Items disappear sometimes.

3 Replies, 3853 Views

I noticed when I teleported out of the mall after outfitting my char with some gear, his gun seemed to disappear. I pressed Z and it wouldn't come out and so I found a temporary fix by reequipping it. Is there a permanent fix out there? Thanks
This is just an annoying bug with the client for MoP sadly. Re equipping is the only way, just use ctrl click or add via commands when looking at gear
<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Pepper</dt><dd>Apr 1 2016, 03:52:52 PM</dd></dl><div>This is just an annoying bug with the client for MoP sadly. Re equipping is the only way, just use ctrl click or add via commands when looking at gear [/quote]Thanks man!
<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Pepper</dt><dd>Apr 1 2016, 03:52:52 PM</dd></dl><div>This is just an annoying bug with the client for MoP sadly. Re equipping is the only way, just use ctrl click or add via commands when looking at gear [/quote] :Up: Yeah, top development assistant pep on duty.

But sadly it's a bug between server and client due to missing Opcodes. feelsbadman

Sadly the only fix Is to equip something else in the other slot, or sometimes I manage to drag a blank equipment slot in to the bag and requip it.

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