Staff Created Azerite Effects

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Revision as of 10:38, 10 November 2023 by Reigen (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Hey guys! This thread is a list for all staff made Azerite Effects. Unlike player made effects, this effects do not have to be CTSed. Instead they may be slotted, switched out, or completely discarded by players before or after events. The only time Azerite effects cannot be switched out is during event themselves. We also ask you put any of your active Azerite traits somewhere in your TRP. You may have a mix Staff Made and Custom Azerite effects but can only have three...")
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Hey guys! This thread is a list for all staff made Azerite Effects. Unlike player made effects, this effects do not have to be CTSed. Instead they may be slotted, switched out, or completely discarded by players before or after events. The only time Azerite effects cannot be switched out is during event themselves. We also ask you put any of your active Azerite traits somewhere in your TRP. You may have a mix Staff Made and Custom Azerite effects but can only have three active at any one time. Also remember, like Artifact Gold Traits, Azerite Traits will unlock over time. April 27th, 2024 will be the day of the first trait’s unlock. The second will be unlocked in a mini event during a main event break in July or August. The third will be unlocked similarly during the next holiday break (November 2024 to January 2025). So everyone will only start with one active trait before eventually unlocking the second and then finally the third, similar to Artifact traits. For more info, look at this thread

Azerite Traits have sub sections. Generic traits are more rounded and role neutral. Tanking traits are more suited for characters who feel they like to tank. Healing Traits are more suited towards healers. Protection are more role netural ways for players to protect themselves. Location Traits are unlocked once a faction has unlocked a zone. They are not inherently limited to that zone but some effects are. Their may be items in the future that allows players to use those location locked traits to be used anywhere.


Generic Traits: Can be used once the HoA is Unlocked


By choosing this effect, you find yourself bound more than ever to the pulse of the planet. Each beat of Azeroth’s heart brings you power but this power reduces over time.

Once per event you may activate this power, syncing yourself with rhythm. At the start of your turn after, roll 1-10. Whatever the number lands on is the amount of rounds your healing and normal attacks are empowered by Azeroth. Your healing is better and your attacks hit harder, as well as doing added arcane damage to melee, ranged and magical strikes. The empowerment of this buff fades each round it is in use and cannot be refreshed. This effect completely fades when the event is over.

Blood Siphon

Choosing this effect makes you more intune with the ebb and flow of the lifeblood within your allies. Their heartbeats become more apparent– thrumming along in concert with your own.

The Heart becomes a conduit, linking you to TWO of your choice of allies. Their pain is yours, their emotions swim in dizzying disarray along with yours. You feel their bodies moving as if they were your own– ghost limbs on the edge of your subconscious.

Twice per event, when one of the linked allies is injured near you in a way that sheds blood, the Heart siphons that shed lifeblood and bolsters your next melee, ranged, or magical attack with an added powerful and potent boost of blood magic. How this manifests alongside your attack is up to you.


The Heart of Azeroth taps into your very vitality– the untapped potential within yourself. Once per event, you can activate this ability and the Heart siphons some of your vitality to give you a surge of speed giving you a choice. You may empower your speed to be able to dodge ANY counter attack or threshold roll even if it’s claimed to be undodgeable(Dm Discretion) for the rest of the event OR for one encounter you may empower your attack speed, allowing you choose another group to attack with for that encounter.(The second effect can only be used by a max of 3 players during the event and they must choose different secondary groups to go with. You must also put in your TRP what your secondary group is)

On my Way

True veterans of war know that to win a fight, you must work as a team. The heart gifted to you seems to be able to read this as well, channeling the cries of your allies into a gift of speed - urging you on to strike back at what harmed your ally.

Twice per event, when someone near you loses a counter attack, you may initiate a counter attack against whatever hit them and place yourself near your struck ally. (You must declare you’re doing this in a quick raid macro)

Unstable Flames

This trait  teaches the user how to cast Azerite Fireball. An Azerite Fireball is an unstable, explosive and deadly version of a normal fireball. This attack can be cast indefinitely, so long as this trait is slotted, and every explosive strike of this weapon leaves behind unstable Azerite Flames.

Once per encounter, you may connect with the Unstable Flames and cause them to erupt wherever they may be, causing an Azerite explosion that tears through enemies and allies alike.

Heed my Call

The Heart of Azeroth pulses energy, allowing you to grasp the Azerite Infused elementals that travel under the earth.

