Tier 3 Morph

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Revision as of 11:20, 30 June 2024 by Reigen (talk | contribs)
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For the morphs in this section, you need a detailed backstory of the character (Probably multiple paragraphs 4 or more paragraphs) that explains the character and hopefully alludes to their mindset / views.)

Make sure to include details on what you intend to use the character for oocly.

Please be advised, if the staff see evidence of you abusing any such character we do reserve the right to take it away and/or punish you as the situation calls.

These will be discussed in staff meetings on Sundays, but obviously we’ll still look at them before-hand.


  • 2nd Gen DK
  • Ancient (Protector, Lore)
  • Aranasi (Females)
  • Big Vigilants
  • Crypt Lord
  • San'layn
  • Doom Guard
  • Dragonkin (Dragonman)[1]
  • Drakes (Blue, Red, Green, Bronze, Nether)[1]
  • Hybrid Drakes (Combo of Blue, Red, Green, or Bronze)
  • Djinn
  • Eredar Brute (Not playable until 7.2)
  • Ettin
  • Fel Lord (technically listed as greater Fel Guard)
  • Forlarren (All Parentage)
  • Any Legion aligned Forlarren with a Demon Soul
  • K'thir (Antagonist only)
  • Legion aligned Felsworn with a Demon Soul
  • Giant (Sea Giant, Mountain Giant, etc.)
  • Greater Demon (Greater variant of previously listed demons, e.g. Greater Succubus)
  • Gronn (Lesser - not a Son of Gruul)
  • Gronnlings
  • Greater Undead (Plaguespreader etc.)
  • Imp mother
  • Infinite Drake (MUST BE ANTAGONIST ONLY)
  • Jailer
  • Keeper of the Grove
  • Lich (You must progress into a Lich - you cannot apply for a Lich straight-out)
  • Magnataur
  • Mantid (Non-Klaxxi and Klaxxi)
  • Mogu (Flesh/Stone Male only)
  • Mogu (Stone Female)
  • Nerubian (Vizier)
  • Nightmare Corrupt Keeper of the Grove (Antagonist Only)
  • Ogron (From Main Universe)
  • Ogrons (AU)
  • Observer/Beholder
  • Pale Orcs (AU)
  • Pale Dire Orcs (AU)
  • Qiraji
  • Saberon (From Main Universe)
  • Shivarra
  • Storm Drakes - Thorginir (Sentient) Nithogg (Animalistic) Skysunder (Helya) They cannot take mortal form, not a true dragonflight
  • Stormforged Valarjar (Cannot leave Skyhold until Odyn’s Storyline is complete in Legion)
  • Troll (Dark)
  • Val’kyr (Not capable of reviving Sylvanas)
  • Valkyra (Cannot join Sylvanas)
  • Vehicles (Siege Tank, Big Mechs etc.)
  • Void Ethereal/Shadowguard Ethereal (T3 due to their rarity/nonexistence on Azeroth. To play one, please include a reasoning for their being on Azeroth. Will move to T2 when we reach Argus. Should be non-Good aligned. Neutral minus!)

[2] - You cannot play as a DRAGON of the Infinite Dragonflight at this time. You MAY play infinite dragonspawn/drakonids and drakes, however.