Highmountain Storyline
Hey guys! This is the list of events for the Highmountain Storyline! Take note that the zone actually begins June 6th, with the first week being a very special event chain!

May 29th: A Falling Star

May 30th: Bringer of the Light


June 6th: Thunder Totem

June 13th: Riverbend

June 19th: The Skyhorn Tribe Part 1

June 20th: The Skyhorn Tribe Part 2

June 27th: The Bloodtotem Tribe


July 4th: Unexpected Allies

July 10th: Huln’s War

July 11th: Secrets of Highmountain

July 18th: Battle of Snowblind Mesa

July 25th: Neltharion's Lair(Dungeon)

July 26tth-August 23rd: Break. Third Half of Order Hall campaigns

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Highmountain Storyline - by zackaroth - 05-26-2020, 01:57 PM

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