Refugee of a CoTHastrophe

16 Replies, 7979 Views

Hi! I'm another one! Used to go by the name Rowgen back there on CoTH. Decided I wanted a fresh start here!

I enjoy night elves, orcs and undead! I think I'll need to reinstate one of each of those races first, and then we'll see where that takes me! <E>Smile</E>
Woo! More Undead <E>8)</E>

Welcome, Rowgen! It's a pleasure to meet you. If you have any problems or questions, our staff is readily available! I hope you enjoy your stay here!

Welcome to freedom : )
Welcome, hope you enjoy yourself here.
Hey there! ^.^ I'm Talona =) Wow so many new people it makes me smile! Anywho~ Let me know if you have an questions or concerns, I'm always here to help, and if you wanna rp or talk about IC concepts feel free to PM in game or out of game on the Forums.

[Image: hjNcK3s.gif]
Taste the sacred steel of FALCHION!
Apparently CoTH Newbies are supposed to report here? WELL I AM PAY. That's all, enjoy.
Yeet or be Yeeted.
<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Paylonas</dt><dd>Mar 14 2015, 10:34:48 AM</dd></dl><div>Apparently CoTH Newbies are supposed to report here? WELL I AM PAY. That's all, enjoy.[/quote]Welcome, friend~
Welcome everyone!

Maf is going to need a lot of fresh towels
Paylonas you lazy shit don't mooch off Rowgen's thread make your own >:V
[Image: hjNcK3s.gif]
Taste the sacred steel of FALCHION!
Hi Rowg! ^^
<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Paylonas</dt><dd>Mar 14 2015, 10:34:48 AM</dd></dl><div>Apparently CoTH Newbies are supposed to report here? WELL I AM PAY. That's all, enjoy.[/quote]Also welcome Pay!
Honestly. Someone could make a thread for those who come from CotH. xD


Welcome, Welcome, Welcome, <small>Welcome</small>, <small><small>Welcome....</small></small>

And a million times welcome from Lupar, to both of you.
[Image: qAzBo9c.gif]
Welcome aboard, all of you :3c
o/ Welcome welcome

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