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"My family and I didn't always see eye to eye. I had a privileged upbringing, the best education money could buy, but we had a tradition of soldiering. My father abandoned it, as did my brother. Me, well, maybe I'm just stupid, but I knew I had a duty to bring it back."

Wrenard's family had a long history, deeply intertwined with that of Gilneas itself. By their records, the family was among the founders of Gilneas, laying down the first of their fields just outside the city near what would later become Duskhaven. By the time of his birth, the family had reached a powerful position in the field of brewing and wine-making, as well as political influence. The boy was to be born into the lap of luxury, and provided with everything he could have wished for - at least, for a time.

Wrenard was born twelve years before the opening of the Dark Portal, the second born of three children, preceded two years earlier by his older brother, William, and followed three years later by his sister, Dianna. He frequently got into fights as a boy, often regarded as a tumultuous and misbehaved child despite his strong performance in academics. This included frequent fights with his older brother who, despite his size and age advantage, was often bested due to his timid nature. As a result, despite being the young brother, Wrenard was favored to inherit leadership of the house, and at the urging of his mother briefly paused his studies to pursue the study of Arcane, as she believed magic would give him an advantage over other nobles.

This pursuit, however, led nowhere as it was revealed Wrenard had little talent for arcane. After that brief diversion, he poured himself back into academics, focusing on history and military science. Before long, however, word would reach Gilneas of the Orcish horde rising to their south and the destruction of Stormwind, sending his life on a completely different path.

Gilnean Army

"Years ago, I swore an oath to protect and defend the Kingdom of Gilneas. I still hold myself to it today, despite everything."

At the age of sixteen, Wrenard joined the Gilnean army just in time to join the Alliance of Lordaeron's defense against the encroaching Orcs. Though his nobility would have entitled him to join as an officer, the man recognized his inexperience and felt regardless of inherited rights, he belonged right where every other new recruit did. Though he, like many in Gilneas, already had some experience with blades and pistols, the army needed him trained better and quickly, so he was assigned to a rifle company and sent to the front.

His first taste of action came in Hillsbrad, when his company was ambushed by a raiding company of Warsong Orcs while on the march to link up with the rest of the Alliance, and he would soon see action up and down both Hillsbrad and Arathi as the Orcs continued striking out against the Alliance, eventually resulting in the man being separated from his unit and briefly serving with men of Stromgarde under Danath Trollbane. During this time, he participated in the destruction of Alterac and the liberation of Khaz Modan before finally joining back up with the Gilnean Army.

Now a sergeant and reunited with his company, Wrenard marched alongside Anduin Lothar for Blackrock Spire. It was there he saw his hero - Humanity's greatest hero - fall. It was also there he rallied alongside his company and Turalyon to push the Orcs back. With his captain and lieutenant dead, Wrenard took command of his unit and led them charging alongside Turalyon to eventually defeat the Orcish Horde, though at the cost of nearly his entire unit. Only four of them survived the day, including him. The rest of the campaign was a blur, pushing south toward the Dark Portal as new faces replaced the old. The man never sought a proper commission, instead seeking to lead and inspire the men from among them, and helping the new officers that took command however he could. Eventually, however, the war came to an end.

Wrenard returned north with what few friends had survived the war, and the men went on a victory celebration through the Alliance, traveling from Stromgarde to Dalaran to Lordaeron City and Silvermoon, before finally returning to Gilneas. However, it wouldn't be long until Wrenard was again ordered south, to deal with the resurgent Dark Portal, though he would prove to be less lucky this time. Grievously wounded during the second battle at the Dark Portal, Wrenard was unable to follow the expedition through as he'd wanted, though he was quietly thankful at being able to return to Gilneas once more rather than being trapped on the other side, it was a sacrifice he was eager and ready to make, if only his body had cooperated.

His final action with the army - and with the Alliance - was at Grim Batol. A gruesome battle finally ended when the dragons he'd come to loathe turned upon their Horde masters and - finally - broke the Orcish threat. At least for the time being. Now twenty-two, the battered soldier returned home for good and could finally begin the process of healing a body and mind so badly beaten by war and strife.


