Tier 1 Morph

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Morphs in this section do not require an application at all. Simply ask for a GM in-game to give you the one you want.

Make sure to let the GM know what the display ID is (or at least the NPC), and your preferred morph name

Tier 1 Morphs

  • Abomination
  • Arakkoa
  • Argus Broken
  • Banshee[1]
  • Big Animals (Clefthoof, Devilsaur)
  • Botani (AU) - Needs to have come over before the portal closed and can only be independent/good aligned
  • Basic Animals (Gorilla, Raptor, Wolf, etc. Normal pet-type stuff)
  • Broken Draenei (Native Models- Display ID: 21105)
  • Child Morphs
  • Critters
  • Centaur
  • Cloud Serpent
  • Dark Ranger (Any Power or rank must be CTS’d)
  • Drogbar (Can be played but must remain hidden until Bloodtotem Storyline of High Mountain)
  • Gilgoblin
  • Dire Orcs/Trolls -Remember how you became a dire orc/troll
  • Draenor Elementals(AU) - Had to be brought by a shaman before portal
  • Dwarf (Dark-Iron / Wildhammer)
  • Elementals
  • Earthen
  • Ethereal (Regular, Nexus Stalker)
  • Furbolg
  • Gargoyle
  • Ghoul
  • Ghost
  • Gnoll
  • Grummle
  • Goren(AU)
  • Geist
  • Gorloc
  • Harpy
  • Highmountain Tauren (You can play HM NOW - Cant be at Thunder Totem, AND they can be at the Trueshot Lodge)
  • Hobgoblin
  • Hozen
  • Imp
  • Jinyu
  • Kobold
  • Kul Tiran (Can be alternative body type human or actual native. Cannot be a druid as those would be a thornspeaker. Cannot be part of any of the major houses.)
  • Lightforged Draenei
  • Lost One Draenei
  • Makrura
  • Murloc (All types)
  • Nerubian (Undead)
  • Nightborne (Nightborne CAN become demon hunters and can use the Felborne models to represent that)
  • Nightfallen (Rare with the Arcan'dor)
  • Nymph/Dryad
  • Ogre (One-head/Two-head/Mage)
  • Quilboar
  • Orc (Blackrock, Dragonmaw, Mag’har etc.)
  • Podling
  • Pygmy
  • Rock Flayers
  • Saberon (AU)
  • Saurok
  • Sporeling
  • Sprite
  • Shade (Necromantic/Scourge, Non-necromantic, ie Pandaren Shades)
  • Skeleton (Normal / Warrior)
  • Skeletal Mage
  • Slime (Oozes, Slime monsters, etc.)
  • Taunka
  • Trogg
  • Treant
  • Tuskarr
  • Troll ( Desert / Ice / Forest / Zandalari )
  • Tol’vir (Flesh)
  • Voidwalker/Voidcaller
  • Virmen
  • Vrykul (Not Kvaldir)
  • Wardens (Kaldorei Wardens - Note if you want any power or rank please make a CTS. Rank can be given and taken away.) [2]
  • Wildkin
  • Wolvar
  • Wraith
  • Watchers (Organization overall not Wardens) [2]
  • Winged Arakkoa (AU) - Needed to have come over before portal closed
  • Wretched
  • Yaungol
  • Zombie

[1] - If you wish to play a Banshee who is not a Dark Ranger and has already chosen to possess a single body, please let us know!

[2] Wardens and Watchers are not the same thing, Watchers are the organization where the Wardens came from, but they are more mainstream and not as specialized as the Wardens.