Player/GM Ticket system

3 Replies, 4039 Views

Changes Proposed
  • <COLOR color="#EE4A2D"><s></s>[ In progress ] Make custom in-game ticket system if default one cannot be gotten to work. This will work in form of commands. Notes:
    • Players create tickets with something like ".ticket create gief satyr morph, display id XXXXX"

    • Players can edit their tickets with something like ".ticket edit $ticketId edited text goes here"

    • Online GMs get notified of newly created or closed tickets.

    • GMs can list tickets with something like .ticket list [$optionalSearchString] (question is, optional search string filters what? Ticket creator's username? Content? Perhaps make command modifiers [special parameters starting with a dash at start of the command before normal parameters] for advanced filtering?). Additionally make it possible to search closed tickets.

    • GMs can close tickets with .ticket closeid $ticketId

    • GMs can view ticket details/content with .ticket viewid $ticketId

    • GMs can assign tickets with .ticket assign $ticketId, mostly to notify other GMs that the ticket is handled. Should I also make .ticket unassigned $ticketId command? In practice if someone wanted to take over the ticket then the other GM can simply do .ticket assign command again.

  • <COLOR color="gray"><s></s>[ Planned ] Make custom mini-manager ticket system, what works with in-game one. Notes:
    • Players create tickets through web-page or in-game system.

    • Online GMs get notified of newly created or closed tickets coming from mini-manager.

    • Site admins can go to a page, which lists all tickets in form of a table like many other row-data pages work. Also add filtering controls.

    • Site admins can go to a page, which display details of a specific ticket. You click on some button like "View details" in respective ticket row.

    • Site admins can close tickets either through ticket details page or by pressing some button like "Close ticket" in ticket list.

    • Players have their own personal ticket list page with their tickets. Similar with site admins, players can view details of a ticket and close it by clicking on some button like "Abandon" or "Close" or "Cancel ticket" in ticket list.

    • Site admins can assign tickets to themselves either through ticket detail page or by clicking on some button like "Assign to myself" in ticket list.


Please post feedback if such a system will be useful for players and GMs. Also, be sure to post any ideas I may have missed in this ticket system implementation plan if you have any.
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Yessssssssss pls
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