No one's return, somewhat

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Hullo. Again. For the second time I guess, probably not the last "Hai" moment either.

So, to those that still remember and are even still around, because I am not sure by this point - I am back, somewhat. Yeah, it happened, just like I said in my first introduction, but life is chaotic and really unpredictable and I didn't know when a wave would wash me away. It did, without much warning, just like adult life is.

Long story made as short as possible: I've been absent for around 5-6 months or so. Not even sure myself anymore. What happened was that I got lured into a different job with promises of a better salary and less chaos than my previous job provided and so I agreed. Big mistake. After 3 months in the new work place I didn't get a single paycheck. The douche that hired me did however give me 50 euros twice, directly out of his pocket so I wouldn't starve as he put it himself, which is kind of illegal by the way. The audacity of some people. To those that don't quite understand, 50 euros is barely enough to pay for food for a month where I live. So naturally the first thing to go, after I didn't get paid on my first month was my internet, on the next month I said goodbye to my mobile phone service provider and even my car as I had no money to put fuel in the damn thing or pay for it's insurance, which is obligatory here if you want to drive around. By the third month I got into a small debt and only now have I really gotten out of it, so there's that. Life can suck like that sometimes. Fortunatelly my former employer agreed to take me back and even left me my original salary which means the internet is back, I can mummble on my phone all I want and I can stop using public transportation. Yay?! I guess... Anyways, that's the brunt of it.

Okay, now, for those more interested and those who don't know me from earlier because either: a. I am kind of closed off and lurking in the shadows or b. You're totally new here - I used to be known as Aisha on CotH. I've been roleplaying in World of Warcraft since October 2008. However, WoW is not where I started roleplaying and quite honestly I can't even tell what year it was when I started... 2006 maybe... Uhh, so yeah, I've been at this for quite a while now, which makes me 25 and I still play video games. Kind of sounds bad, doesn't it? Hahaha, oh well. If anything with all that adult life brings I do have less time to play them, but if anything I have a bigger draw to deny reality and substitute it with my own in RP. Cuz ya know... if you read the previous paragraph. Yea... exactly... so shh, I'm not crazy - you're crazy.

Now, where was I... Oh yeah! I prefer playing Night Elves because I find their lore the most interesting and appealing; they have 10k years of history for crying out loud, blew up the world n' stuff and no, don't rub da spacegoats in... played one on CotH back in the day. This does not mean I limit myself to Night Elves only. Quite frankly I carried over most of my character roster from CotH: Aisha, Diandra, Andrea, Keeva, Nahele, Inara. Which meant that in some instances I even continued some long lasting roleplay I had with some CotH players, with a few minor tweaks to fit the lore and timeline here, obviously. Yes, I am a nerd like that. Amirite Avitz? Though I highly doubt he'll read through my wall-o-text to see his name. If he does maybe he can point out how many years we've had an RP going. However, in spite of that I do find myself slightly closed off and afraid of approaching new people for roleplay, which does limit me a lot. This didn't used to be a problem long ago, but it became one as I do believe it's a byproduct of CotH becoming stale and people going off into their own little closed RP circles. Please have mercy and don't eat me because of this? Honestly, I like people approaching me in-game for RP, but sometimes I just freeze up and doubt myself, so trust me, it's not personal, but rather an issue I have to work on. If you do decide to poke me about something I generally do nicer characters; not really into the pure evil game, however, I did play an evil Warlock Blood Elf mother by request for a person's storyline about a dysfunctional family back on CotH and I enjoyed it because who in the right mind wouldn't enjoy helping someone build their storyline with actual characters rather than NPCs?! It's not the destination that mattered (which was the inevitable demise of said evil mother at the hands of her daughter), but the journey. I like helping and these more personal stories even when I got to play a temporary antagonist. Did have one of these type of personal stories myself way back in the day so perhaps when the time is right this might be the place to revive it.

Aham. I hope that gives you an idea of what kind of person I am if you happen to want to find me in-game for random RP or perhaps drag me into a storyline you're creating as a side character or something. Right, well, this re-introduction has been a bit more personal, so I guess this is a small step working on getting out of the shadows. However, I am still an adult and I have a crappy job that pays for my internet, which in turn feeds my gaming addiction, which means that certain smelly things may hit the fan and I would be forced to poof from time to time to sort out the mess it left. That doesn't mean I will stop playing video games! Ha! NEVAAAR! You can't stop the music! Nobody can stop the music! And yes that's a Village People reference because #whynot? Well, I hope that covers everything, kind of... I guess... Bah, you can message me if you're a really curious cat, but do keep in mind what happens to cats like that when asking too much, kek.