"I never left the army, really. We just weren't as necessary anymore. The king refused to be a part of the internment camps, and I returned to normal life. Such as I could."

At home, Wrenard returned to his studies, working to become an historian while keeping himself employed by working as a city guard. However, he found little peace in the peacetime, and little rest for a restless mind. Though he excelled in his studies, he eventually decided he was better where he was, dedicating himself to his work as a guard, as it was another way to keep his home and people safe, and it made use of the skills he'd painfully acquired after years of fighting. Though he was a good guard, outside of work, many regarded him as a boozing womanizer, slowly slipping into a number of vices that filled the time between shifts - until he found someone willing to stay.

Eventually, the man met his match in the form of Ashlee Faulkner, the only one that had made him want to stay. As they were kindling their relationship, Gilneas was cutting off theirs. Though the two disagreed about whether Gilneas should stay in the Alliance and about the Wall, they were able to move past politics and would eventually find themselves married. She helped him clean up his act and slowly bring himself back together as a functioning Human being, the man recovering who he'd originally been - and who he'd wanted to be. Eventually, they moved from the city to settle in a small town in the Headlands, where Wrenard was to be captain of the guard. There were even talks of starting a family. However, all this time, darker forces were in motion, and another war would soon be at Gilneas's gate.

As the Scourge pounded at Greymane Wall, soldiers across the country were quickly brought back into service, and every guard they could muster was mobilized to hold the the line. Living so close to the Wall, Wrenard was among the first to join the garrison, making use of his rifle to try in vain to cull the horde of undead. The man stood against impossible odds alongside his fellow soldiers, until eventually it seemed the wall was about to be breached - until the release of Arugal's monsters. They ripped through the undead before finally turning on the soldiers atop the wall, one such beast nearly killing Wrenard with its claws as he was narrowly spared the Curse of its bite. These wounds led again to him missing his opportunity, as Crowley's expedition to Kalimdor departed without him. The man would not miss Crowley's next act of defiance however.

Northgate Rebellion

"The screams of those we'd left behind...left to die...haunted me. They still do. Rebellion felt like...a moral imperitive...do what we could to get back out there and salvage anything that was left."

Wrenard, already disenfranchised with King Greymane's leadership, eagerly joined up with Lord Crowley's building Northgate rebellion. He found fighting his own people vastly different from fighting the Orcs and their allies, but remorsefully he found it necessary. Coming to blows with friends wasn't easy, but he believed his cause was just, and he was willing to kill for it. Unfortunately, not enough of his people did. They fought valiantly, and their cause was just, but in the end, that simply wasn't enough as the loyalist's greater numbers and support won out, leaving him amongst the defeated, imprisoned alongside Lord Crowley and the other leaders of the rebellion in Stoneward.

The failure of the rebellion was still fresh in his mind when the first of his family members came to speak to him. His parents were infuriated that he'd done something so reckless, so foolish, and, most importantly, damaging to the family name. His brother was jeering, taunting him for his failure. The worst, however, was his wife. She was angry, just like the others, but, more importantly, she was disappointed. She was hurt. Suffice to say, his recklessness and fervor ended his first marriage shortly after it'd begun, and it had brought pain not only to him, but to those he cared about as well. His sister was his only comfort throughout his time in the prison, paying him weekly visits and generally trying to keep his outlook positive. It worked, most of the time. However, it was not to last.

The Invasion of Gilneas

"When I woke up as a Worgen, I'd thought it would be a chance for a new start. A chance to leave behind the violence of my past. But the Forsaken had other plans, and I couldn't abandon my nation in its time of need. I'd sworn an oath after all."

