Hello everyone!
Hello everyone! My name's Gabriel and I'm from Portugal. I'm 21 years old and am currently in an University studying Archaeology. <E>Big Grin</E> I really enjoy Ancient - Classic and Medieval History, especially when it comes to the militar component. I've roleplayed before in WoW, although it was a couple of years ago. I have been wanting to return for quite some time now and Freedom seems like a good place! I enjoy military type of roleplay, especially footman roleplay. Regarding games, I'm a Total War nut, although still haven't purchased some of the titles. I believe the only two I have "legally" is Shogun 2 and Empire. I'm currently saving to buy the Warhammer one. I also play LoL from time to time, DotA 2 and HotS. Anyways I guess that's all! Kudos!

- Gabriel
Hey Gabriel, welcome to the server. We have some military rp going soon for Alliance and Horde and currently have soldier's currently stationed in Pandaria.

To help you settle into the server let me toss a few links at you.

FAQ's: [url="http://w11.zetaboards.com/WoW_Freedom/topic/11414455/1/#new"><s>http://w11.zetaboards.com/WoW_Freedom/t ... 455/1/#new">http://w11.zetaboards.com/WoW_Freedom/topic/11414455/1/#new[/url]

Morphs and races: [url="http://w11.zetaboards.com/WoW_Freedom/topic/11118482/1/#new"><s>http://w11.zetaboards.com/WoW_Freedom/t ... 482/1/#new">http://w11.zetaboards.com/WoW_Freedom/topic/11118482/1/#new[/url]

Our rules: [url="http://w11.zetaboards.com/WoW_Freedom/topic/10565005/1/#new"><s>http://w11.zetaboards.com/WoW_Freedom/t ... 005/1/#new">http://w11.zetaboards.com/WoW_Freedom/topic/10565005/1/#new[/url]

Oh and this is the place to go for announcements, it's still being updated, but yes it should help give you an idea on where we are with Chi and things regarding demon hunters.

[url="http://w11.zetaboards.com/WoW_Freedom/topic/11752864/1/#new"><s>http://w11.zetaboards.com/WoW_Freedom/t ... 864/1/#new">http://w11.zetaboards.com/WoW_Freedom/topic/11752864/1/#new[/url]

Welcome to the server, I hope it's a long stay. ^^

Oh and for any specific feel free to make a CTS.

<small>Deus Vult</small>
Hello portuguese brother. Welcome to this humble server of ours.

Hopefully your stay here will be long and lovely.

And always remember...

<COLOR color="#009900"><s></s>PORTU<COLOR color="#EE4A2D"><s></s>GAL CARALHO!!

<small>Deus Vult</small>
Welcome, welcome!
Hey there! Welcome to freedom~ If you have any questions just let me or the rest of the staff know <3
[Image: lmNk3qA.gif]
"Can you do that vegetable thing?" - Mirran to Kazuni 2k17
"Swift fighters, I applaud the efforts. But I am far sturdier than a meme man." - Malthik Dren, 2k18

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