Once per event, you may tap into this web of connections– sending a pulse of energy out in all directions, as far as the eye can see. A smaller errant Azerite elemental heeds your call, lumbering to your side and prepared to do battle on your behalf. This creature acts as a pet and can take actions during your turn as normal pets do. This pet lasts until the end of the encounter it is summoned on but you may use the Heart to roll to keep control of it. If you choose to do this and fail the roll, the Elemental becomes hostile and attacks everyone.

Azerite Globules

The Heart finds itself empowered by Azerite - but it’s not against using its own blood to defend itself and its wearer. Every time you attack, you cause a tiny little globule made of Azerite to form. Upon reaching three spawns, they will join together and swarm over your foe - and promptly explode. These globs will follow you until you decide to send them to explode on an enemy or enemies. However, if you already have three globules, you cannot create more until the current three have been sacrificed. Be warned however, as other creatures made of azerite may be able to absorb them and empower themselves.


Hitting someone while they’re low may not be the most honorable act in the world, but it is hardly ineffective. With this trait, you can make sure you follow up after a successful strike to really press in the point of your efforts.

Once per event, after a successful counter attack, you may make a second quick attack against the same target so long as they survive the first attack. If your first quick emote killed the target, this trait does not carry an additional attack to an additional target. (Make sure to have this as a raid-ready macro.)

Elemental Whirl

Channeling the power of the Heart, you imbue yourself with…elements! Not just any one, but a veritable many! This imbuing extends to any weapons, natural or otherwise, possessed by whomever uses this. At the start of every encounter the user may roll 1-5, corresponding to the list below here.

1- Fire

2- Frost/Water

3- Lightning

4- Earth

5- All of them.

Their subsequent attack is imbued with whatever they roll, and empowered as such at DM discretion. If a 5 is rolled, it might be a bit more chaotic/explosive than intended.

Overwhelming Power  

The Heart of Azeroth proves once more to be a useful tool for those who like to spread terror and pain against their foes. Through its connection to you, it has started to store the feedback of your attacks within itself, ready to be unleashed when enough power has been contained.

Each time you strike an enemy, you gain a stack of Overwhelming Power. Upon reaching five stacks, you can unleash a devastating attack five times as powerful as it would normally be (per DM discretion). Stacks can be gained so long as you hit an enemy - be it a normal turn or winning a counter. You only gain one stack in each instance, AoEs and chain attacks only grant one stack. If you should get a Minor or Major Killing blow, if there is another encounter, you immediately start with 5 stacks.

Unstable Catalyst

The Heart of Azeroth seems to react oddly with your presence, becoming more volatile and unstable– the liquid azerite within bubbling and frothing as if agitated.

When casting spells or attacking, a small pool of Azerite forms where your attack hits. The pool lightly empowers any ally standing it but its raw energy is too much to be contained. If a pool is struck by a spell that emits any type of flames, this causes the Azerite Pool to Ignite and explode upon any ally or enemy near it. If a pool is struck by an Azerite Fireball from Unstable Flames all Azerite Pools in the combat area are ignited.

Champion of Azeroth(Cannot be taken with Anduin’s Dedication OR Sylvanas’ Resolve)

There is something to be said about remaining neutral in a time of war. Some call it weakness, unwilling to pick a side while both sides see you as enabling another. Some consider it cowardice. Yet, a great many respect the struggle to keep walking the line, willing to see both sides of things. You are not in this for the Horde. You are not in this for the Alliance. You are in this to protect your home, your friends, and your world.

Once per event, you shine with the light of the world, becoming a beacon of inspiration, hope, and a reminder of what is at stake more than the pride of each faction. Choose three other raid members plus yourself and empower them - allowing them to take TWO ACTIONS their next turn, be it attacking twice, healing twice(including removing debuffs), or attacking once and healing the second. (Dm discretion).

Anduin's Dedication(Alliance Only, cannot be taken with Champion of Azeroth)

Anduin’s dedication to the Alliance is matched only by his faith in the Light, and by channeling the strength of that conviction, you can mimic one of his greatest feats at the Battle of Lordaeron.

Once per event, you may channel energy into the heart as it takes on a golden hue. While it mimics the Light, it is NOT the Light, so it can still be used to heal undead and demon hunters/forlarren. You may select up to five other members of the raid (not yourself) and heal them back to full from the brink of death, purging them of nearly any debuffs that may be afflicting them in the process (DM Discretion).

