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General Information


Player: Reigen

Name: Reigen Ravensoul [Sunfire]

Nicknames: 'Jewel of the South', Rei, 'Hey no don't do tha- ah damnit', Monster

Age: 564

Race: Ren'dorei

Class: Cryomancer/Animagus [Frost(Shadow)/Anima]

Association(s): Kirin Tor, Tirisgarde, Iron Company, Golden Quill, The Uncrowned, Alliance

Titles: Archmage, Conjuror, Lady, Matriarch of Ravens, Captain, Knight-Lieutenant

Family: Ravensoul



Reigen is a skilled mage, specializing in the schools of evocation and illusion while favoring cryomancy. Her mastery in frost magic has only grown through the court of the Legion campaign when she was gifted Ebonchill to add to her arsenal. She had dabbled in every school of magic, including necromancy, though that is known only to a fair few people and is no longer a magic she practices.

Due to recent events, she has also started to master the magic of anima - taught to her by Emyrgos. Though she was not personally part of the campaign in Pandaria, she nonetheless respects the fact that this new magic is dangerous. More than one person has called the magic evil and warned her against using it, but she feels as though the reward far outweighs the risk. She will respect any who tell here not to use the magic on them, even if it's a life or death situation.

Reigen has access to shadow magic that she sparingly uses, Ebonchill allowing her to safely cast the spells. As of becoming a Ren'dorei during the ramping up of the forth war, Reigen's frost magic has become tainted with shadow and she is unable to control it. Due to excessive amounts of void exposure and use of void-tainted objects, the void is as much a part of her as she is of it. There is no going back.

Reigen also has a collection of relics and trinkets she's gathered along the way that further her own abilities, though not all of them are for the faint of heart.


Shockingly enough, Reigen knows how to throw daggers and currently has one that will return to her when thrown. She has some minor hand to hand skills that are enhanced by using anima to harden here skin and bones, as well as twisting her fingers into claws in order to tear people apart.


For Reigen, her ability to socialize and get information out of a person might as well be magic. Through the many years she's been alive, Reigen has established a network of spies, informants, rumor mongers and gossip girls across all factions and races. She uses this to keep herself in the loop of what's going on and to spread misinformation and lay traps as needed. It is this network and her ability to act before her involvement is known that caught the attention of the Uncrowned - where she currently serves as an information broker.

She also knows how to tattoo others, play the piano and harp, paint/sketch and sing. Standard noble stuff.


Archmage Reigen Ravensoul

Reigen is a short woman, standing a grand 5'0 (1.524m) tall and sometimes gets mistaken as a child.

Her natural hair color used to be black, but after being tainted by the void it is a shifting mixture of black, dark blue, and a deep violet. It is long enough to reach down to the ground and drag behind her, though often the end is braided so that it reaches down to her knees. Somehow, against all odds, her hair has not been burnt off though one could blame magic for that.

Her skin is a ghostly pale blue, looking as though the sun was a foreign concept to her all together. Her fingers have started to become warped, looking more like claws the more she changes them with her anima.

Her right eye is the blood red, tainted from her use of anima. Her left eye, however, has been replaced by a cursed object and looks like a calcified dragon's eye that is oozing with arcane. Both eyes have dark rings under them, showing rather clearly that the woman does not get enough sleep.

Reigen struggles to keep weight on, focused more on beauty over health and only recently has managed to maintain a figure that isn't bone thin.


The tattoo on Reigen's forehead.

The most notable tattoo on Reigen's body would be the eye that is on her forehead. She has had it for several decades now as a testament to her growing power and uncanny ability to know almost anything and everything that is going on around her. The third eye represents power and wisdom and this meaning holds true to her. This tattoo is reinked every time it starts to fade.

Starting from her shoulders, down her arms, back, front, and ending at her hips is one set of purple tattoos that go down in straight lines. They seem to follow her bones and are little more than decoration on her body. The lines traveling down her arms end at her wrists while the one down her back follows her spine while the ones on her front follow end with the lines just touching her chest.

The lines at her hips and back were extended in a later session, the ink shifting colors due to its enchanted and magical nature. The These lines run down the front, back, and sides of her leg and end at her ankles. Beyond looking pretty, this tattoo provides a stamina increase allowing her to remain on her feet longer and keep up with the other front-liners. Without them, she'd fall behind.

