Client/Server crash?

3 Replies, 4187 Views

Character(s): Jackjoebob

What happened: Pulled up the mount tab and tried to .additem a mount I want. Then the client crashed and I couldn't log back on. This probably wasn't a intended feature but I hope I didn't cause the server or anything to crash, thought I'd bring this to the attention of the devs.

Where: The Mall

How: I pulled up the mount tab. Then I searched up Goblin Trike, then I typed .additem and shift-clicked the actual Goblin Trike mount, making the spell hyperlinked. Pressed enter without thinking about it, then the client/server crashed.
Yeah, mounts are spells and when you try to .add a spell it will crash the server, we have a mount mall for the mounts that can be used .f t mallmount
<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Talona</dt><dd>Nov 25 2016, 07:14:54 PM</dd></dl><div>Yeah, mounts are spells and when you try to .add a spell it will crash the server, we have a mount mall for the mounts that can be used .f t mallmount[/quote]Ah, okay, thanks. My bad for crashing the server, then.
No problem you didnt know o/

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