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Revision as of 17:09, 14 January 2023 by Reigen (talk | contribs) (Created page with " == General Information == '''Player:''' LostSoul1 '''Name:''' Henrik Bovaldras '''Nicknames:''' 'Sunshine','Grey' '''Age:''' N/A (Looks young) '''Race:''' Half-troll/Half-human '''Class:''' Farmer/Peasant/Militia man '''Association(s):''' Westfall, Netherlight, Ravensoul, Worshippers of Elune, Stormwind gangs, Pirates, The Broken Temple, Iron Company, Valajar, anyone that says they're Henrik's friend '''Titles:''' N/A '''Family:''' Henrik is part of house Bovald...")
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General Information

Player: LostSoul1

Name: Henrik Bovaldras

Nicknames: 'Sunshine','Grey'

Age: N/A (Looks young)

Race: Half-troll/Half-human

Class: Farmer/Peasant/Militia man

Association(s): Westfall, Netherlight, Ravensoul, Worshippers of Elune, Stormwind gangs, Pirates, The Broken Temple, Iron Company, Valajar, anyone that says they're Henrik's friend

Titles: N/A

Family: Henrik is part of house Bovaldras in which he is the only surviving heir, though, he considers all his friends as his actual family Henrik's Family



Henrik is an experienced farmer, knows how to grow multiple crops, plow a field, and tend to various animals. As he spent his time living off the land, sewing his own clothes, some woodworking, and a little bit of metal working is know to maintain what he has, and to make new things, such as cages, with the resources he has as an extremely poor and rural farmer.

Magic made

Henrik is engineered to have superior strength, speed and senses compared to his average man, and potentially troll. He has heightened senses, which is then put to animalistic when sensing fear, blood, and potentially danger. Has an incredible amount of resistance towards pain and is capable of regeneration. Has semi-savage instincts which can lead to interesting solutions, insights, and ideas


Henrik is a skilled pugilist, not a monk, but a pit fighter, including grappling. He is slightly worse then the average soldier in terms of martial prowess with a sword, be it 2-handed or with shield. Do to violent upbringing, he has unorthodox tactics, ideas, or strategies from his school of hard knocks.


Henrik is in the process of learning the ancient art of spellbreaking


Henrik says he is 5'5, though if measured, he is not 5'5, and would come out about 5'3 (1.6002 meters) in height.

Henrik has thick strawberry red hair, normally shoulder to mid back length, and kept in a pony tail or free flowing. Face is clean shaven, eyes are pure grey and crystal clear, like they are windows directly into the soul. Despite his short stature he looks almost the spitting image of a farm hand, wide stout build layered with muscle. Though, he is also quite thin and lean at the same time. His face is rounded and seems built to smile, thick red eyebrows which move quite easily from hairline to eyes again. Ears look like a standard humans, save for being slightly larger. His hands have all his digits, and his 'skin' is a pale white without imperfection.

That is where the normalcy ends. The 'skin' is actually a smooth coat of fur that looks like skin until the bristles are moved, a soft, downy coat, thicker in some places then others, like uneven. Removal of this fur would show that his actual skin is grey, and quite literally stitched together, or was, the stitch marks obvious. The parts not marked with stitch lines is scars. All scars, from head to foot, puncture, puckering, large, small, round, irregular. He had it all, the scars work around scars or marks where someone carved into his flesh. 350 in total can be found anywhere on his body, all of them are cruel, vile words or insults. This leaves his skin a leathery thick texture too it.

Closer inspection will show that he is malformed, limbs and joints formed unusually, stitched together that way, or where bones grew back unevenly. Leaving his limbs and body a bumpy like texture to them. He has small tusks on the inside of his mouth, despite the fact they should be poking out, they seem to be kept in his lower lip, which seems constructed to be quite large to store said tusks and to not be unusual. His feet are human sized, yet have troll digits, including the heel, which also has a toe nail along with his two toes.

His clothing is generally poor and includes bandages, fresh and/or blood soaked that cover his form, and look hand stitched or patched up in some way and made of course like fabric.


Henrik is at heart, a young soul needless to say, prone to cheer and humor. However, in most cases it serves to hide the sadness, fear, pain, and anger on the inside. Despite his lack of manners, he is polite as he can be and prone to kindness. He is not unflappable, and is not stoic, however, he approaches most things with a stubborn 'one-step at a time' attitude which leads to his positive attitude. He is overly generous despite spending his life being extremely poor, and more then willing to share, or give what he has, and is not a fan of suffering of any kind.


Henrik is not sane, he is prone to emotional extremes and can switch from one to the other in a heartbeat, ability to regulate his own emotions is quite difficult for him. He is terrified of knives, fire, whips, his own image, and physical aggression from those he views as family. Constant pain can push him to crazy actions, not wanting to take more or for others not to suffer what he suffers daily. He is constantly hungry from his metabolism to keep up with his injuries and regeneration. He gets more primal as blood is spilled, the smell and taste intoxicating to him, making humanoids look quite tasty in the rush of combat. He finds fighting intoxicating in other ways, as he doesn't need to think about how much everything hurts, and deliver that pain on to others who deserve it. He suffers nightmares of his crimes that he was forced to commit, his life, and torture that he suffered. He's extremely lonely and forms bonds just as quick as his emotional stance. He is prone to mental stress, which can lead to more feral and mental slip'ups (such as calling his family by their titles instead of their names, such as calling someone 'grand ma' instead of by their name). He is prone to bursts of anxiety depending on how feral thinking he is that day as well


While Henrik is a person, he was also engineered to be combat effective. Resulting in animal like instincts that he fights with daily. While he views one half of his life thoughtfully, he views the other half in quite simple terms, like a feral being might, which mixes with his thought process. He normally has control of this unless under extreme mental stress or in combat, in which this will slip out more as battle and injury stacks up, be it his own injury, or his friends. His primal side is selfish, and specifically there to fulfill his own needs, which is normally food, violence, family, and other desires.

Magic items

He has an enchanted sword that allows absorbing and breaking of spells until he gets the hang of it himself.

Farmer's Plea: Enchanted by Arondas, it is a hoe covered in Arcane blue flames, the hilt is carved into to show designs of multiple people, particularly those Henrik is close too. It is otherwise an normal hoe that allows one strength against more supernatural creatures (I.E, hit ghosts/spirits, and not break while fighting demons for instance)