Last is a mark upon her neck of the letter 'Z' with a small raven upon it. This one oozes shadow, allowing her long-distance communication with Zalyn.


When looking at Reigen, the most obvious scar would be the fresh burn scarring around her left eye from when it lights on fire. From the fact that it is constantly renewing itself each time she uses the eye, it's doubtful it'll ever heal, leaving it as a permanent reminder of the curse.

The other large scar on her body would be around here chest and midsection. This looks to be from the mouth of a large creature - in this case a blue drake that had crushed her between its jaws. She makes no effort to hide the teeth scarring, thus putting it on display when she wears anything that shows off her body.

There is a purple-tainted void scar in the center of her chest from where she had been shot by a void-arrow from Ally.

The scar hardest to see would be her mismatched tongue. Part of it was torn off and regrown, leaving the coloring off.

The rest of her body is covered with small marks here and there from weapons and magic and are the resault of having many enemies and taking part in a war against the Legion.


Reigen has suffered since birth with an illness that stunted her growth and denied her the ability to properly gain nutrients. Being homebound left her pale and weak, something she struggles with to this day. Though most see her when she's at her best, she can often vanish for months to years on end when her medication dosage ceases to be functional. It took many years for a proper diagnose from Dr. Dino for an official cause to be learned: She has sickle cell anemia, the misshapen blood causing her chronic symptoms.

Thanks to the magic of anima, she has been able to keep her body far more functional and avoid episodes of pain and weakness. She hopes, one day, to be able to change her body to produce normal blood for good.


Body study of Reigen

How Reigen acts really depends on her company.

For her friends, she can be playful and very generous, if a bit moody. When she likes someone, she'll see to it they have what they need and will protect them to the best of her ability - so long as they don't ignore her advice. She takes pity on those she sees as victims of the governments - those left behind and forgotten or otherwise ignored - and will take them in to provide them a home, a job, and an opportunity to better themselves while working for her goals. She loves her family, though isn't afraid to exile or disown those who go against what she feels is best for the flock.

She's a functional alcoholic, though she would rather drinks like rum, whiskey and vodka over wine. More often than not, she'll be seen drinking from a flask in social situations or even before battle.

Reigen can be racist, though she's working slowly on that. Past traumas have made it hard for her to see members of certain races as anything else but lesser or problematic. As she meets more people and experiences the wider range of what each race has to offer, she finds herself opening up more to them.

To those who she feels have wronged her, she's a very different woman. She is cold, calculating and cruel, not above resorting to torture or punishments that far outweigh the 'crime' committed against her, her friends, or her family. She will go out of her way to make their lives as miserable as possible and isn't afraid to hurt others to get to her main objective. Be it ruining a marriage, causing a financial collapse or straight up murder, one way or another she will get her revenge and it will not be pleasant.


Reigen with her daughter Merewen in years past.

Reigen enjoys socializing and has no issues making conversation with anyone over anything. She can often be discribed as the life of the part and, given the opportunity, will start social drinking games to get the edge off any awkward situation. She knows what to say, when to say it, and how to turn any drama in her favor. Though she claims to hate drama, she's more than eager to listen to how it ruins the lives of others - and may give a little nudge to help fan the flames. It's no secret she enjoys the misery of others.

When in polite company, she'll reign herself in and act like a proper Lady as much as she needs too. She knows how to wear a mask to fit the mood, though sometimes she can't help but cause a little chaos.


Those who say that pryomancers are the hot heads of the magi have never met Reigen. While most picture frost mages as stoic, even near emotionless, Reigen tends to shatter that expectation with calls for violence that would make a an orc blush. While in battle, she embraces violence and will do anything in her power to utterly destroy her enemies. She's been known to cause gory messes to those who cause her ire, going as far as to blow up the bodies of two advisors using anima and ripping an astromancer to shreds, covering the room with blood, flesh and organs.

Reigen will blink head first into battle, facing down foes up close and personal in order to cause and capitalize off of shock. The longer a fight goes on, or the more personal it gets, the more cruel and vindictive Reigen will become. If an enemy does not need to be slain quickly, she'll seek to cause them as much pain and suffering as possible. This has been known to go on for weeks and months with mental games and physical torture. Of course, she never outright admits this.

She finds thrills in battle and embraces the pain that comes with it.


