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* <big>'''~15,000 ago:''' [https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Anguish_of_Nifflevar The Anguish of Nifflevar] The Curse of the Flesh begins to strike the Winterskorn during the Winterskorn War. Soon after, King Ymiron outlaws the worship of the Titans and orders all Vrykul babies affected by the Curse of the Flesh killed.</big>
* <big>'''~15,000 ago:''' [https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Anguish_of_Nifflevar The Anguish of Nifflevar] The Curse of the Flesh begins to strike the Winterskorn during the Winterskorn War. Soon after, King Ymiron outlaws the worship of the Titans and orders all Vrykul babies affected by the Curse of the Flesh killed.</big>
* <big>'''-10,000 [https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/War_of_the_Ancients_(novel_account) The War of the Ancients]:''' An ancient race called night elves recklessly pursue the use of arcane magic and manipulate the powers of the Well of Eternity. Their efforts catch the attention of Sargeras, the fallen titan. War erupts between the night elves, and the demonic hordes of Sargeras' Burning Legion. The Well of Eternity is destroyed, and the Great Sundering splits the continent of Kalimdor. The World Tree Nordrassil is created.</big>
* <big>'''-10,000 [https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/War_of_the_Ancients_(novel_account) The War of the Ancients]:''' An ancient race called night elves recklessly pursue the use of arcane magic and manipulate the powers of the Well of Eternity. Their efforts catch the attention of Sargeras, the fallen titan. War erupts between the night elves, and the demonic hordes of Sargeras' Burning Legion. The Well of Eternity is destroyed, and the Great Sundering splits the continent of Kalimdor. The World Tree Nordrassil is created.</big>
* <big>'''-7,300 [https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Exile_of_the_High_Elves Exile of the Highborne]:''' The Highborne sorcerers of night elf society are banished from Kalimdor after continuing to use forbidden arcane magic. They set sail and begin to explore the world, searching for a place of considerable ley power to claim as their new home.</big>
* <big>'''-7,300 [https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Exile_of_the_High_Elves Exile of the Highborne]:''' The Highborne sorcerers of night elf society are banished from Kalimdor after continuing to use forbidden arcane magic. They set sail and begin to explore the world, searching for a place of considerable ley power to claim as their new home.</big>

Revision as of 17:50, 14 January 2023

Current Year: 40 (2023)

  • ~15,000 ago: The Anguish of Nifflevar The Curse of the Flesh begins to strike the Winterskorn during the Winterskorn War. Soon after, King Ymiron outlaws the worship of the Titans and orders all Vrykul babies affected by the Curse of the Flesh killed.
  • -10,000 The War of the Ancients: An ancient race called night elves recklessly pursue the use of arcane magic and manipulate the powers of the Well of Eternity. Their efforts catch the attention of Sargeras, the fallen titan. War erupts between the night elves, and the demonic hordes of Sargeras' Burning Legion. The Well of Eternity is destroyed, and the Great Sundering splits the continent of Kalimdor. The World Tree Nordrassil is created.
  • -7,300 Exile of the Highborne: The Highborne sorcerers of night elf society are banished from Kalimdor after continuing to use forbidden arcane magic. They set sail and begin to explore the world, searching for a place of considerable ley power to claim as their new home.
  • -6,800 Founding of Quel'Thalas: The banished night elves arrive in the Eastern Kingdoms, transforming into high elves during their travels through what would later be called Lordaeron. The high elven kingdom of Quel'Thalas is founded, and the high elves use a vial of water from the Well of Eternity to create a new fount of power, calling it the Sunwell.
  • -2,800 The Troll Wars: The high elves of Quel'Thalas fight a brutal conflict with the native Amani trolls of the region. The human tribes join together to form the great nation of Arathor. Facing certain defeat, the high elves ally with the humans to combat the troll menace. The high elves teach select humans magic in exchange for their aid. The Amani trolls are defeated.
