[Important] Factional Raced Neutrals, Magical Sentries, and
Hey Everyone we have a couple of very important announcements to make, so we're going to go down the list!

Neutral Factional Races

Firstly, we wanted to give a reminder about factional races going to the opposite faction cities. This is not permitted irregardless of your factional alignment, or non-alignment. A neutral human will not be allowed in Silvermoon anymore than an Alliance-aligned human would be allowed.

The same would be said if it were an Earthen Ring Orc not being permitted in Darnassus. Neutral races of the core factions (Humans, Orcs, Tauren, Blood Elves, etc.) cannot show up in the opposite faction due to the war.

For Neutral races (not of the core races necessarily) it is highly important to know that one cannot go to both faction cities at a whim's notice, without any rhyme or reason.

The Best example of a race that can go between both are steamwheedle goblins for trading purposes, Arakkoa could though they would be watched and would most likely need a good reason for being there like investigating an issue of shadow magic, and Drakes/Dragons, so long as they are representative of the Wyrmrest Accord and not factionally aligned themselves, and are on official business.

Need to Know: Disguises and Infiltration in Factional Cities

[url="http://w11.zetaboards.com/WoW_Freedom/topic/30061820/1/?x=0#post10001664"><s>http://w11.zetaboards.com/WoW_Freedom/t ... st10001664">http://w11.zetaboards.com/WoW_Freedom/topic/30061820/1/?x=0#post10001664[/url]

We made a guide with regards to disguises, infiltration, and factional cities magical protections and wardings. We highly encourage everyone to take a look at this guide, as well as keep in mind that if you do intend to infiltrate or use disguises without sanctioning it may result in varying consequences. Please use common sense as well.

For example: Charging into Stormwind Keep to kill the King in the disguise will not only fail but it will lead to the death of a character.

Sachi's Patch

The staff is officially endorsing and encouraging people on the server to download Sachi's custom model patch.

We have verified it is safe, and use it ourselves. This is not a requirement to be downloaded, but it is an enhancement for RP. The instructions as well as what's been added can be found in this thread below:

[url="http://w11.zetaboards.com/WoW_Freedom/topic/30049644/1/#new"><s>http://w11.zetaboards.com/WoW_Freedom/t ... 644/1/#new">http://w11.zetaboards.com/WoW_Freedom/topic/30049644/1/#new[/url]

Thank you Sachi for the patch!

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