Forlarren and Demon Souls

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Hey guys. With the new lore in Legion concerning demon souls, how demonic regeneration works and what happens to a Demon Soul, we have decided it was time to make some changes how on a Forlarren, a half demon, with a demonic soul would work and whether they should be sanctioned or not. We are aware we do have some Forlarren with demonic souls already but many of them were made before we got the full picture on how demon souls work beyond regenerating in the nether.

In terms of regenerating, while Forlarren with demonic souls it should be kept in mind this does not give them a free pass in dieing. Its still something that would be immensely painful and for those not Legion aligned, a fate literally worse then death. The Legion can track down and capture souls within the Nether and torture them and any independent Forlarren would most likely be treated the same way a rogue demon would be.  Its an incredible risk to die as a Forlarren with a demonic soul and one that should not be taken lightly. Also, like demons, a Forlarren who dies in the Nether or a Fel saturated planet is dead for good. Meaning there is no way to get resurrected as another character might be. They are gone forever. These concepts should be kept in mind if your have or are planning to have a Forlarren with a demonic soul.

In terms of sanctioning. Having a demonic soul means the Forlarren has given completely to their demonic side and is more close to a demon rather then a mortal. This would also include things like mutations, a much stronger fel aura and an addiction to fel magic. If viewed by another race, they may not look any more different then a demon. This why, at this time we will no longer be sanctioning Forlarren with demonic souls for the Horde or Alliance. For those who already sanctioned, we are offering you the chance to either retcon having a demonic soul and simply being a corrupted soul(meaning your soul is fel tainted but has not gone past the point of no return) or make a CTS to speak with the staff about your Forlarren character if you feel having a demonic soul is important to the basis of your character. We apologize for the issues this may cause for the few who have Forlarren with demonic souls but Legion has changed the rules on how demons work in many ways, sometimes twice in regards to Argus,  and unfortunately Forlarren where created long before these concepts wherever created or known.

Finally, we are adding two new morphs to the list dealing with this.

Forlarren with Demon Soul(Legion Aligned)

Forlarren with Demon Soul(Independent)

Keep in mind this ONLY for Forlarren with demon souls. Every Forlarren has the ability to gain a demon soul but not all have to have one.

Thank you for reading this and again sorry for any inconvenience this may cause

Messages In This Thread
Forlarren and Demon Souls - by zackaroth - 12-27-2017, 06:34 PM

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