Wow Freedom: Warlords of Draenor

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In the past...
"We will never be slaves!"
Garrosh Hellscream escaped justice for the crimes he commited during his regin as Warchief over the Horde. Aided by a rogue bronze dragon, Hellscream has vanished off the face of Azeroth. Despite all attempts by the various factions of Azeroth, no trace of him has been found. Many questions have been raised to where have may have gone. However, the correct question be to when
Having traveled far back into the past, Garrosh has found himself in the land of Draenor. Before the planet was shattered into Outland, it was a vibrant and savage place. Its from here he plots his ultimate revenge against the heroes that stopped him. Meeting his father, Grommash Hellscream, Garrosh has convinced the orcs of this Draenor to reject Gul'dan's gift of fel blood. Instead he has giving him to the secrets to much of the technology seen during the Siege of Orgrimmar and promised them a united Horde could find new lands to conquer.
Grommash and many of the other Warlords of the various clans...have agreed. After killing Mannaroth and capturing Gul'dan, this new Iron Horde turns to Azeroth....
In the present
Unknown to the war wear heroes of the world, The Dark Portal has suddenly turned red. Contact from both Nethergarde Keep and Dreadmaul Post have ceased. Scouts who attempt to investigate whats going on never return. Such drastic changes have eveyrone concerned, especially in a land that has been used a demonic invasion point before. Kirin Tor Council member and former Son of Lothar, Archmage Khadgar is starting to seek out heroes to help him investigate what exactly has happened....
Warlords of Draenor Intro Events
December 1st: The Iron Tide 1: Nethergarde Keep
December 2nd: The Iron Tide 2: Dreadmaul Hold
December 9th: The Iron Tide Finale: Back to Blackrock
January 2018: Into the Dark Portal.
Keep an eye on the forums in the following days for announcements regarding the new WoD Morph List and ST events during the Iron Tide event chain!

[Image: xQqxrkJ.png]
"But we will be conquerors!"
(This post was last modified: 11-24-2017, 06:16 PM by Kretol. Edit Reason: Removed a few more double-instances of color declarations )

Messages In This Thread
Wow Freedom: Warlords of Draenor - by zackaroth - 11-24-2017, 05:51 AM

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