Sylvanas' Resolve(Horde Only, cannot be taken with Champions of Azeroth)

Much could be said of Sylvanas, and much of it negative. But one thing both her allies and enemies alike can agree on is her resolve and her drive to survive. Even death has failed to claim her, and that same resolve can be found within both your heart and the Heart of Azeroth.

Once per encounter, you can channel that resolve through the Heart of Azeroth, and allow that resolve to flow through you, mending your wounds and purging debuffs that are upon you (DM Discretion). Though it’s not quite powerful enough to bring you back from the dead, it can just as well take you back from the brink.

Tanking Generic Traits: Traits that are more protective. Can be used once the HoA is unlocked.

Ablative Shielding

The heart projects a semi-solid field of energy around you that slowly chips away as you take hits. In effect, the shield breaks so your body doesn’t. It can withstand a good few hits before fully breaking, but each hit will see more of the damage getting through to you underneath. The shielding will negate the negative effects of the first counter-attack or threshold roll you fail at an event. Your second and third failed counters will only affect you at half strength, and anything beyond that will result in the shielding breaking and you taking the full brunt of attacks made against you again. (All subject to DM discretion) So long as the shield is up, you may also intercede on failed counter attacks made against your allies, taking the damage in their place.

Crystalline Carapace

Through the Heart, you channel fortitude, and it answers. Twice per event, you may call upon the Heart to cover yourself, and two allies in a layer of crystalline ‘armor,’ effectively acting as a second skin akin to barkskin. This armor is quite resilient to most attacks, and enables you to effectively weather a failed physical counter, with the armor shattering explosively upon the failed counter–harming up to five foes nearby. This effect does not block mind control or psychic damage effects.(Dm Discretion)

Winds of War

Calling upon the very winds of Azeroth you are able to manipulate them to draw your foes into a trapped melee. Swirling vortexes scream across the battlefield searching for foes of your choosing. Any who are unfortunate enough to be trapped within them would find themselves spiraling to your violent will.

One per encounter, you may call upon the winds of Azeroth to create five  5 whirling tornados that will tear across the battlefield. You may choose to target one enemy per tornado drawing them to you in slashing winds OR you may choose to combine the tornados to create a mighty hurricane that will draw (taunt) the attention of a mighty foe. This grants you advantage to the immediate counter roll only, the hurricane is only able to target boss level mobs. If used to create a hurricane, the effect is considered used up for the rest of the event. (Dm discretion, does not work on immovable bosses)

Strength in Numbers

Though the champions of Azeroth are formidable foes in and of themselves, you know that your strength is that much greater in numbers. However, you also know that not all of your allies are as durable as you, so if you call them to your aid, you should be ready to safeguard them.

Once per encounter, when you are targeted with a counter roll, you may call upon up to four others. They can reject, but should they accept, the heart will teleport them to your side, and you will turn the roll into a group counter. If you still lose the roll, you will take all the damage from the attack and your allies will be safe.

Shimmering Haven

Using the power of Azeroth itself you create a blinding safe haven for both yourself and your allies. You become the beacon of hope that those in the trenches rally to in their hour of dire need. The armor between your allies and the tide.

Once per event, when the tides of battle grow dire you call upon the power of Azeroth to lend aid. Large golden gemstones erupt from the earth creating a protective haven. The haven immediately reacts to enemies and pushes them away and out of the dome. The dome will remain for One Round and vanish at the end of the user’s next turn. During that time up to 4 players may enter the dome and will be granted sanctuary from all forms of damage and debuffs.They may enter and exit out of turn but cannot reenter the dome if they have just attacked an enemy until the end of the following turn. Healers inside the dome may cleanse another player also within the dome of any debuffs out of turn. Those players who remain within the dome may not attack any foe that remains outside of it. The dome itself may be targeted by greater enemies. In the event the haven is targeted, those who are currently in the dome at the time of the attack may roll as a group to protect it. If the group fails the haven shatters and the sanctuary is lost for those in need. (DM Discretion)   

Healing Generic Traits: Traits are more healing. Can be used once the HoA is unlocked.

Synergistic Growth

The Heart you carry forms a bond with the other hearts carried by those of your groupmates. Any healing you impart upon one of them will spread to the others, yourself included, albeit not quite as strong. If your healing would damage other members of your group, the heart they carry will take over and heal them itself.

