WoD Development
  • First introduction of command modifier system. Basically, some commands will have "[modifiers]" in their syntax description. This means that in "[modifiers]" place you can put in optional, special parameters called "modifiers", they start with a dash ( - ) and must be fully, case-sensitively written. These modifiers may also have their own parameters, what you need to put after the modifier (e.g. <COLOR color="yellow"><s></s>.my command -guid 12345). Read modifier description to know how many and what kind of parameters they need (some don't need any).

  • Finished all necessary <COLOR color="yellow"><s></s>.gobject commands (more info about them is found on Command List page of the mini-manager):
    • <COLOR color="yellow"><s></s>.gobject select : Add nearest gameobject to your gameobject selection. You can additional filter by gameobject entry id, so it picks up nearest gameobject with that specific entry id.

    • <COLOR color="yellow"><s></s>.gobject activate : Activate gameobject. Useful for gameobjects such as doors or chests.

    • <COLOR color="yellow"><s></s>.gobject add/spawn : Spawn gameobjects. It will not spawn blacklisted gameobjects.

    • <COLOR color="yellow"><s></s>.gobject delete : Delete gameobjects. Supply additional $guid parameter to delete some far-away game objects.

    • <COLOR color="yellow"><s></s>.gobject info : Get information about gameobject. There are four modifiers, what control how much information you receive:
      • -full : Display all information, which is revealed by other modifiers.

      • -advanced : Display some advanced technical information about the object. You usually won't need this.

      • -pos : Display position information (X, Y, Z, Orientation).

      • -history : Display gameobject history (read below for history system)

    • <COLOR color="yellow"><s></s>.gobject move : Move gameobject (effect is instant, you no longer have to stand still for a few seconds before it refreshes). You can supply up to 3 normal parameters, what are local coordinates relative to gameobject ($x = forward/backward, $y = left/right, $z), allowing you to move it locally, while you yourself watch it move from afar. It has four modifiers:
      • -guid $guid : Target gameobject with $guid instead of selection

      • -adeg $deg : After moving turn gameobject by adding degrees $deg to its current orientation

      • -sdeg $deg : After moving turn gameobject by setting its global orientation in degrees $deg

      • -po : After moving turn gameobject using player orientation

    • <COLOR color="yellow"><s></s>.gobject near : List nearby gameobjects (if you dont supply it with distance, then by default it searches near 10 yards).

    • <COLOR color="yellow"><s></s>.gobject phase : Change gameobject phase to phases $phaseList (valid $phaseList phasemask items are: 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256, where 1 is default phase) with related world vision update for players. Phase state is persistant and saved to DB. Invalid $phaseList items are ignored. Has two modifiers:
      • -guid $guid : Target gameobject with $guid instead of selection

      • -ids : Treat $phaseList items as Phase IDs instead of phase mask entries

    • <COLOR color="yellow"><s></s>.gobject turn Turn gameobject (effect is instant, you no longer have to stand still for a few seconds before it refreshes). By default it turns it to the direction your character is facing, but this behavior can be changed with modifiers. It has three modifiers:
      • -guid $guid : Target gameobject with $guid instead of selection

      • -adeg $deg : Turn gameobject by adding degrees $deg to its current orientation

      • -sdeg $deg : Turn gameobject by setting its global orientation in degrees $deg

    • <COLOR color="yellow"><s></s>.gobject scale Scale gameobject (effect is instant, you no longer have to stand still for a few seconds before it refreshes).

  • History system is implemented. Currently encompasses only gameobjects. This system will keep track of who created and who modified gameobjects/npcs, as well as creation and modification datetime. With appropriate commands (<COLOR color="yellow"><s></s>.gobject info for now) player can see who created and modified the object (normal player will only see player names and player ids, while GMs and higher will also see account names and their ids).

  • This marks finish of <COLOR color="yellow"><s></s>.gobject commands for now.

[Web] Updated command list page with better formatting for list items.

P.S. I know about gameobject glow, it will be removed in future updates.
[FreedomCore6] Removed gameobject glow/interact selection.
[Client patch] Updated client patch with a TRP3 fix. Redownload and re-apply your [url="https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9bR-Dw6svB7WE1HSUcxWXhrb28"><s></s>FreedomEssentialsPatch.
[FreedomCore6] Updated core with new form of TRP3 fix, which is used by Paragon WoW (credits to DataCore).
  • Huge rework of .npc commands. A lot of the default ones have been reworked to include better npc/creature selection and more instant response (you can now move and turn creatures without people having to wait on the spot for a while).

  • New .npc commands, allowing you to set additional npc info:
    • <COLOR color="yellow"><s></s>.npc set emote : Set creature to play emote of $emoteId, but this is also saved to the database, therefore, on each refresh or restart the emote animation you set will continue to persist until set otherwise (set to 0 for no emote animation).

    • <COLOR color="yellow"><s></s>.npc set mount : Set creature mount to $mountId. Set value will be database persistent.

    • <COLOR color="yellow"><s></s>.npc set aura : Toggle aura of a creature by providing $spellId/$auraId and "on" or "off" as second parameter.

    • <COLOR color="yellow"><s></s>.npc set deathstate on/off : Toggle death animation on a creature, making it play dead if toggled on.

    • <COLOR color="yellow"><s></s>.npc set sleepstate on/off : Toggle sleep animation on a creature, making it go to sleep if toggled on.

