Another person from CotH
I... Well, my CotH is gone... At least in its current form. I'm still a bit bitter about that, <I><s></s>Blizzard...<e></e></I> ^o)

So... I like playing dead guys, mostly, though I have a soft spot for dorfs. (Dorffort!!Wink Usually humble, non-combatants, like a happy Forsaken farmer. I have a worgen DK I'm looking to continue a plot for on this server, but she's kinda a douche...

So yeah, a question:

On CotH, before that <I><s></s>thing<e></e></I> happened, we were (tentatively) branching out into custom lore. One idea I'd been working on for a while was a sort of revamp for the Sisters of Steel crossed with the abandoned Path of the Titans feature.

Basically, it would be a religious/ideological group whom would evoke the power of the Titans through the emulation of the Titans' act of creation. Depending on the patron Titan, these characters might use different forms of art to evoke different Titans. (and thus different powers)

Generally speaking, these characters would be defined by the following traits:

-Be of Titanic descent (Human, Dorf, gnome, Forsaken, and perhaps Half races??)

-Have a patron Titan and a(n) art and/or skill relating to this Titan

-A self-made Titanic artifact (A blacksmith follower of Khaz'Goroth would forge themself a hammer through which they receive inspiration, while a dancer follower of Golganneth may weave themselves a veil from seafoam)

-Spends the majority of their free time honing their craft.

There's a lot more stuff written up for this, but its all tailored to CotH's policies. Would this be potentially doable on this server with enough tweaking?
Heyo! Welcome to Freedom, friend! It's really sad to hear about what happened with CoTH but we're glad so many of you chose to come here in the absence.

I'm going to let staff answer your questions, though. It's mostly in their ballcourt now!

Anyway, Velkar will probably link the starting thread so you'll have something to look over in the meantime!

Hope you have fun here. If you ever need anything, don't be afraid to talk to the staff! They're all friendly people. c:
Welcome to Freedom, hope you like it here!

Forsaken are indeed the best
Hello and welcome to Freedom! I was very sorry to hear what happened to CotH, losing a fellow server is always very sad.

As far as your question regarding the possibility of this custom lore you propose, I would say that we have no issue whatsoever with a religious group that worships the Titans, however we would like a bit more information about the actual powers that you would be proposing before we give our response; what sort of stuff these followers could do, to what extent, whether they do indeed draw these powers from the Titans and what limitations affect said worshippers.

If you could PM myself or another GM, or make a new thread in the suggestions section we would greatly appreciate it (Dont want to flood your intro thread with this talk, no?^^)
Welcome to the fold.
Hey there! Welcome to Freedom =) If you have anymore questions feel free to ask me or another one of the Staff members =D
Good dae, my friend.
<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Geoni</dt><dd>Mar 18 2015, 12:42:01 PM</dd></dl><div>Good dae, my friend. [/quote]pls go awae with that pun

hi, person. talk to velkar. he's nice.

And welcome.

My old handle used to be Sunnydaye for a lot of things, and still is for my email.. So naturally when I saw this

<IMG src=""><s>[img]</s>[url=""><LINK_TEXT text=" ... 66350c.png"></LINK_TEXT>[/url]<e>[/img]</e></IMG>

I was like aw yissssssss

as foretold in the prophecies

the yin to my yang
Welcome - hope you enjoy yourself here. There are a bunch of useful links [url=""><s></s>here for new members, if you haven't already seen them. If you need anything that they don't cover, don't hesitate to ask a staff member for help :Up:
Daaaae! C:
[Image: hjNcK3s.gif]
Taste the sacred steel of FALCHION!

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