  • -2,700 The Guardians of Tirisfal: The Council of Silvermoon and the Mage-Lords of Dalaran enter into a secret pact in order to combat lone agents of the Burning Legion. The Council of Tirisfal is thus formed in order to choose, and empower, a single mortal champion at a time to fight a never-ending war in secret against the demons. Meanwhile, a group of humans left Gilneas and settled upon Kul Tiras, where they warred with and nearly extincted the Drust.
  • -2,500 Awakening of the Dwarves: The earthen of Uldaman awaken, finding that they have become flesh and blood. Calling themselves dwarves, they venture out into the waking world and found a vast kingdom beneath the highest mountain in the land. The land is named Khaz Modan and, built around a mighty forge serving as an altar to Khaz'goroth, the city is named Ironforge.
  • -1,200 The Seven Kingdoms: As with Dalaran, other human city-states begin to form: Gilneas, Alterac and Kul Tiras. The Kirin Tor is formed in Dalaran. The lords of Strom move north to found Lordaeron. The descendents of the Arathi travel south to found Stormwind. Those who remain in Strom develop the city into the nation of Stromgarde. Humanity, once united as the Empire of Arathor, splinters into seven separate kingdoms.
  • -823 Aegwynn and the Dragon Hunt: Aegwynn, Guardian of Tirisfal, tracks a number of powerful demons to the icy continent of Northrend. There she engages the Avatar of Sargeras in combat and afterward locks its corpse in a tomb beneath the sea.
  • -230 War of the Three Hammers: In the mountain peaks of Khaz Modan, the dwarven High King Modimus Anvilmar dies, and civil war erupts between three dwarven clans; the Bronzebeard, Wildhammer and Dark Iron. The Bronzebeard clan emerges the victor and takes control of the dwarves' capital city of Ironforge.
  • -45 Medivh's Birth: Aegwynn, refusing to be manipulated by the Council of Tirisfal, gives birth to a child called Medivh with the intention of transferring the powers of a Guardian to him. The spirit of Sargeras, having been hiding within Aegwynn's body since she fought his Avatar, passes into the child.
  • -? Rise of the Horde: During this time, the orc clans and draenei become increasingly antagonistic toward each other through the schemes of Kil'jaeden. The war between them lasts eight years, ending when the orcs drink the blood of Mannoroth and attack Shattrath City. The orcish clans then begin to fight amongst themselves, completely devoured by bloodlust.
  • -1 Contact with Gul'Dan: Medivh, under the influence of Sargeras, makes contact with Gul'dan. The orcs are united into a single horde with the promise of new lands to conquer and enemies to fight. The Dark Portal is constructed.
  • 0 First War: The First War begins Sargeras launches another attack on Azeroth, using orcs from the world of Draenor as his pawns. Orc forces spill through the magical gateway called the Dark Portal, which links Azeroth to Draenor. The orcs leave a swath of devastation in their wake.
  • 3 The Fall of Stormwind: The kingdom of Stormwind is unable to withstand the might of the Orcish Horde. King Llane Wrynn is assassinated, and the capital Stormwind City, is razed. The survivors, including young Prince Varian Wrynn and Sir Anduin Lothar, flee north to the kingdom of Lordaeron. Lothar tells King Terenas Menethil II of Stormwind's fall and the impending orcish assault. Terenas unites the seven human kingdoms, and later the dwarves, the gnomes, and the high elves, forming the Alliance of Lordaeron to combat the bloodthirsty forces of the Horde.
  • 4-6 The Second War: After brutal and bloody fighting, the Alliance of Lordaeron triumphs over the Horde at Blackrock Spire. Anduin Lothar is slain by orc warchief Orgrim Doomhammer. General Turalyon leads the forces of the Alliance after Lothar's death, and crushes the remnants of the Horde armies. The remaining orcs are rounded up and placed in internment camps, and the Dark Portal is destroyed.