The first indication anything was wrong in the prison were shouts. People screaming for their lives and wolves howling. Alarm bells clanged, clashes of metal on claw and flesh rang out. The Worgen had slowly been building their strength in secret, and now the very heart of Gilneas found itself under attack, with Wrenard locked, unarmed and helpless, in a prison cell. He could only look on in horror as a feral Worgen cut down a guard before him, before bursting into his cell with a vicious roar. He threw his arm up to defend himself in a desperate struggle for survival, teeth clamping down on his left forearm as a claw raked across the right side of his face. He barely fought the beast off, bringing a chair crashing down on to it before finally ending it by thrusting a broken leg through its heart. Stumbling from the prison and struggling to cope with his bleeding wounds, he eventually fell in the streets, believing it to be the end.

He awoke weeks later in the Blackwald, albeit with a much different form. For a moment, he'd considered this chance to start anew. He could have a new name, become a different person, but in the end, the decision was made for him before he even awoke. With the Forsaken landing in his kingdom, he had no choice but to fulfill his oath and join alongside Crowley, Prince Liam, and the King as they moved to fight back the undead invaders, finally ending the first phase of the war as they pushed into Gilneas City to retake it for their people. His hatred for Sylvansa would be firmly cemented that day as he watched King Greymane cradling the dying body of his son, shot down in his prime. A true hero of Gilneas.

Their victory was, sadly, short-lived, as soon after blight bombs began detonating in the streets. Wrenard joined many others in leading evacuations of civilians, all the while desperately searching for his sister. He watched as a blight bomb crashed down into their family's business in the heart of the city, and was eventually dragged away by his comrades, forcing him to evacuate before the blight overtook him as well. During their retreat, he fought with the full rage and fury of a Worgen with nothing left to lose, though despite his reckless abandon, he ultimately survived to make it aboard the last ship out, bound for Darnassus.

Darnassus and The Gilneas Liberation Front

"I thought I'd hit rock bottom in Darnassus. No home, no family, no friends. Probably got kicked out of every bar and inn in the city. Didn't have anything to live for until I heard about Crowley's next big play."

Wrenard's time in Darnassus was an unhappy one, roving from inn to inn, drinking and spiraling. The loss of Gilneas had cut him to the bone, and the death of his sister punched even deeper. Many considered him a drunk, unruly hooligan, and he probably spent nearly as much time drinking as he did causing trouble and getting kicked out of bars. He watched as his parents settled in to a home on the outskirts of the city, and as his brother's family - including his then 15 year-old niece Elizabeth - relocated to Stormwind to try and rebuild his house's lost fortune. Tracking down his ex-wife, he found she'd moved on as well, married to another monied nobleman. It wasn't until Lord Crowley began making moves to retake Gilneas that the man finally found a new reason to live. He was there, sobered up and disciplined the day the Gilneas Liberation Front was formed, and he was on the first ship bound back for Gilneas, the fight not yet extinguished within.

His expert marksmanship served him well among the Front, and he quickly distinguished himself amongst his fellows. It was there in the wilds of his home and the forests of Silverpine where he finally began to refine his craft, stealthily blending in with the woods, tracking his quarry, picking out high value targets, and disappearing back into the night. In time, he found himself taking on only the most dangerous missions available to him, striking out against his hated foe on near-suicide missions and returning back every time. Recognizing his efforts, he once again found himself a sergeant, and was allowed to handpick a squad of fellow Gilnean marksmen to serve in the same capacity as the Forsaken's dark rangers: an elite team of independent rangers striking out against the worst threats to the Front. The men grew close, isolated as they were from the rest of the Front. They ate, slept, trained, and fought together day in and day out, causing increasingly steep losses for the Forsaken until eventually something had to be done about them.

His squad was untouchable, and it was only betrayal from within that could have finally brought them down. One of their fellow Gilneans, a Human that had been captured by the Forsaken agreed to act as an informant for them in exchange for being spared from the blight. The man came to Wrenard and his men with information about a Forsaken prisoner convoy that they'd intended to ambush and liberate. They laid in wait for the convoy amongst the dead woods of Silverpine, but the convoy never came. Instead, they were greeting with the twang of bowstrings, and a force of Dark Rangers outnumbering them nearly three to one. The battle was painfully brief, some of his men having been killed in the initial volley, and the others only able to get off a few shots before being felled. Wrenard himself was downed early on, only able to kill one ranger before things went dark.

