Face Left, Right, Mid-Left, Mid-Right

4 Replies, 4643 Views

Greetings, folks! I'm new here, so excuse me if this isn't quite the place - though, it <I><s></s>is<e></e></I> the suggestions area.

I was wondering if the staff team wouldn't mind adding face left, face right, face mid-left, and face mid-right to the spellbook. These spells, once activated, allow your character's head to tilt slightly to the appointed side - giving a more realistic feel and look for conversation, or just to oversee some ruckus abound. It looks quite a bit better than having to move your whole body just to see something, as if your character has had a spinal fusion surgery.





Willing to see what the populace thinks. B-)
Added ^^ Pretty cool spells I didnt know they were a thing now all we need is those waltz spells that actually work
waltz spells? u mean the anim for the humans? wont happen unless theres a spell that does emote id 400

(customspell spells)
Wait a min, in retail, when you turn screen within ~170 degrees, your model's head tilt exactly at your mouse's direction.

Only when you turn wider than 180 degree, your model starts moving whole body.

There is another BC p-server, that successfully coded this: Vengeance wow.
That's just on your screen. It doesn't translate to others'. Which the spells above do.
[Image: lmNk3qA.gif]
"Can you do that vegetable thing?" - Mirran to Kazuni 2k17
"Swift fighters, I applaud the efforts. But I am far sturdier than a meme man." - Malthik Dren, 2k18

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