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Joined: Aug 2015
Hey there, I'm new here (that much is obvious). From what I can see the community feels fairly friendly in comparison to some others I've stumbled across and that might just work out for me. There's several questions in mind now that I'm here and that'd be what kind of RP happens on the server and what would get me most RP?
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Joined: Nov 2014
Well, this server is generally very lore-based RP. We have events that closely follow what should happen IG. However RP can be found anywhere if you just ask people. You can get the most RP by being respectful, friendly, and chill with other people.
Also, welcome to Freedom!
Posts: 177
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Joined: Jul 2014
Welcome, rp off all sorts is currently doing on, the primary 'big' thing on the Horizon is the siege of Theramore and of course the bomb that shortly follows, with the Pandaria to then follow in the days and weeks.
Posts: 457
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Joined: Aug 2014
Hello! And welcome!
I can't really add anything to what the others have said, so I'll just stick with the welcome.
Posts: 2,076
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Joined: Jul 2014
Hey there welcome to Freedom! And sorry for the late welcome x3 There's all loads of rp that can be found here and it's just about testing the waters and finding what rp you most like! If you have ideas or want to talk concepts you can always contact me either PM me on the forums or message my skype at: Shelby (Talona)