He awoke in darkness. Night had fallen, and he and his men had been left for dead in the forest. Left to rot. He did not know why death had spared him, but out of obligation to his men, he built them a pyre and set their bodies alight with what remained of their gunpowder. In the clearing where they'd fallen, he left seven rifles standing upright, their bayonets dug into the earth. The following morning, he'd be found at the edge of the Gilnean camp, barely alive. He lay, bedridden, for two weeks as the war went on around him. When he returned to the fight, he continued throwing himself into the most hazardous missions he could find, though he would never replace his squad. He fought viciously, without mercy or remorse, and kept on until the end - and even after.

When Lord Crowley called the retreat to save his daughter, Wrenard looked on in shock. He considered it the greatest betrayal a man he'd once respected and looked up to could commit, though he found a new leader in the form of Ivar Bloodfang and his pack. He continued his fight alongside them, continuing to strike out into Silverpine, Hillsbrad, and even Tirisfal itself. With yet more defeats handed down to the Bloodfang and their Stormpike allies, he made his way to Andorhal to fight alongside the Alliance there, only to find yet more defeat as the Alliance commander was too cowardly to engage the enemy. Good men were left out to die, betrayed and alone, thanks to one man. And eventually, the fight was over. The Forsaken seemed to have won on all fronts, but that wasn't enough to stop him. For years, he continued his campaign against the Forsaken alone, surviving off the rotten land around him and what provisions he could steal. A one man campaign spurred on by hatred and fury. Though eventually, even he found hos morale broken, learning the hard way that one man alone cannot win a war.

The War Against Deathwing and After

"I hit my lowest point when I finally gave up on the war. I'd made more friends and lost them all. Found a reason to fight - to live - and lost it. At that point it was just a matter of fighting until I found something good enough to finally kill me."

Lost and defeated, the man became a wandering gun for hire. Protection, bounty hunting, assassination, he'd worked whatever came his way. From time to time, that brought him into involvement with the Alliance, fighting the Twilight's Hammer or Deathwing's minions, though he never truly had a place in the campaign against Deathwing. The great dragon eventually fell, in the end, without his help, and he found his life little changed by it. All it truly meant was work cleaning up the mess Deathwing had left behind. He became quite wealthy during the time, living primarily in cheap inns with cheaper booze and spending only what he had to on equipment, though that hadn't ultimately been his goal. Far from the hero he would later become, it was a trip to Northrend of all places that would eventually set him back on the right path.

A bounty carried him to Northrend, and a brief excursion hunting would eventually set him on the path to meet three people: Percy Casteen, Bhamarim Bronzewing, and Corvaeris Bell. They made fast friends, eventually forming a short-lived mercenary band in the form of The A-Team. Their first engagements included dusting up with the Jerryiron Gang in Tanaris and serving under General Durkon Greyhammer during the war in the Badlands. However, this time was not without tragedy in equal measure. A chance encounter with a strange magus in Dalaran led to the A-Team's employment defending Theramore against the Horde's siege, and while all of them would survive, watching an entire city disappear in a flash was an event that never truly left Wrenard's mind.

Life, however, went on. It had to. Work went on for the A-team, as yet more bounties needed to be collected, and more work eventually brought them to Stranglethorn, where they would meet an eccentric veteran of Stormwind named Mirran West who introduced the men to their future employer: The Iron Company. Realizing the potential of joining a larger group with more resources and support with nearly as much autonomy as they'd already had, joining was an easy choice, and the now group of five became the Iron Company's own A-Team.


"When the Mists first fell, I couldn't have cared less. I had no interest in helping the Alliance with their little war, though eventually, Bhamarim and Percy managed to talk me into it with talk of good brew."

