Signing Off

5 Replies, 5351 Views

Hello Freedom!

Its been an interesting four years since I had a fit of madness and decided to apply for GM, I definitely could not of predicted how far we've come, and how both the server and the community has changed over time. Unfortunately, one of these changes is my stepping down from the Staff. This is owing to my IRL circumstances and has in some ways been a long time coming, as my ability to commit and to perform has been on the decline due to factors beyond control. I have nonetheless got a lot of enjoyment and fulfillment through working for and with this community I first joined in 2010, and then stepped up in 2014, and I wish it well going forward on the march towards Legion. I do not intend to leave Freedom altogether, but I shall likely be taking a bit of a break for a while as I acclimatize to not having absolute power at my whim.

Thank you to the rest of the Staff for keeping me mostly sane, and thank you to everyone for the good times.

Peter, Signing Off
Thank you Peter for the work you have done, having been a peer, colleague, and player alongside you it really has been an honor working with you but most of all I am grateful to have gotten to know you. You were one of my first friends on Freedom, and I remember us talking all the time while I ran around what was formerly the Azshara crater mall. =) I look forward to hanging out with you more during this new found freedom (pun intended). <3
Thank you for all you've done for the server Pete! Glad to hear that we'll still be seeing you around. Good luck with the IRL too!
While we might not have always agreed or seen eye to eye on things relating to the server, but I've always respected the work you've put in, Pete, and I'll always remember the long nights spent hanging out together fondly. You absolutely deserve the rest, and I'm glad you're taking it. Get things sorted out and take care of yourself. We'll be here for when you have that itch again. So..

Thank you, Peter. Let's savor the good memories, and make plenty more in the future. =)
[Image: k24z1WW.png?1]
Thank you for your services to the staff and to the server, speaking as someone who has worked along side you I see that you always gave your all, finding maps for SoO being just one of the notable big things you did, you have a good head on your shoulders, and I hope we can role play again soon, take all the time you need, I know the adjustment period can be something to get used to.

I genuinely enjoyed working with you, here's hoping your IRL situation eases up on you, but if not, i'm always there if you need to talk, even if its just to vent.
thanks for the great work pete

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