Addendum to Dragons
Hey Everyone!

The staff wanted to alert people to a new change to Dragons, and allowances. In the continued efforts to expand and open up more RP options we discussed expanding Dragons to allow more kindas beyond the normal 4 flights.

Black Drakes Corrupted and Uncorrupted and Twilight Drakes can now apply to age-up or progress by magical means to become a Dragon. This is a requirement to become a dragon that a PC starts as a Drake, and then can at a later time re-apply for Dragon as the character could age up or magically aged up via ritual.

It is important to note that Corrupted Black Dragons will most definitely become public enemy to Wrathion. Twilight Dragons must be progressed in the same way as mentioned above but we are asking people to wait until the completion of the Shaman Orderhall question (Slated sometime between July to the latest August 2nd) as this is when the Twilight Dragons become much more active and present again.

Skeletal and Netherwing Dragons will also be allowed and they DO NOT have to start as a drake and then progressed or aged up. Players can simply apply starting as a Dragon for these two dragon characters.

Finally We are adding Infinite Drakes to be playable, however they are only allowed to be played as Antagonist Characters, and only as Tier 4. We will not be allowing Infinite Dragons at this time as we are still waiting to get more information about the Infinite Flight and their status.
How are Infinite Drakes going to impact the game?
Hey Paulsor! We try to keep announcements clear when possible so as not to flood the thread or confuse. We would be more than happy and willing to answer this question either in a thread in Contact the staff, or in the Freedom Discord in the channel Questions_for_staff which you can @ us.

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