Originally, Wrenard wanted little involvement with the campaign in Pandaria. He had no interest in bringing the Alliance's war to a foreign shore, though his friends eventually talked him into visiting the strange new continent. He explored their lands, sampled their foods and brews, and fought where he could to protect them, though still kept a healthy distance from the Alliance and the larger affairs of the region. This time also saw his increased involvement with the Iron Company alongside Mirran and the others, with the team eventually taking the Company's base of operations at Misty Reed.

Shortly afterward, he'd find himself suddenly thrust into command as the current commander of the Company, Arthur Godwin and his second, Wrenard's good friend Ryer stepped down. Though Arthur would retain command of his ship and operational independence while remaining in the Iron Company, command was ultimately to pass to both Wrenard and Mirran. The two were also given ships of their own to command, with Mirran receiving the recently salvaged galleon Fortune's Fist, and Wrenard being given the Gorgon, a legendary pirate hunting brig captained by a mysterious figure known only as Medusa - though now, Wrenard knew better. Ryer had been Medusa and now so was he.

Having found not only new friends but new family and new cause to fight, it took some time for Wrenard to reevaluate his life. He chose a Tirasian naval officer, Lieutenant Jess Moreau, as his second aboard the Gorgon to teach him how to operate a naval vessel and - more importantly - how to command one. This newfound responsibility awoke the man that had long been buried beneath a deep set depression, and he threw himself into his duties with vigor. This also led to him - finally - becoming involved with larger affairs in Pandaria as the campaign moved into Kun Lai. During this time, he also found new love - short-lived as it was destined to be. A life twice shattered was once again rebuilding - this time stronger than ever. As the campaign moved on into Townlong and later the Dread Wastes, tragedy struck at home. A natural disaster had claimed the life of his second wife and his home in Jade Forest, and while the two had grown somewhat distant as time wore on, such a sudden end is never expected, and it would take the man some time to move on. However, he would move in, gradually growing closer to a Pandaren woman and master monk he'd been fighting beside named Naihan Stormstone. Friendship blossomed into romance on the battlefield, and the two old warriors found themselves new love despite all odds.

Fighting a war on two fronts, Wrenard continued to fight in Pandaria - not for the Alliance but for its people - and Medusa continued their war against the Bloodsails and their allies. While this might spread most people thin, he found having something to fight for invigorating. Though as the threats facing Pandaria fell and the war between Alliance and Horde escalated, he found himself cast off from the continent he'd spent so long fighting for as he refused to make war in a land that had never asked for it. This allowed him to fully dedicate himself to the war against the Bloodsails, eventually culminating in the Iron Company and Blackwater Raiders fighting together against the largest pirate fleet ever assembled for the fate of Booty Bay. In gratitude, Baron Revilgaz granted the Iron Company use of his resources to construct their flagship: The Iron Wolf. In time, that flagship would become Wrenard's new command and home, while the Gorgon passed from his hands to a new Medusa: the now-captain, Jess Moreau. With his newfound free-time, Wrenard finally set about solving a personal matter. He tracked down the man that had ultimately betrayed him to an abandoned keep in Silverpine, extracting from him the names of the Dark Rangers responsible for killing his squad before leaving the man for dead, shot in both knees and the gut. Following this, he set out with his closest friend, Percy, to finally settle the score with the Dark Rangers in the mountains of Alterac. This time, though outnumbered five to one, the two ripped through the Dark Rangers, with Wrenard ultimately killing the Dark Ranger captain that led the ambush and claiming her bow as a trophy that he keeps to this day.

This new flagship found itself complete just in time to participate in the escalating conflict within the Horde, as the Darkspear Rebellion finally kicked into full gear. Wrenard and the Iron Company dedicated themselves to the effort even before the Alliance did, and they found themselves immediately in conflict with Garrosh's Kor'kron as they sought to take the neutral settlement of Ratchet for Garrosh's Horde. From the opening days of the rebellion to the Siege of Orgrimmar, the Iron Company's forces led by Wrenard supported the Darkspear Rebellion, and the man himself was present for Garrosh's final defeat and trial. For his valor throughout the conflict in Pandaria and beyond, he was awarded the highest military honor of Gilneas and made a Greyguard by King Greymane himself.