Here's me hoping we can all reconnect or meet up if we haven't met before and spend what little time I can spare on roleplay.
When you and your party has 60s to kill a Pit Lord
[Image: wGI9OiS.png]
Hey Starlight! Glad to see ya back ^^

Im sorry to hear about your RL situation but I am happy to see that you're back at your previous employ. I can't believe what the other employers did to you and that its legal, honestly that's really scary so I'm glad you're not still there.

I also understand how you feel about preferring people to approach you for RP, I think a few people prefer it that way. I can swing either way depending but I mostly initiate when my RL allows me to (curse you 6 hour long homework ventures). That being said, if I see ya on I'll definitely invite you, Im working on some cool stuff, neutral, horde, and a smidge alliance so plenty o'things.

Again, welcome back we're glad to have ya <3
Hey, I think we spoke earlier in the mall. Welcome back!
[Image: lmNk3qA.gif]
"Can you do that vegetable thing?" - Mirran to Kazuni 2k17
"Swift fighters, I applaud the efforts. But I am far sturdier than a meme man." - Malthik Dren, 2k18
<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Talona</dt><dd>Mar 31 2017, 05:42:29 PM</dd></dl><div>Hey Starlight! Glad to see ya back ^^

Im sorry to hear about your RL situation but I am happy to see that you're back at your previous employ. I can't believe what the other employers did to you and that its legal, honestly that's really scary so I'm glad you're not still there.

I also understand how you feel about preferring people to approach you for RP, I think a few people prefer it that way. I can swing either way depending but I mostly initiate when my RL allows me to (curse you 6 hour long homework ventures). That being said, if I see ya on I'll definitely invite you, Im working on some cool stuff, neutral, horde, and a smidge alliance so plenty o'things.

Again, welcome back we're glad to have ya <3 [/quote]Legal? No... That was highly illegal. Though I can't be bothered to sue him, but he got what was coming to him anyways and the business is closed down.

It's fine now.

Oh and I'm more Alliance oriented. Got only 1 Horde character now, quite frankly never had more than 2 since 2008. =D
When you and your party has 60s to kill a Pit Lord
[Image: wGI9OiS.png]
Just found this. Welcome!

I'm not sure if we've ever RP'd before, so we should change that!
There’s enough guilt in the world without grabbing for more.
I can neither confirm nor deny Starlight's Elven tendencies. Only that the ears are pointy...And boy are they vindictive.

Great to see you back though, but you already know dat.
You haven't met quite many 40+ years old geezers, who play MMO, have family, and operate diary jobs in their corporals, normally. (If you find me dubious, I am just 25.)

And, ok. Got it. We just have to rush right at you, and peekaboo through your shyness.

I also like your idea of giving people, char to progress. I'm thinking of helping at much smaller scope, as dispensable, supporting chars (ex. villager witnesses, sacrifice ritual victim, doomed night patrols, etc. ).

So, if you want extra, non-npc man, in the scene. Call me, maybe.
<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Thelanarth</dt><dd>Apr 3 2017, 07:13:57 AM</dd></dl><div>You haven't met quite many 40+ years old geezers, who play MMO, have family, and operate diary jobs in their corporals, normally. (If you find me dubious, I am just 25.)

And, ok. Got it. We just have to rush right at you, and peekaboo through your shyness.

I also like your idea of giving people, char to progress. I'm thinking of helping at much smaller scope, as dispensable, supporting chars (ex. villager witnesses, sacrifice ritual victim, doomed night patrols, etc. ).

So, if you want extra, non-npc man, in the scene. Call me, maybe.[/quote]Rush? Pls don't eat me.

Though yes, I already got carried off one night by Ural, Rensin and Sachi. More RP crammed into a single night that I've had over the course of a year or so (absence included).

It got really wild by the end with random people hopping aboard. Forlarren, Satyrs, Forest Sprites and two Wardens in the same spot kind of wild. Was cracking up all night. Good thing nobody could see or they'd think I've went crazy. Thanks people!

Also. I hunger... for more! ^.^
When you and your party has 60s to kill a Pit Lord
[Image: wGI9OiS.png]
Wibbles, Nahele. It'll be a cold day in hell and a sad day on earth if you ever gave up RP-ing.

So I'm glad you're around more again.
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[Image: c05642e188e479adb6263c460281cd50.gif]
I'm starting all over again, uh,
it is Monday.

[Image: JQyOsxK.jpg]

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