Hey everyone!
We are opening alternate universe draenor characters to be able to be CTS'd. Alternate Universe Characters are restricted to only the races from Draenor during the time period we are in.
Guidelines and things to consider when making the CTS request to play an alternate:
We are opening alternate universe draenor characters to be able to be CTS'd. Alternate Universe Characters are restricted to only the races from Draenor during the time period we are in.
Guidelines and things to consider when making the CTS request to play an alternate:
- You only need to make a CTS for any character native to AU Draenor if:
You decide to take that AU character and bring them to MU Azeroth
You intend to have both AU/MU characters on Draenor
Or they were an alternate of a demon character.
- Please make sure to note if your AU character is an Alternate version of an existing character. This can be Orcs, Draenei, or any other Draenor specific race such as Arakkoa or Ogres. (We will be posting the Draenor specific morphs in the tier list in the coming weeks)
- Make sure to include if you want this AU character to become an active character intended to go to MU Azeroth.
- We are not allowing MU and AU characters, that are the same person, to be actively in the same RP at all. However, we are fine if players want to have their AU and MU selves meet which can be written out in a story, in the RP/Storytime section of the forums. It is important to note, that we do not want these stories to progress either the AU or MU self characters in any significant way beyond emotional/personal progression.
- Loot is case by case and in most cases may not transfer between AU and MU characters, so please note any pieces of loot the MU version has that you believe the AU version would have and explaining why. Anything that was gained from Azeroth-specific events/storylines cannot be had by the AU version.
- If people want to play their AU alt-characters on the Main Universe Azeroth as a permanent character, then they are to replace the Main Universe ones. If you want to do this, and choose to do this, the MU version MUST die or be dead already.
Note: You do not need to replace you Main Universe character with their Alternate if you intend to keep your alternate on Draenor only.
- If you intend to play an AU AND an MU character on Alternate Draenor, we strongly recommend having one be the main character through out Draenor, so as to avoid confusion, and messy situations where they're constantly in the same place. If for any reason you want to main both, please include that in the CTS with the how and why you intend to do this.
- We are allowing players to role-play their Alternate Versions on Draenor as soon as the Iron Horde is about to Invade Azeroth (Sometimes in December), however certain areas are prohibited from being able to be RP'd in, such as, Talador. Draenei can RP in Shadowmoon. And Orcs can roleplay in Frostfire Ridge and parts of Nagrand. Both Orcs and Draenei have to avoid factional areas that are from WoD, because they haven’t been built yet.
- NON-DRAENEI Characters from Draenor: We are going 30+ years in the past (because of this the races that do not have the extended life that the Draenei have, you must take into consideration the age of your MU/AU versions. (IE: An MU Orc who is 65, will have an AU self that is in his early 30s)
- Arakkoa characters: AU Outcast Arakkoa cannot be seen until Talador; AU Awakened Arakkoa cannot be seen until after Spires.
- Demon Characters: The lore implies because Demons souls are linked to the Nether that they transcend space timelines, so they will not be allowed to have an alternate version, with the exception of Eredar and Felsworn characters who MUST have become a demon in recent history (within the last couple of decades or so). This is due to the npc Socrethar/Othaar. Their past history would still exist if they were only in recent history transformed into a demon, as the longer they are a demon the more they transcend time.
Note: You MUST have an existing Eredar/Felsworn character that was approved by the staff in an application.
- Finally make sure to include a brief description of your plans/intents with the character