[Old] Rise of the Zandalari!
<I><s></s>... a meeting takes place between various groups of trolls<e></e></I>

[url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMaGgT8fGnU"><s></s>The Meeting

Finally Freedom is returning to main Cataclysm Storyline with the Rise of the Zandalari! What bad mojo and vodoo await the heroes of Horde and Alliance? Events for the storyline start this week/weekend.

A message from Voljin: Date undecided, might do whenever enough people are on Horde side.

Voljin, leader of the Darkspear clan, has been traveling around Azeroth, warning his fellow Horde Leaders of the Zandalari threat. However, due to poor relations with Garrosh Hellscream, the Darkspear has decided to come to Skullhewer Village instead and hope they can warn the orcish people of the new force that threatens to take Azeroth.

Darkspear Warning: Saturday, August 16

Darkspear Emissary's have shown up in Stormwind Harbor. They have said they come in peace and only wish to find help in thwarting the Zandalari threat that has arisen in Stranglethorn Vale. The King has kept them quarantined at the docks but has asked heroes of the Alliance to speak with them, fearing the story may have some creditability due to a recent loss of contact from Alliance forces in the area.

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