This place looks like fun.
I was introduced to WoW Freedom by a friend of a friend, and I've basically fallen in love with the place ever since I saw the Firelands skin for the Night Elf in customization. There's no way that's street legal.

I've very little idea of where to go or how to proceed, but I'm excited to get started and I do have a character in mind... for now. A few questions up front:
  • How difficult to use are the RP commands that do stuff like produce effects, change your model, create custom spells, etc?

  • Can you change a character's class after you make the character? I was planning on trying out a Night Elf Paladin, but that's greyed out in the list.

  • How big is the community? I heard it was something in the low double digits.

  • Dragonkin characters???

That's all for now, I guess. Thanks for hosting this server, and I look forward to RPing with some of you guys on it later!
Hey there & welcome!

For your questions:

1. There arent 'custom spells', but members have a list of spells they can use by using .f spell list, and then .f cast #. You can change your model with .f cust, which flags your character for character customization. There's also .f factionchange and .f racechange. Regarding spells if there's something specific you have in mind you can ask a GM. For all the commands look on the [url=""><s></s>minimanager after signing in.

2. I don't think so, but we have [url=""><s></s>TRP3 built in meaning you can edit what people see as your class to anything you want. For instance, in reality I'm a blood elf rogue but I could show it as high elf pirate.

3. Small but not too small to make it a big deal, there's RP on most days and server hits over 20+ in peak times. Events can get up to 40 players I think. Depends on the time of year etc

4. Dragonkin are a [url=""><s></s>tier 3 morph so you'd have to [url=""><s></s>make an app.

Hope this helps! Be brave young grasshopper

Hey whalecum to the server. /tipsvape in your direction

No but really, let me give yall the quick run down fam.

  • How difficult to use are the RP commands that do stuff like produce effects, change your model, create custom spells, etc?

as easy as we can possiblly make it, our minimanger has a whole second for easy search of comands if you can't find one, and there is a list on the forums aswell.

  • Can you change a character's class after you make the character? I was planning on trying out a Night Elf Paladin, but that's greyed out in the list.

No, on the technically side of things, there are Class and race restrictions.

  • How big is the community? I heard it was something in the low double digits.

I would say around 90 players.

I would highly suggest you also take a look at [url=""><s></s> and refure to it for any lore questions.

and please feel free to make a post in the "Contact the staff" section of the forums for any questions, it's a privetly listed forum so only the staff can see your questions, as well as reading our [url=""><s></s>Morph Tier List

Also #banpep for posting faster
Welcome to Freedom! FAQs are also a good resource as well! [url=""><s> ... 455/1/#new">[/url]

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