  • 8 The Destruction of Draenor: The orc shaman Ner'zhul utilizes the rift that remains after the Dark Portal's destruction to send orcs into Azeroth once again. Alliance forces, known as the Alliance Expedition, are subsequently sent through the rift to Draenor, where they continue to fight the remaining Horde forces. Ner'zhul opens multiple portals across the world of Draenor. Strained by the vast energies that result, Draenor is shattered; a large fragment becomes the realm of Outland.
  • 10 Day of the Dragon: Alexstrasza is rescued from the clutches of the Dragonmaw Orcs. Deathwing fights the Dragon Aspects but is forced to retreat when the Demon Soul is destroyed by Rhonin, returning the Aspects' full powers.
  • 18 Lord of the Clans: The orcs held in the Alliance's internment camps are freed by Orgrim Doomhammer, Grom Hellscream, and Thrall, an orc who was raised by humans as a slave and gladiator. Thrall is named warchief of the new Horde.
  • 20 The Third War begins: The Burning Legion launches another assault on Azeroth using the Lich King. The Plague of Undeath spreads throughout the kingdom of Lordaeron, resulting in the rise of the Scourge in Lordaeron. Prince Arthas Menethil falls to corruption, taking up the cursed runeblade Frostmourne and murdering his father King Terenas Menthil II. The Sunwell is defiled, and the demon lord Archimonde is summoned into Azeroth. Many survivors flee to Kalimdor, including humans led by Lady Jaina Proudmoore, and orcs led by Thrall.
  • 21 Battle of Mount Hyjal: On Kalimdor, the orcs establish a home in Durotar, allying with the Darkspear trolls and the tauren. The survivors in Kalimdor are brought together by the reborn Prophet Medivh, and unite against Archimonde's onslaught. Archimonde is defeated at Mount Hyjal, but the World Tree Nordrassil is badly damaged, resulting in the night elves losing their immortality.
  • 22 Rise of the Lich King/The Frozen Throne: Arthas Menethil travels to Northrend. Former high elf ranger-general turned banshee Sylvanas Windrunner establishes the Forsaken, taking control of the former kingdom of Lordaeron. Arthas ascends Icecrown Glacier, shattering the Frozen Throne and taking his place as the Lich King.
  • 24 Cycle of Hatred: Tensions rise between Theramore and Durotar as schemed by the demon Zmodlor. Thrall and Jaina work together to deal with the traitors in their ranks and then the demon himself.
  • 25 The Gathering Storm: King Varian Wrynn of Stormwind is kidnapped, and his son Anduin Wrynn is temporarily crowned. The black dragon Onyxia is discovered in Stormwind City. An assault is launched on Blackwing Lair, home of the black dragon Nefarian. In the deserts of Silithus, the qiraji launch an invasion at the behest of the Old God C'thun. Kel'Thuzad launches an attack on Azeroth from the dread citadel Naxxramas in the Eastern Kingdoms.
  • 26 The Burning Crusade: The blood elves of Quel'Thalas join the Horde. In Kalimdor, the draenei crash-land off the northern coast, and ally with the Alliance. The Dark Portal is rebuilt and re-opened by Lord Kazzak, and both Horde and Alliance forces travel to Outland. There the orc Garrosh Hellscream is discovered by Warchief Thrall, and taken back to Azeroth to act as an advisor. Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider of the blood elves allies with the Burning Legion, attempting to summon the demon lord Kil'jaeden to Azeroth. The Sunwell is restored with the heart of the naaru M'uru.
  • 27 The Wrath of the Lich King: The Lich King launches a new assault on Azeroth, attacking Stormwind City and Orgrimmar. Alliance and Horde forces both travel to Northrend to combat the Lich King. The Argent Crusade is established. Death knight defectors from the Lich King's armies form the Knights of the Ebon Blade, allying with both Alliance and Horde. Garrosh Hellscream is sent to lead the Horde forces in Northrend. The Lich King is defeated.
  • 28 The Sundering/Cataclysm begins: Following cohesion to defeat the main brunt of the Twilight's Hammer led by Cho'Gall, both in the Twilight's Hammer and in other regions, war rages between the Alliance and Horde (World War Azeroth events). Schemes by the Zandalari Tribe and Ragnaros the Firelord are also thwarted during this time.
