New member here
Hey guys, I plan to roleplay as a human named George I guess, I know some stuff about roleplaying, I've played on normal servers before, so what's the custom here? Anything specific I need to know, and any Stormwind guard guilds?
Welcome to the server man! There are a couple of alliance based guilds if you check the guild forums. Give that a shot.
There isnt really stormwind guard guilds but there are Alliance military guilds, merc guilds, noble guilds, magic, etc. etc. However it'd be interesting to see one the only down side would be that WWA and MoP coming up would make city rp very much not as active.

As for custom, there are a few places.. well there's some significant custom stuff but it just depends, if you have any questions on zones or places or concepts in specific feel free to let me know <3 And I'd love to help

Also I'm Talona~ And welcome to freedom!
If you want to be a good guard, stay away from the Fifth Legion.

Welcome to the server!
<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Lizzie</dt><dd>May 24 2015, 07:41:52 PM</dd></dl><div>If you want to be a good guard, stay away from the Fifth Legion.

Welcome to the server! [/quote]Shush.

Come join the Fifth, young one. We have plenty of space for you.

Don't listen to Lizzie, she's a filthy heretic.

Also, welcome to Freedom! <E>Wink</E>
OK so is this server also allowed to raid and pvp? Because I've seen some private RP servers that only allows RP itself(maybe they do open raid for transmog and other RP used items).
Heyo and welcome to the server! 8D

Staff will answer your recent questions as it is best suited to them! I do hope you enjoy your stay and don't trust Lizzie she's secretly a twisted sorceress.
Hey there! So PvP and Raids are pretty broken/buggy on our server, you can enter all the raids, some will have npcs others wont
OK that's fine due to our main objective is RP and this is private server, I just want to know if we are granted with enough transmog and tools, and to RP in instances in some extreme condition?
<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Agentscholar</dt><dd>May 26 2015, 12:00:06 AM</dd></dl><div>OK that's fine due to our main objective is RP and this is private server, I just want to know if we are granted with enough transmog and tools, and to RP in instances in some extreme condition?[/quote]We have vendors with basically all the gear available except for legendaries/lore-tied items! (Like Atiesh, or Corrupted Ashbringer-- which are not available in the mall! Additionally, Rok'delar and the like are not available, as well!Wink So transmog is completely available!

If you want to RP in an instance, I'd check it out first to make sure there's not a leftover event spawn in there, etc. Also, if you're looking to literally be IC in the instance, you might want to check with the staff to get Freedom's lore rundown on the specific place.

IE: If you're going to RP in Ragefire Chasm, and IC you're literally in Ragefire Chasm, you need to talk to the staff about what's happened on Freedom in there. It might not be accessible, it might have a heavy guard presence, it may be collapsed in, you never know, so it's best to ask!

I hope this helps. C:
There have been times when players just PVP in an occ space, but it's hardly enough if you want to pvp a lot.

Anyways, welcome to the server. I'm Garel. You will see me monthly.
Hello, and welcome!
[Image: qAzBo9c.gif]
Welcome to the server mang, hope to see you around!
The sins never die

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