"Naturally, Gilneas got screwed in the peace that followed. Alliance aid never came. They said the resources had to be dedicated to fighting the Iron Horde. So, I took to rebuilding Gilneas myself. Gave me something to do at least. Can't stand peace."

With the long and bloody war between the Alliance and Horde finally ended after the Siege of Orgrimmar, Wrenard set about tending to his own life and to Gilneas. This time saw him building a home with Naihan along the coast of Kun Lai, and eventually marrying her as well. Family came calling as well, as his now-adult niece Elizabeth tracked him down, wanting to be a hero just like him. Naturally, he trained her as best he could, aiming to equip her not only to fight for Gilneas but to avoid the pitfalls and traps he'd stumbled upon along the way. When the Iron Horde finally came to Azeroth, the two fought back against it together, pushing them all the way back to the Dark Portal in a dark echo of his own history. Though he'd considered going through - righting a mistake of the past - he'd considered otherwise. The Iron Company needed him on Azeroth. Both Naihan and Elizabeth, however, pushed on through the Dark Portal and when it finally shut he wondered - would he ever see them again?

Alone again, the man threw himself into his work. He pushed himself harder than ever to strike against the enemies of the Iron Company and threw every once of spare effort, time, and money he had into efforts to rebuild Gilneas. Though without any official support from any government, many people had come to settle in the towns and villages of the Gilnean countryside, and to them he was something of a hero. Though he was only a small part, he worked to help organize them into an unofficial government, to coordinate rebuilding and resettlement efforts, and to train and equip a militia to enforce order and protect the people living there. In time, he believed Gilneas could rebuild, and now with a figure to rally around, people were flocking back. His work with the Iron Company continued as well, as he fought alongside Mirran to defend them against old vendettas with rival mercenaries, the Crimson Company. In the wake of their destruction, the Company came out stronger than ever, and pirates would learn to fear their sails on the horizon.

Eventually, contact resumed with the Draenor expedition, though Wrenard was never able to truly return to the way things had been with Naihan. Absorbed into his work, he found it increasingly difficult to step away. He tried to keep in contact, though ultimately the two would slowly grow ever more distant as the conflict with the Iron Horde raged on and burned away on that far off world. The man involved himself little until the very end, where he joined the forces of the Alliance besieging Hellfire Citadel, once more taking up arms beside his niece as twin heroes of Gilneas. Then, finally, the alternate Draenor was safe. Both the Iron Horde and the Legion had been defeated, and everyone could return home.


"I always knew they'd be back, though I'd thought - hoped may be the better word - Sylvanas would make a move first. Instead, the Legion left her more powerful than ever, and left the Alliance with a child for a king. My worst nightmare."

The Iron Company devoted itself fully to the defense of Azeroth against the Legion when it landed, canceling all other contracts save one - for the defense of Stromgarde against the Forsaken - to dedicate as many troops to the fight as possible. At the Broken Shore, they landed alongside the Argent Crusade, Alliance, and Horde. Wrenard was there among the other so-called champions on that ill-fated day where the Iron Company was very nearly broken. Despite fighting with all they had, throwing every last thing they could at the Legion, it wasn't enough. Wrenard watched from the retreating Skyfire as everything he'd fought so hard for and built up bled away on the Broken Shore. Three ships - including the legendary Gorgon - lost, and the remaining two badly damaged. Much of the Company now lay dead, including many he'd considered friends. Including Mirran. That cut deepest. Now the sole commander of the Iron Company, Wrenard was left to pick up the pieces as his own life continued to fray. To make matters worse, as the eyes of the world were on the Legion, the undead army under the undead Prince Galen Trollbane began to move against Stromgarde. This left the man with a choice: stay with his wife, who had been badly injured on the Broken Shore, or stand with the Company at Stromgarde.