  • 32 Deathwing defeated: The Alliance/Horde war had a brief reprieve in order to deal with the Aspect of Death once and for all. Tensions remain high throughout and this peace ultimately does not last long.
  • 32 The Invasion of Pandaria: All-out war erupts between the Alliance and Horde again when Warchief Garrosh Hellscream destroys the city of Theramore with a mana bomb. Archmage Rhonin dies, and Lady Jaina Proudmoore takes his place as leader of the Kirin Tor, a council of some of Azeroth's most powerful magi. Pandaren residents of the Wandering Isle ally with both the Alliance and Horde as the continent of Pandaria is discovered. Horde and Alliance Forces land in Jade Forest and unexpectedly release the Sha all through out Pandaria. At the end of the year, The Sha of Doubt is freed but contained by the Heroes of both factions.
  • 34 The Siege of Orgrimmar: The forces of the Darkspear Rebellion and the Alliance converged on Orgrimmar and laid siege to the city to finally depose the mad warchief of the Horde, Garrosh Hellscream. Along the way, they slew the paragons of the Mantid as well as hero of the Horde, General Nazgrim. Once they cornered Garrosh in his bunker deep underneath Orgrimmar, they discovered the dark powers he was toying with: the heart of an Old God. Though he was defeated, it was ultimately decided that Garrosh's life would be spared so he could stand trial in Pandaria, where he would later escape with the aid of Wrathion and the Bronze Dragon, Kairozdormu to an alternate version of Draenor.
  • 35 The Ironmarch/Death of Garrosh: This year saw the invasion of Azeroth by Garrosh's Iron Horde as well as their swift defeat and Azeroth's counter-attack through the portal. Though for a time the brave warriors of Azeroth that traveled through the portal were thought to be lost, Khadgar eventually re-established contact with Azeroth through portals to both Stormwind and Orgrimmar. The heroes fought the Iron Horde and - later - the Legion across Draenor, eventually cornering Garrosh in Nagrand and finally bringing him to justice for his crimes. However, the Iron Horde is not yet defeated, and the heroes still have a long road ahead of them.
  • 36 Victory in Draenor: This year saw the end of the Draenor Campaign for both Alliance and Horde and the fall of one of the Burning Legion's commanders: Archimonde. Though Draenor has been liberated from both the Iron Horde and the Legion, there is still much rebuilding to do.
  • 37 The Legion Invasion: Though the Legion's invasion began in earnest a few months prior to the beginning of this year, finally, after the crushing defeat at the Broken Shore and the deaths of both Varian Wrynn and Warchief Vol'jin, the forces of Azeroth are once again on the Broken Isles. Though it will likely not be a short campaign, with landfall made, the search for the pillars - and the Legion's defeat - can truly begin.
  • 38 The Siege of Suramar: The heros continued fighting on the Broken Isles and throughout Azeroth sees the mortal forces of the world, led first and foremost by Khadgar and the champions of the Order Halls, hold the line against the Legion. Now, with most of the Pillars of Creation secured the eyes of the world rest on Suramar where the forces of Azeroth have made camp and prepared an army to besiege the city of Suramar and claim the last of them - putting the first step to defeating the Legion behind them.
  • 39- Fall of Kil'jaeden: The forces of Legionfall return to the Broken Shore, finally taking the fight to the Legion. Fierce fighting finally leads them to the very gates of hell itself at the Tomb of Sargeras, where they defeat the Avatar of Sargeras and pursue the right hand of the Legion, Kil'jaeden into the Nether, where he is finally killed once and for all. Despite this victory, however, the war is far from over, as Argus has made itself known in the skies of Azeroth. The war will end on fallen homeworld of the Draenei, one way or another.

Note that our timeline differs slightly from retail at the end because here on Freedom we actually went through TBC, Wrath and Cataclysm and - as we consider IC time to be the same as OOC time - that means the expansions may have lasted longer than they did in retail depending on how long we took to go through them.