    • <COLOR color="yellow"><s></s>.npc set hoverstate on/off : Toggle hover animation on a creature.

    • <COLOR color="yellow"><s></s>.npc set scale : Set persistent size scale value for the creature.

    • <COLOR color="yellow"><s></s>.npc select : Add nearby creature to your hidden selection, which can be used for a lot of other npc commands. Very useful when you have to interact with an npc, which you can't target by clicking on it.

    • More information can be obtained on the mini-manager command list page by searching for .npc commands.

  • Moved npc tame command to <COLOR color="yellow"><s></s>.freedom tame : Tame targeted tameable creature as your pet.

  • New freedom command - <COLOR color="yellow"><s></s>.freedom tabard : Open guild tabard designer UI.

  • Added creature and gameobject goto commands:<COLOR color="yellow"><s></s>.goto creature/npc and <COLOR color="yellow"><s></s>.goto object/gobject - they are improved with gobject and npc selection, so you don't have to necessarily type $guid for teleportation to creature or gameobject.

[Client patch / FreedomCore6] This update requires you to redownload and re-apply [url="https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9bR-Dw6svB7WE1HSUcxWXhrb28"><s></s>FreedomEssentialsPatch (Connection guide is already updated with that).

<COLOR color="#EE4A2D"><s></s>P.S. If you don't want your WoW settings to reset (such as graphics ones), don't replace WTF/Config.wtf when re-applying the patch.
[FreedomCore6 / Client patch]
  • Merged and applied latest TrinityCore commit [SHA: cc07a491f64fa958c8a27079bd2def84c577f816] (they have now moved on to legion development it seems).

  • Changed code to log errors instead of intentionally crash the server if a spell has unknown data or simply isn't implemented yet (majority of spell crashes should stop after this update).

  • Updated FreedomEssentialsPatch: added !CrossFaction addon with Chase's permission.

This update requires you to redownload and re-apply [url="https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9bR-Dw6svB7WE1HSUcxWXhrb28"><s></s>FreedomEssentialsPatch (Connection guide is already updated with that).

<COLOR color="#EE4A2D"><s></s>P.S. If you don't want your WoW settings to reset (such as graphics ones), don't replace WTF/Config.wtf when re-applying the patch.
[Freedom Mini-manager update] Removed ReCaptcha check from login.
[FreedomCore6] Improved .lookup item command:
  • Added modifiers for better filtering

  • Moved searching to database for better performance

  • Command help on mini-manager:
    • Syntax: <COLOR color="yellow"><s></s>.lookup item [modifiers] $itemNamePart

    • Description: Looks up an item by $itemNamePart, and returns all matches with their Item IDs (does not include unrefined custom items unless '-c' modifier is specified). Command has following modifiers:
      • -c : Search through unrefined custom items instead of default ones

      • -a : Search only armor items (item class == 4)

      • -w : Search only weapon items (item class == 2)

  • Removed .freedom tabard command since it doesn't work. Use Guild Master in the mall instead.

  • Fixed .freedom speed/fly/walk/run/swim/bwalk commands correctly setting the speed.

[FreedomCore6] Added new command: .freedom panda horde/alliance

This command can only be used by neutral pandaren players. It will trigger faction change to either horde or alliance when executed. You must relog after its execution.
[FreedomCore6] Removed zone and boss scripts from compilation (this should fix Naxx crashes and other boss/creature-caused crashes).
[FreedomCore6] Executed a DB script, which removes animation states (sit, kneel, sleep and etc.) from all entries in creature template. Already spawned creatures still retain their old animation states. This should fix [url="http://w11.zetaboards.com/WoW_Freedom/topic/11722988/"><s></s>Npcs spawning in a state of Sleep/Death/Sit/Kneel issue.

<blockquote class='code_blockquote'><dl><dt>Code: </dt><dd>&nbsp;</dd></dl><code>

SET @UNIT_FLAG_UNK_29 := 536870912; -- 0x2000 0000


SET @UNIT_DYNFLAG_DEAD := 64; -- 0x40

-- Deathstate

UPDATE wod_world.creature_template a SET

a.unit_flags = a.unit_flags & ~ @UNIT_FLAG_UNK_29,

a.unit_flags2 = a.unit_flags2 & ~ @UNIT_FLAG2_FEIGN_DEATH,

a.dynamicflags = a.dynamicflags & ~ @UNIT_DYNFLAG_DEAD


-- Other animation states

UPDATE wod_world.creature_template_addon b SET

b.bytes1 = 0;

-- Few SmartAI death-states

DELETE FROM wod_world.smart_scripts

WHERE `comment` LIKE '%On Reset%Cast%Feign Death%';

  • Polished and added more .freedom reload commands, making it enough to create custom NPCs and load them in-game without server restart. This doesn't mean I will take custom NPC creation requests for WoD just yet (I plan having mini-manager page for NPC creation, so I don't have to bother with MySQL directly).

  • Fixed an issue where newly spawned NPCs did not load their equipment.

  • Fixed crash issue with ".npc info -advanced" when it is used on default, already-spawned NPCs, what don't have creature_extra DB entry.

[FreedomCore6] Changed .lookup item command a bit. It should now use remaining tokens in the search (you no longer have to use quotes to search by multiple tokens separated by whitespace).

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