The choice was obvious. Naihan would live, she had suffered worse injuries, and she had healers tending to her. The Company needed him. He knew she wouldn't understand - or perhaps simply wouldn't approve - but he had his duties to attend to. They were more important. The Company, alongside Stromgarde's own militia and volunteers from Gilneas fought against desperate odds as their outnumbered forces were beaten back by Galen's army, eventually forcing them to retreat from Stromgarde, mounting one last desperate stand at the walls of the city so the civilian populace could be evacuated. He was the last to leave, watching as undead poured into the city. After two brutal defeats, he would return home to an empty house and a note with her wedding ring atop.

That home would soon be abandoned - and later destroyed by the Legion - as Wrenard packed up whatever was important and moved to reside permanently aboard the Iron Wolf. He reorganized the Iron Company to try and keep it an effective - if substantially smaller - fighting force, and coordinated their efforts to continue fighting the Legion across Azeroth. During this time, the Unseen Path sought him out for membership, and though he did not truly feel he fit in with these naturalistic hunters, he promised he would aid them in any way he could. This offer extended, of course, to his friend and soon to be Huntmaster, Gihai. Soon after, he and another friend - the Orcish beastmaster Groll Worgblood - were contacted by Grif Wildheart, a Dwarven member of the Unseen Path. The trio sought out the ancient Titan firearm, Titanstrike, and despite betrayal by their Vrykul guide, they were eventually able to secure Titanstrike, though at great cost to Thorim's pet, Hati. The wolf was nearly killed, and found itself bound to the energy of Titanstrike itself, though Wrenard was ill-equipped to care for the wolf. It was ultimately decided that he would wield Titanstrike, while Groll would take care of Hati, binding the beast to her own being to keep it alive. As both left, far stronger than they had been before, they knew the chance to strike back against the Legion would come soon.

As a member of the Unseen Path, Wrenard helped them wherever he could, and he likewise fought at the tip of the spear in Azsuna and Val'sharah, though he took some time to aid the settlement of Bradensbrook over fighting the Nightmare. As the campaign pressed into Highmountain, Wrenard took a more supportive role, seeking to defend the world behind the front while others fought, including fighting off a Legion invasion of his own home in Gilneas, though soon he would find himself thrust into a much more personal battle. A personal letter from King Greymane invited him to the Skyfire, where he would join the king in making preparations for a strike against the Forsaken fleet in Stormheim. Though extremely controversial, the man held that they were doing the right thing, and would ultimately be proven right as he and others from the Alliance once more joined King Greymane to stop Sylvanas from binding the Val'kyr Eyir to her bidding. Though it had cost him his rank within the Unseen Path, he knew what he did was right, and now back at the forefront, he pressed on to fight for the liberation of the people of Suramar, following the campaign from its beginning to its end atop Nighthold.

The return to the Broken Shore proved to be an emotional time for the man. The Company was rebuilt and stronger than ever, with the Fist now under the command of fellow Gilnean, Hadir Mossgard. They once more took to the shore alongside the Order Halls, pushing the Legion back and establishing a foothold on the Broken Shore itself. It was there Wrenard made the shocking discovery that somehow - against all odds - Mirran had survived. Tortured and broken after years alone, the man would likely never be in a condition to return to the fight, though he would be an honored guest among the Iron Company, and no expense would be spared in helping him get back on his feet and returned to his family. However, in time, the eyes of the world finally turned to the Tomb of Sargeras, the Legion's greatest bastion on Azeroth.

Wrenard and the Company will stop at nothing to see it destroyed. For Azeroth.


