Try connecting bunch of times to [url=""><s></s> - it runs on the VPS but on WAMP server software, which is completely independent from WoW server. If you have issues connecting to that, then the problem is not WoW-related but directly related to network problems connecting to aka.
Another solution is to reset your network stuff.
Launch cmd.exe and type (dont type the stuff in angled brackets):
<blockquote class='code_blockquote'><dl><dt>Code: </dt><dd> </dd></dl><code>
ipconfig /release
<wait for response, you will loose internet connection during this>
ipconfig /renew
<wait for response, you will regain internet connection during this>
ipconfig /flushdns
<wait for response, you will delete DNS cache, which is a cache what stores domain names such as >
Another solution is to reset your network stuff.
Launch cmd.exe and type (dont type the stuff in angled brackets):
<blockquote class='code_blockquote'><dl><dt>Code: </dt><dd> </dd></dl><code>
ipconfig /release
<wait for response, you will loose internet connection during this>
ipconfig /renew
<wait for response, you will regain internet connection during this>
ipconfig /flushdns
<wait for response, you will delete DNS cache, which is a cache what stores domain names such as >