[Important] Application Required for Forlarren

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Hey Everyone,

From now on Forlarren must be applied for as an application in the morph tier system, and their tier depends on their parentage, which is reflective of the tier their parentage is. This is effective immediately, this will be expanded upon in terms of parentage races as they come up!

Tier 2 Forlarren that are pre-existing do not need to re-apply but Tier 3 Forlarren do!

Tier 2

Satyr Parentage

Forlarren Succubus Parentage

Forlarren Felguard Parentage

Tier 3

Forlarren Wrathguard Parentage

Forlarren Doomguard Parentage

Forlarren Shivarra Parentage

Forlarren Lesser Eredar Parentage

Note: These races have been added to the morph list already

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