminder effects for Legendary/Lore Items are as follows : 2 actives and 2 passives.

Imonar The Soul Hunter

Glaive of the Hunted

Demon Hunter/Warlock/Warrior Only. Melee users get priority over casters: When Imonar fell, his weapon fell with him. But exploring whats left of his body has produced schematics for a weapon very similar to his. Able to channel Fel, cut through almost anything and as durable and tough as it is easy to wield, the weapon would be a monster in the right hands if it could be remade...



Warrior/Paladin/Shaman Only: The Blade of Aggramar himself. Inside the chest he has left behind, he has left a Blacksmithing plan on how to reforge a powerful version of his own blade. You can only barely make out some of it as much of it is written in Titan. You can see it tells you to seek out Odyn as he may have a Blacksmith who can reforge this weapon for you, as no mortal could.

Argus the Unmaker

Aman'Thul's Vision

Spellcasters Only: The final trinket for the complete set. Aman'thul has left behind a fragement of his own power for a Champion of Azeroth to use. While the Legion has been defeated, dark days may still lay ahead as other forces seek to use the power of Azeroth for their own dark ends. Protect the Final Titan. This item as an extra bonus effect:

Bonus Effect: Once per event, Aman'Thul's Vision's can be used to restore any of the Titan Trinkets back to full charge, allowing a secondary use..

Scythe of the Unmaker(Blue Version)

Magical Infusion: Death/Arcane. Warriors/Death Knights/Mages/Shadow Priests Only: How did the plans for this item end up here? Is this something the Titans would leave behind? Not only that but also contains everything you would need to craft it...Argunite, a Special form of Titansteel and various other materials. You'll just need to find someone to forge it for you. The Power of the Unmaker in your hands...born of Arcane like all Titans and infused with Death. A powerful weapon and a heavy burden to bear.

Scythe of the Unmaker(Red Version)

Magical Infusion: Death/Fel. Warriors/Death Knights/Demon Hunters/Warlocks Only: A second version of his Scythe. Once more it's unknown who exactly put this in here or even why. Only the plans and materials to craft this have some with it, Fel Corrupted Argunite included. Death and Fel..a rare but potent combination, extremely corruptive but immensely powerful. Dangerous in both the right and wrong hands...

Aegis of Aggramar(Replica)

Warrior/Paladin/Shaman Only: Another gift from Aggramar. Plans to craft a shield similar to the Pillar of Creation, the Aegis of Aggramar. While you'll no doubt need either Odyn's or one of the Keeper's in Ulduar's help to forge this, this shield can serve to protect not only Azeroth but your allies as well. While it can never be as powerful as the actual Aegis, the power infused into this shield makes it no less formidable.

Insignia of the Grand Army

Open to anyone, 2 can go out: A gift from the Lightforged. A special ring crafted from Argunite and imbued with immense magical powers. The ring can absorb either Void or Light from the Netherlight crucible, allowing the wielder to craft special effects tailored just for them.