Once per encounter, you may channel an overwhelming burst of energy through the synergistic link, purging a debuff from every single member of your group, including yourself. (DM Discretion)

Ephemeral Recovery

Azeroth has endured great pain to persevere, and so must her children. Through the heart, you are able to seemingly cleanse debuffs from your allies, even if you are not naturally a healer or if you are, empower yourself to remove a debuff from a second person in the same turn. However, such actions come at cost. If you use this effect, you must draw upon your life force to help your allies and will suffer an unremovable -10 for the rest of the encounter. You may keep using this effect so long as you're alive but if you should ever reach -100 you die.This debuff is removed at the end of the encounter but if you have -50 or above, this effect cannot be used for the rest of the event.

Blessed Portents

The Heart of Azeroth twinkles with light, showering you with an array of dancing, shining pinpricks that all gather around you. You swear these motes of energy contain tiny, nigh-imperceptible voices that all speak of dangers to come. These unknown voices seem intent on preventing calamity, and are equally intent on you doing the same with their knowledge.

You gain 3 ‘Portents’-- these small wisps of future not yet come to pass. You can choose to spend a portent to either:

Bestow a healer with knowledge of the future and what injuries are to befall their allies, gifting them just enough time to better prepare their healing spells, as well as with specifics of injuries that are to come. The healer may choose to spend their portent to double the effectiveness of a healing spell or healing item ability on their turn (DM discretion).


Bless an ally with a split second glimpse into the future at a critical moment. The ally may spend the portent to dodge an otherwise undodgeable attack(either Counter or Threshold), saving them from terrible injury.(Dm Discretion)

May have unforeseen consequences in areas heavily affected by the Shadow or Void.

Bracing Chill

Azeroth cares for all her children - regardless of their state of life. Healing for those who find themselves on the tainted side of things tends to be harder to come by. ANY healer who picks up this trait will be able to tap into the natural chill of the world - freezing over wounds instead of outright healing them in order to keep the body together (in the case of undead) and stop any bleeding (in the case of void-tainted/demonicly tainted). While this won’t hurt anyone ‘normal’, freezing their bodies will likely be very unpleasant.

Concentrated Mending

Knowing you are going into the battlefield is one thing, but those who wish to see another battle know the importance of preparation. Through the Heart you are graced with the ability to mark yourself or an ally with a glowing rune of your design and hue (At DM discretion, Once per encounter). Over time this marking will constantly heal your body, and keep you rejuvenated. However this constant healing may not be very potent initially but over time it can heal more serious wounds. However the mark requires concentration.

If you fail a counter roll or a threshold roll, you lose concentration and the mark dissipates.


The ability to mend one's friends and allies upon the field of battle is important - and the very land you seek to defend is aware that should her defenders fall, she will be in danger. Through the heart, your will and desire to mend others becomes something more than even you intended.

Your healing has become more effective at healing those who are closer to death’s door - almost as if rewarding you for prioritizing those in need over those who are close to you in location and in friendship.

Once per ENCOUNTER, if you heal someone critically injured, the healing will bounce to up to THREE others of your choosing.

Once per EVENT, if you heal someone who is labeled close to death/on death’s door or otherwise about to die, you will trigger a raid-wide heal. Doing this also uses up the previous once per encounter effect.

All effects per DM discretion. Whoever gets this item will need to pay attention to the DMs emotes, as they will note if someone is near death or critically injured.


Not every healer is one who uses magic - some are trained in traditional medicines and fixing people up with gaze, linen bandages, stitches, saws and some good ol’ whiskey to take the pain away. Somehow, the Heart has prepared for those who are this way.

By wearing the heart while performing non-magical first aid on another, your actions BECOME magical and allow you to patch up any living creatures who need your aid. Any area that you work on starts to heal as if you were a priest, shaman or any other such healer.

For the unliving, it boosts your knowledge of anatomy, allowing you to put them back together correctly and less like a puzzle of ‘this looks right I guess’.   

Defensive Generic Traits: Traits that are more defensive, regardless of whether they are a tank or not. Can be used as soon as the HoA is unlocked.


Selecting this trait puts the wielder in tune with the crystalline minerals of Azeroths crust. You can feel their power seething beneath the surface of the world, like a mage can harness the power of ley lines you can harness the protective strength of crystals.

Once per event you may call upon the crystals of the Azeroth to answer your call. Roll 1d100.

