Hello there.

7 Replies, 5067 Views


I am an owl that due to some unforeseen complications has become self-aware. And I would indeed like to join this community in all it's glory and such. . .

Now in all seriousness, sounds like a jolly good time to be had here, and I see some fellow Cothians sneaking about :O. Anywho, I will see you all in-game I suppose?


Sir Owlie.
Hello, Sir Owlie, and welcome to Freedom.

Careful with all the worgen. I think some of them enjoy eating owls.
Welcome! <E>Big Grin</E>
Hey there! Welcome to freedom! I love your top-hat Owl!
Welcome to Freedom!
Hi bird!
<IMG src="https://roem.ru/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/o.rly001.jpg"><s>[img]</s>[url="https://roem.ru/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/o.rly001.jpg">https://roem.ru/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/o.rly001.jpg[/url]<e>[/img]</e></IMG>
Welcome to Freedom! c:

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