01-20-2017, 08:42 PM
With the restarts earlier this morning, I implemented the [url="http://rochet2.github.io/Dress-NPCs.html"><s></s>Dress NPCs patch into the Freedom code. This allows us to create NPCs completely from scratch so long as it's a race that would normally allow customization (take a look at [url="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pmkCOSDyCflbo9avwYgmAR60_cVV0Dk-t6p_Ec8AyRE/edit?usp=sharing"><s></s>this spreadsheet). Back in the days of CotH, I had created another spreadsheet that folks I had given edit access to could input requested NPCs and the appropriate queries would be generated, making my work easy. I've made a copy of that spreadsheet that can be accessed [url="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18R-E_zRKTxQQfUlvwLGNVeQ0xaIo2XZYVWzFJB-jBD8/edit?usp=sharing"><s></s>here, but right now you will only be able to view it. I'm still working on some minor changes in some of the formulas on there.
I imagine that we will formulate some process for NPC requesting and granting access to add in NPC requests, but announcements for that will come later. I just wanted to let folks know of the ability for it now!
For GMs:
Inserting the creature_template and creature_equip_template values work as normal, in the wod_world database. The creature_template_outfits table is in the freedom database, so insert queries will have to be run there.
With the restarts earlier this morning, I implemented the [url="http://rochet2.github.io/Dress-NPCs.html"><s></s>Dress NPCs patch into the Freedom code. This allows us to create NPCs completely from scratch so long as it's a race that would normally allow customization (take a look at [url="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pmkCOSDyCflbo9avwYgmAR60_cVV0Dk-t6p_Ec8AyRE/edit?usp=sharing"><s></s>this spreadsheet). Back in the days of CotH, I had created another spreadsheet that folks I had given edit access to could input requested NPCs and the appropriate queries would be generated, making my work easy. I've made a copy of that spreadsheet that can be accessed [url="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18R-E_zRKTxQQfUlvwLGNVeQ0xaIo2XZYVWzFJB-jBD8/edit?usp=sharing"><s></s>here, but right now you will only be able to view it. I'm still working on some minor changes in some of the formulas on there.
I imagine that we will formulate some process for NPC requesting and granting access to add in NPC requests, but announcements for that will come later. I just wanted to let folks know of the ability for it now!
For GMs:
Inserting the creature_template and creature_equip_template values work as normal, in the wod_world database. The creature_template_outfits table is in the freedom database, so insert queries will have to be run there.
Try to never just say, "My character isn't interested in that adventure." A lot of people mistake this for good roleplaying, because you are asserting your character's personality. Wrong. Good roleplaying should never bring the game to a screeching halt. One of your jobs as a player is to come up with a reason why your character would be interested in a plot. After all, your personality is entirely in your hands, not the DM's. Come up with a reason why the adventure (or the reward) might appeal to you, no matter how esoteric or roundabout the reasoning. -(Source)