Posts: 3
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Joined: Apr 2015
Thepharaoh convinced me to come over here. I haven't RPed in quite some time, but wouldn't mind jumping in now and again for some entertainment.
I've been apart of a few communities over the years. I don't really know what else to say. I like goblins, I guess.
Catch you on the flip side.
Posts: 453
Threads: 23
Joined: Jul 2014
Enjoy your stay on freedom!
Posts: 378
Threads: 64
Joined: Apr 2015
Posts: 219
Threads: 31
Joined: Jul 2014
Posts: 87
Threads: 30
Joined: Mar 2015
Welcome to the fold! Kril missed his cousin... and Krona missed her <del>Target Dummy</del> <del>Punching Bag</del> <del>Forbidden Lov-</del> Friend.
Posts: 3
Threads: 2
Joined: Apr 2015
Haha. I bet they did. Now to only figure out how to set up my wow to play.
Aka, actually do it.
Posts: 240
Threads: 13
Joined: Jan 2015
Posts: 296
Threads: 44
Joined: Jan 2015
Character(s): Too Many
Posts: 727
Threads: 70
Joined: Aug 2014
Pronouns: She/her/they
Welcome! 8D
Your introduction was quick to the point and I like that. I hope you enjoy your time here at Freedom. Goblins are pretty rad and I fully support more!
Posts: 546
Threads: 149
Joined: Mar 2015
Character(s): Cristovao, Rodrigo and Dart, Hrodebert, Maeia, Melodia, Naoise, Mathieu, Valdmer, Blackhearth Boarders
Cressy! \o/
Taste the sacred steel of FALCHION!
Posts: 2,076
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Joined: Jul 2014
Hey there ^.^ Welcome to Freedom <3 If you need anything feel free to send me a message
Posts: 12
Threads: 2
Joined: Mar 2015
Hai Cressy! <E>

"There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, and we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures."
-Brutus, Julius Caesar