On a 1 or 100 you are encased in a protective prism housed in a colossal crust. You will become a Gemshard Colossus. This effect allows you to tank the heaviest of blows and withstand incredible damage. The effects will last until the end of your next turn or until the construct shell is destroyed. (DM Discretion)

On a 2-99 you attract the gemstones of the crust around you to magnetically graft themselves into an armor-like shell upon your body. This will grant you the temporary effect of Spell Absorption. The armor will absorb and house the type of spell damage you are struck with, giving you medium resistance to future attacks of the same type as well as allowing you to eventually unleash it upon the enemy. The armor lasts until the end of your next turn but when this ability is activated and either you or any ally in the raid group fails a counter attack or a threshold roll, you may shatter the armor around you and unleash the enemies own magic against them. Be warned that getting struck/healed with a possible opposing force of the magic you absorbed may have negative consequences(Dm Discretion)

Impassive Visage

You may activate this ability once per event and the effect lasts the entire event. You can deactivate this ability but not on the same encounter you activated it on.

No matter how badly hurt you are, you don’t look it. You don’t even feel it. It’s virtually impossible for someone to tell how badly hurt you are, and frankly, you find it fairly difficult yourself, requiring a serious moment of self consideration and introspection. With this effect, your wounds will never slow you down and your mind is rock solid. You speak as if you have no emotion. In this state you are immune to any debuffs caused by mental attacks and cannot be mind controlled (DM Discretion). However, because you are so impassive, your emotional state never changes and you cannot benefit from any effect that gives you a bonus or advantage to your counter attack.

Vampiric Speed

While not defensive in the traditional sense, it could be said that ensuring you don’t die is a form of defense. This blessing upon the heart increases the speed of your weapon, allowing it to both strike and parry faster than you may have previously thought possible. Each strike you make and each blow you parry will slightly heal you. Once per encounter, when you win a counter attack, you will be able to fully heal yourself and purge debuffs. (DM discretion)


While armor is good to have for mitigating damage, it’s often been said, it’s better to not get hit at all. With this enhancement on the Heart, you’ll find yourself moving faster, reacting quicker, and all around better able to get yourself out of dodge. Though it has limited use on the offense, it may well save your life. Once per event, you may dodge an otherwise undodgeable counter or threshold roll with the DM’s permission.

Resounding Protection

Those wearing a Heart are forever connected to Azeroth - and through her, we find strength. Her earth, her strength - a power leant to you. Upon starting combat, you find yourself protected by a magical shield of translucent Azerite.

This shield greatly diminishes non-counter attacks against you and environmental effects. Once per encounter, if two turns have passed without you being attacked, you may emote with the third group and break the shield, causing a sonic boom that damages any enemies around you(be sure to make a marco stating you are doing this)

Once per event, if you fail a counter attack or a threshold roll you may activate this ability prematurely and cancel out the failed counter by erupting with a Sonic Boom. If you choose to do this, the ability is deactivated for the rest of the event.

Self Reliance

No one is an island, but you feel you do your best work on your own. Or perhaps you simply prefer to carry your own weight so you don’t burden others. You may activate this effect once per event and it lasts the entire event. This effect can only be deactivated once an encounter has ended.

You will be unable to accept help from others. No one can interrupt your counters,no one can heal you and you cannot participate in group counters. Instead if you are targeted by a group counter, you opt to take it on alone and may choose to either have a +10 or advantage to your attempt. This bonus only counts for counters that are stated to be group counters and you must inform the DM you have this ability active. Additionally while this effect is active, you may purge yourself of any non-mind controlling debuffs and if you do, you slightly heal some of your wounds. You can only remove a debuff on your turn but may still attack.

Azerite Fortification

The Heart of Azeroth senses your willingness to be the shield for your comrades– to be the unstoppable behemoth your foes fear, who shrugs off their attacks like so many flies. And so it taps into that want, that need to protect; and answers.

As long as the Heart is in your possession, you find yourself more difficult to move. You become noticeably heavier, your steps sounding like the hoof-beats of a warhorse.

Twice per event, when an attack hits you that should move you with its force, you may choose to tap into the sturdiness of Azeroth Herself and become immovable. You take less damage from the attack itself, and stay in place while your comrades are thrown like dolls.

Once you use the two charges, you feel the Heart thrum in anticipation– as if it was storing the excess kinetic energy from the last two blows within itself. You can stomp and send a shockwave of thunderous force outwards, expending the saved energies outwards in a cone towards your enemies. Lesser enemies are thrown; scattered and their defenses broken, while greater enemies stumble, their bodies taking heavy damage from the sheer force of the blow (DM discretion).