Stalwart and resolute, Wrenard has lived his life - with little interruption - as a soldier. Though he often acts with intense discipline and restraint, he has also shown himself to have little regard for his own safety or the danger he faces, often ready to crack a joke in response to peril. His strong opinions and fiery temper have also been known to get him into trouble at times. Not one to hold back or equivocate, he won't hesitate to tell you exactly what he thinks about things. Off the field, he allows himself more leeway, though is known to have a particularly dour streak and a professed love of gallows humor and good whiskey. He harbors an intense disdain for most undead, especially Forsaken, death knights, and necromancers largely brought on by the destruction both the Scourge and the Forsaken brought to his home. However, for those he calls friend, there can be no more reliable an ally, as he is known to be loyal - almost to a fault - to the causes and people for which he chooses to fight. He would gladly give his life for any one of them, especially if it meant saving theirs. He considers himself like a father to his men - and often also the younger champions he fights beside.

Though less pronounced than in the past, Wrenard often considers his Worgen form to be a separate person. He agitates more easily and is often far more aggressive and combative when in the form of a Worgen. Typically, he only takes Worgen form when he's going into combat, especially when against the Forsaken. If the Human could be described as a soldier, the Worgen could best be described as a warrior, reveling in combat and destruction. Where the Human may try to keep a healthy distance between him and his foes, the Worgen enjoys being up close and personal, able to rend his enemies with claws, bayonet, or sword. While this is not to say Wrenard is any more or less dangerous when in either form, the shift to Worgen notes a marked shift in his personality toward chaotic aggression, though off the field he is usually more than capable of controlling it in either form.


Wrenard as a Human is a somewhat stocky but well-muscled Human male standing approximately 5'9". His body is defined by rugged toil and war, bearing little fat and somewhat sharply defined muscles. Scars mar his body from head to toe, whether they be from sword, axe, spear, arrow, bullet, or spell, he's seen it all. Most notable is an old, faded scar of worgen teeth on his left forearm, as well as the lichtenberg scars going most of the way up both of his arms, ending just above the elbow. His chest is practically more scar tissue than not, with the primary notable scar being an emblem of Gilneas that has been burned into the skin just over his heart.

Wrenard's Human face is wrinkled and rugged, scarred as much by time as battle. Though his hair has not even begun to thin, his once bright red mane is now entirely grey, though well kept, and his thick goatee beard is much the same. He has bright steel blue eyes with a powerful fire behind them, and a short nose that was once quite straight before a few breaks bent it out of shape. His face flows down into slightly gaunt cheeks and thin, pale lips before ending in a stout, square jaw. His face has not been spared the scarring on the rest of his body either, with the most notable scars being a ragged, faded claw scar across his right eye, and a long, jagged scar going down the left side of his face from the bottom of his cheek to his chin, crossing his mouth.

Wrenard the Worgen is not unlike the Human, strongly muscled, thin, and covered in scars. He stands taller as a proud 7'2" and is covered mostly in short black fur. His face, especially at the muzzle, is starting to fade to grey, and his slightly greying mane is somewhat shaggy and unkempt. His right ear is missing its tip, and the left has a hole through the center of it. The scar across his cheek in Human form has migrated to the left side of his muzzle on the Worgen. As a Worgen Wrenard also lacks any form of beard to speak of.

His armor and clothing are enchanted to change shape and size as he does, so it remains largely the same whether he is in Worgen or Human form. Over his armor he wears a grey Gilnean greatcoat with a single golden pauldron emblazoned with the emblem of Gilneas. His armor consists of a black mithril breastplate emblazoned with the emblem of Gilneas over his heart, with blue mithril scalemail covering his abdomen and upper arms, while blue mithril scale plates cover his thighs. Beneath, he wears a thick black shirt with the Iron Company logo, reinforces in places with leather patches, and similarly thick black pants. His forearms are largely covered by black mithril bracers, and his hands are unarmored completely, covered only by black leather fingerless gloves. On his feet, he wears rugged leather boots, reinforces at the toes and heel with mithril, as well as plain black socks. The right boot has a sheath for a boot knife that doubles as a bayonet. On top of all of this, he typically wears two holsters at his sides, two holsters under his arms, and a belt with miscellaneous pouches and boxes, as well as a scabbard for his saber.
