[Important] If you Plan to Make Dark Rangers or Demon Hunter
This announcement is just to say that Dark Rangers require an application regardless of whether you are going to use a morph. In addition, if you are going to roll a blood elven Demon Hunter without being trained by another player, you need to ask us in the 'contact the staff' section.

For an Illidari Demon Hunter, other than being dead, the staff is only allowing one option: At the time of the mission, your character would have been a very weak, or fresh demon hunter, in the midst of training but definitely not a full illidari, and as a result would have gotten you left behind. This is ONLY for those who still want an Illidari demon hunter. We are no longer allowing crazy Illidari that are powerful as an option. And all of the good and stable Illidari was captured and jailed according to the New Lore. So if you want to make an Illidari knowing this, please make a contact the staff thread explaining the character.

Another thing to note, is that we prefer players to learn from pre-existing demon hunters (Aldarion played by Crow, Faelwen played by myself, and Bermithor played by Yakobthemoose, Theleniel played by Flammos are such masters, as well as an Illidari Blood Elf Demon Hunter Morleru played by Jesper but he is out of country, at the moment) however if you wanted to create an already existing Demon Hunter (Non-Illidari) who would take on the "master role" just create a CTS thread so the staff is in the know about it. And this pertains to all Demon Hunters who are not learning from an existing player.

(Note: Remember Illidari Demon Hunters, and Blood Elf Demon Hunters who are learning traditional demon hunter ways are completely different. )

Night elven Demon Hunters are fine, so long as you aren't starting out as very powerful. :Up:

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