Hello (it's me)

6 Replies, 4193 Views

Hello world,

I used to play on Freedom, years and years ago! I played a number of characters, mainly Kelian Rigson, a character who started out all right and ended up a lulzy mess of a rogue/mage, which some of you older people may remember.

I'm seeing about getting it to work on my macbook (I'm in America currently and not back to my home in the UK for another 2 weeks), but not sure where to find a mac client (or if one exists), so may be on in a few weeks. If anyone's able to help out with a mac download that'd be beyond perfect!

A bit about me, I'm a professional musician, mainly focusing on composition for media, but also nowadays doing some art-composition and playing a lot of various things with bands around the US and UK.

Hopefully this is a good fun time!
Welcome back you fucking tube.
Oi you fucking tube, it's good to see you again!
Hey there! Welcome back to freedom ^^
Kelian made me some amazing music recently be nice to him
<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Pepper</dt><dd>May 1 2017, 01:27:30 PM</dd></dl><div>Kelian made me some amazing music recently be nice to him[/quote]You should send me the game :Up:
Gus you hairy tube <3 welcome home

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