Forum "Like" Button

3 Replies, 4293 Views

Heya! So a lot of PHP based forums have options for "likes" or responses in various forms, similar to how Discord does things. I'm pretty sure CotH's forums even had it back when they were up.

It'd be pretty great to get that feature on the Freedom forums as a means to express a positive response to a post without needing to clutter threads with things as simple as "I agree with this post" or "this is a good guide" or "I'm interested in this". Since a lot of the server communications happen on the discord or in-game, this would also be a nice way to help show "hey people are interested in X" or "y thing is good" all in one place! Especially if a topic becomes old or is in a place that's traditionally non-participation. (Like morph apps!Wink
I actually, if I can post my opinion here, as someone from CotH am against this. I recall a lot of hurt feelings and (not so?) subtle barbs with this function. People would crowd posts by people they liked with likes without actually posting their thoughts on it. If a post is worthy of consideration, people can take the time to post their thoughts without engaging in like count fights.
I'm actually going to rescind my suggestion based on having seen this post: [url=""><s></s>

Didn't realize someone had already beat me to this discussion.
Heh. Heh. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa people weren't fond of the thought.
[Image: 6H8JFlV.jpg]
The pine tree wastes which is perched on the hill,
nor bark nor needles shelter it;
such is the man whom none doth love;
for what should he longer live?

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