Hi everyone.
Hi I am excited to head into this community, I do not have much experience with role playing but I have watched several videos on Youtube on tutorials about it as well as read about in other forums.

I will for certain make 4 characters which are a famliy:

Elandor L'Lann is the father and the TANK role. And their family surname.

Nioama is the mother as the HEALER role.

Eliandos is their son and acts as the DPS as a Hunter.

Eliana is their daugther and acts as the DPS as a Mage.

Their backstory I have no figured out quite yet, a little bit for Nioama though:

((I grew up in Dolaanar, I was taught by my mother at young age about the godess Elune and her priestesses, I quickly found great interest in the godess and started reading about her and found that there was much more than just a godess in the sky, there was a great history with my race, I had to learn all I could. My mother always said that the knowledge of our people was of great importance so I followed her advice.

During my time of going to lessons about our history I met a handsome Elf named Elandor, he was also interested in our history, but he was more fond of Cenarius than Elune. Either way we got a connection and started a romance. We had 2 children, Eliana and Eliandos.

My mother, she died one day of the hands of a group of Satyrs. This was a horrible loss for me and I never actually knew my father. I swore to her death that I would avenge her and cleanse the evil of this world. Along with my family, they saw how much I was in grief and then we all started on our journey together.))

Now I am very well aware that this is not a very good backstory, but the main issue is that I am new to the lore of Warcraft, I have not played any of the Warcraft games, I have seen the movie for what it is worth, and I played WoW until level 60 but note that I skipped all the quest texts except a few at the beginning.

Recently when I attempted to Role Play in Swtor it went pretty bad due to the low population of that game. I read about what MMO had the most populaton, I knew it was WoW but I was not too fond of it due to the subscription cost. So I tried the trial but then found out about free private servers... My first find was Kronos II server, aparntly it was not a RP community so I got a tips to go to this communty instead.

Well, here I am.
Welcome to Freedom, my friend. We got an active staff, a consistent population, and all the fun stuff. Feel free to ask any questions if need be.
Thank you. It saddens me to say that it wasn't what I expected, I jumped into the game and realized it was pure RP, what I am seeking is RP and PVP combined but this was not it. I looked around the internet and I could not find any such private server so then only normal WoW with subscription will let me do that.
Sorry if Freedom wasn't quite the server you were looking for; if you do decide to give pure RP a chance in the future feel free to give us a try o/

I would suggest a RP PvP server if I knew any, but I'm afraid I can't really think of any. I hope you find what you're looking for nonetheless^^
Thank you! Have fun!

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