Birth and toddler years

"I wasn't wanted, that much was clear. I don't blame them, overwhelmed as my parents were - well. That's a lie. I blame them for not keeping their damn urges controlled. We suffered for their idiocy."

To say that Reigen was born to a poor family was an understatement. A drunken mistake found her birthed in a tiny converted gazebo that was used to house the massive family. There were no walls dividing 'rooms', rather curtains that were hunt to divide sleeping quarters for the parents, males, and females of the family. She was the last to be born, taking after her mother with strawberry blonde hair that would later darken to the black she's known to have today. The family has little money to support the size it already was, let alone an addition. Her father was angered she managed to survive, hoping that the malnourishment of the family would somehow deny her life.

He almost got his wish, the child born frail and sick, not even with enough energy to cry. She was kept alive by the will of her mother and siblings, who often resorted to stealing food so that the mother could at least produce some food for a baby. Many of them worked from the moment they could with small tasks, taking turns to watch over the new member. There were attempts by medical professionals who took pity on the family to see what could be done, but it was figured out that magic would do no good. Whatever was causing her ill health was a born ailment, not something to be cured by magic. At least, not without a price the family could never afford.

Reigen grew up with her father distain for her hardly hidden, the man often commenting about how she was nothing more than a strain on the family and would have no use. Words she may not have understood, but they stuck with her as the meaning became clear later on. For the first few years of her life, she was unable to leave their home. The denied access to sunlight did no favors to her health, her skin, nor her hair. It wasn't that she was banned, more so she had no energy to move. At the age most children we taking their first steps, she was only learning to drag herself along by her arms.

Thankfully support came with her siblings, Kurin and Kieleron most of all, working themselves near to death in order to be able to get their youngest sister some help. It was through trial and error that some experimental medication was found to help her gain strength, though the doses were often far and few in-between. She may not have been wanted by her parents, but at least she was loved by her siblings.


"Home was horrid, really. Cramped, loud, father yelling and mother crying. I found more comfort in the wilds - odd I didn't turn out to be a Farstrider. Granted, their uniforms are rather...plain."

With the medication provided, Reigen would find herself able to pick up walking, though she still had very limited speech. Part from not being able to pick it up, part from simply just not wanting to communicate. When it was safe for her to be able to walk up and down the ramp to their home, she was permitted to go...anywhere really. Her mother requesting she be back by sundown while her father simply didn't care if she returned home at all. She spent most of her time enjoying solitude near the lake and the trees, though her favorite place to be was the cemetery.

While most found the location creepy, she enjoyed the cats that frequented the area. Though it took many visits - delayed when she was unwell - to begin befriending and socializing the feral felines. Sometimes she'd be able to dig up wild-grown foods, pick berries and even find lost containers of food to bring home. More than a few times she found herself violently sick due to eating a berry that wasn't safe for mortal consumption, though she figured out quickly that if it was safe to eat, the animals would have picked it clear by now.

So long as she was healthy, she was out of the home. When she was unwell and confined, she would sleep as much as possible in order to avoid the fights her parents had. The mother finding out the father cheated again, or that he spent his money on anything but food. A standard, broken, home filled with broken memories and broken dreams. The fights became more frequent as her siblings found work and homes outside of the household, as the father found himself having to work more to make up for a cut source of income.

The fighting would end soon enough, though not how she expected it too.

Drowning near Suncrown

OOC note: Lore does not state when the major drowning of Suncrown happens, the model implies a Sin'dorei, but the lore states High Elven. Should it come to light it happened later, changes will be made.

"I suppose that's why I never learned to swim. You don't witness that and want to go near the water. The screams, then the silence. Years of tradition, hundreds of lives, gone in a blink of an eye."

Life in the wilds


Adoption and Schooling




Third War

Icecrown Campaign


The Mists

Warlords of a second reality

Third Legion Invasion

Magical Items

Beacon - This glass bracelet fits snugly around her right wrist, allowing her to contact Emyrgos as well as summon him if there's a great need.

Dagger - This yet to be named dagger was gifted to her by Zalyn, crafted by Taald, and is enchanted with shadows to allow her to summon it back when thrown.

Ebonchill - Perhaps the most valuable possession she has, this staff was granted to her when her previous one shattered. It grants her a mastery of frost and the ability to use shadow spells without fear of corruption.