Network Data Source Error

4 Replies, 4584 Views


Yesterday I received this very same error after downloading, extracting, and patching my WoWFreedom6 folder all together properly. It finally allowed me to load up the server and log in to RP a bit and meet everyone last night after I moved the folder from my desktop to my C drive. However, this morning I find myself plagued with the very same error when nothing has changed. I have turned 'read-only' back on and off and ran the file as administrator to no avail. I've reached a bit of an impasse.
Well, that's a new one. Can you describe how exactly you patched your folder? Did you simply replace FreedomWoW.exe from the FreedomEssentialsPatch or were you using outdated FreedomPatcher.bat from outdated FreedomEssentialsPatch?
I did nothing more than extract the latest essentials package into the WoD client and allow it to replace everything that it prompted me to.
Check to see if you have any anti-virus/fire-wall conflicting with the application.
Specifically whitelisting the .exe file in my firewall seems to have worked. Only time will tell if it's a permanent fix.

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