The New Kid
Hello everyone! I know I've been here for a couple of days, but haven't had time to get around to this just yet (until now). First off, I'd like to say thank you to everyone I've had the pleasure of RPing with so far. I've felt very welcomed here as of late. A bit about me, Sleepicity (sleep-icity) is my username, but Sleep/Sleepi works just fine lol. I know I've shared this with some people, but my name derives from the fact that I am narcoleptic so I do apologize pre-emptively if I am to fall asleep in the middle of something. Don't take it personally. I'm 27 (almost 28), soon to be married to my wonderful fiancee in April (so I'll probably be gone for a while at the end of that month). Now I feel like I'm writing for a dating app but who cares.

As of now I only have my one character, Soris "Squirrel" Dusksong. An 'edgy' goth type dude, who's secretly a mama's boy from a farm. A Shadowmage in the making, probably. Maybe? He's still trying to find himself in the world, but that's what he knows best.

I look forward to meeting more of you in the future!
Welcome aboard!
There’s enough guilt in the world without grabbing for more.
Hey Sleepi,

Welcome to Freedom! It was nice RPing with you earlier today. I like Soris so far!
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to me (or any other staff member) on Discord.

I hope you'll enjoy your time on Freedom!
Welcome to Freedom!

As someone generally sleep deprived, I welcome a counter weight. I did like Soris when we had some RP at the coffee shop, hope to see more of him and watch him grow.

Hope you'll enjoy your stay!

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