Hey guys. My name's Thaddian. A pure Alliance RPer on WoW. I came here as a Divinity-X refugee, looking for a server with RP.

I love RPing and it's sort of the only main thing I do in WoW.

Anyways, I hope to have a lot of fun in this server. Hope to see you all in-game.
Divinity-X refugee huh? I forgot that place got shutdown.

Welcome to the server all the same, if Divinity-X is the only place you have rped you might need a crash course in how to rp here as there almost two different worlds.
<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Crow</dt><dd>May 18 2015, 04:12:00 AM</dd></dl><div>Divinity-X refugee huh? I forgot that place got shutdown.

Welcome to the server all the same, if Divinity-X is the only place you have rped you might need a crash course in how to rp here as there almost two different worlds. [/quote]Yeah... That was the only place I officially RPed or even communicated with someone. RPHeaven got too boring for me because it was literally unusable. Anyways, yeah I may or may not need help. Do you have a guide?
Mmm, you can gleam some from the rules and some from the morph system and I would be more then happy to pm back and forth with anything you need to know.
Hello there~ I'm Talona =) I'd love to help you with anything you have questions on lore, custom lore, or general RP wise send me a pm or add me on skype~
Hello, and welcome to Freedom!

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