Bulwark of the Masses

Some fight in the back lines, others in the front line. You? You fight in the enemy's line! You thrive off being in the center of all the chaos and relish in the pain it brings.

Once per encounter, if you are set upon by more than a single lesser foe (a counter with more than one enemy attacking you), you may activate a shield that protects you from all angles. If you win the counter and the DM asks you to roll to see how many enemies you kill, you may instead kill all enemies that struck you(DM discretion). If you fail the counter, you still take half damage and any negative effects but you may roll out of the number of enemies attacking you. The number you land on is the number of enemies you may kill in a quick emote. If your roll allows you to kill all enemies, you may refresh this trait and use it again in the same encounter.

Location Traits: Traits that Unlock once a zone opens up for that faction.


Incite the Pack

The wild beasts of Zuldazar are second to none. Their ancient ferocity giving pause the even the most terrifying a foe. Tapping into their Primal powers is not for the feint of heart. But those who are brave enough to call upon the Wilds would find the ancient beasts strength not just their own but their allies as well.

Once per Event: You unleash a terrifying call that mimics the hunters shriek of the Zuldazar raptors. Both you and the group you are in become buffed with a pack like instinct. Your strength, speed, and senses all rise to predatory heights. The pack's terrifying call frees all members of the group from any immobilizing effects as they lust to hunt as one.

Moving in unison your pack may intervene in any counter attack that targets any other pack members and either turn it into a group counter(where bonus to the total is a static +20 irregardless of any other bonuses a pack member may have) or attempt to intervene in a failed counter by a pack member, gaining advantage on that roll. Should an intervening pack member win the roll, then both may attack. If they fail, only the intervening pack member is struck. Only one pack member may intervene per counter attack and cannot intervene on group counter’s or threshold rolls. This effect lasts the entire encounter but failing a group counter or an intervention knocks that player out of the Pack. Incite the Pack cannot be used twice on the same group in the same encounter.

Rezan's Fury

The Heart of Azeroth swirls with ancient, regal power. You swear it thumps against your chest here and there, as if something within is stomping with gargantuan footsteps. Those tied to the Loa may find the energy suffusing the Heart tied to Rezan, the Loa of Kings.

The Heart bestows you too with this regal, powerful energy. Every time you make a counter attack or threshold roll, roll 1-6. If you roll a 5 or 6, a Child of Rezan is summoned from the jungles, rushing to your aid. The devilsaur acts as a pet and can act on your turn as normal pets do. The creature lasts until defeated, or until the end of the encounter– in which time it bows and retreats into the jungles from whence it came.

This ability can only be activated if the player is within the continent of Zandalar, and only once per encounter, and twice per event.

Stormsong Valley

Tidal Surge

The deep is one that yields calm, and fury alike, and the Heart of Azeroth is one to deliver both. Tapping into the Heart, one is able to cause a wave of Azerite-infused tides to wash over the field, to do one of two once per encounter effects.

1. They may choose up to five allies and cleanse them of ALL debuffs, at DM discretion, as well as significantly mending their wounds.

2. They may designate up to five enemies to be crushed beneath the wave, with any survivors slowed down by how -cold- the wave was. This one is a more reckless attack, capable of harming allies if they are caught in it.

Secrets of the Deep

The Tidesages of Stormsong know the deep waters and what lies within. The secrets of the ocean are laid bare upon the waves for them to see. However, some secrets should remain hidden within it’s depths. The Heart of Azeroth slowly reveals them to you.

By having this trait active, its effect automatically engages. For the entire event, any normal, successful counter or threshold roll attack spawn Azerite Infused Water Droplet near you. On their turn, any player(including you), may interact with a Droplet. This purges all debuffs, and does a moderate heal on any who interact with it, without sacrificing their turn.

However, randomly(at DM Discretion), a Void Droplet will form, created somewhere deep underwater. Players(And Enemies) may interact with this droplet but must roll against the DM. Players who succeed the roll are granted a +15 to all counters and threshold rolls…at the cost of having disadvantage from void whispers during the encounter. This effect can be removed by a debuff purge. Failing the roll blasts players back with a watery void. The more players using Secret of the Deep increases the chance of Void Droplets forming as well as the current location of the players.