Forum Roleplayer here
Hi. It's become apparent to me that near everyone is from a place called coth. I myself am not. I've always been a forum role-player, but as of recent decided to try out world of world of warcraft private servers without knowing any of the lore. I tried Paragon, and didn't mesh well with the people there. It's probably because I tend to be scared of Human interaction, and much prefer dogs and cats. Also, because I didn't bother to read the lore. A terrible mistake on my part.

I've been told that I need to get out of my shell a bit more. Going out of my comfort zone so to speak. So I'm trying out other forms of rp besides massive walls of text. I should probably note that I'm an incredibly shy and nervous person. I get scared easily.

Anways, here are a few questions.

How do I get in-game?

Is there anything I need to know besides the rules?

Can anyone link me to a source of lore? I tried to look on the world of warcraft website, but I only found so much. I want to be thorough this time.

Thanks in advance.
Welcome! Hopefully there will be more answers to your questions than mine in case I miss anything, but I'll have a go.

The connection guide can be found [url=""><s></s>here - hopefully it should contain all the information you need to get in game. If it doesn't, make a thread in help and support [url=""><s></s>here about what the problem is.

As for number two, there are a bunch of useful links [url=""><s></s>here that could help you with what else you might find useful.

With regards to lore, wowpedia is a good site to look up things.


In addition, if you enjoy RTS games, playing some of the older Warcraft games (Warcraft 1, 2 and 3) would probably help... and they're good games <E>Big Grin</E> Asking people about specific things may also be helpful, as sometimes that can be easier than just trying to absorb a whole page of information on a subject from wowpedia. Certain people know certain topics pretty well, after all.

Other than that, hopefully I've answered your questions at least a little, and I hope you enjoy yourself here. :Up:
A good half of us have been here from anywhere from 3/6(7) years and only know freedom as a home..

Welcome to the server man! I under stand being shy and nervous don't worry to much about it everyone here is a little bit awkward in there own way, but I personally or I'm sure most of the staff would be happy to help a nooby through the ropes.. You will find here on freedom we are pretty lax about new people because you have to start some place, and some of us started rping here to began with!

Here is the [url=""><s></s>Connection Guide! and you will need one of these once you finish downloading are client [url=""><s></s>custom patches

As far as other things you need to read other then the rules? I would recommend you read through this wiki:


I would suggest reading through all the races and glance over the classes and anything about story line lore you can find, its a lot but after a little while you will be able to sink through it.

I would also point you at this youtuber [url=""><s></s>

Take a look through his wow lore videos he covers -a lot- of the major stuff you should know about main lore characters and other major things in a very easy to digest format!

More then anything else its always alright to say you don't know, the Privet server rp community is small and most of us are always happy to teach some one who wants help and is willing to learn.

Please don't be afraid to PM myself if you're having problems with connecting or want to ask questions about are connection guide and the client. <E>Smile</E>

One again, and welcome to freedom and please enjoy your stay.
Welcome to Freedom good sir, it seems the two above have hopefully already addressed the questions you have, but if you need any more help or have any other questions please feel free to ask either ingame or on the forums!
Heyo, friend! Welcome to Freedom! I'm sorry to hear about your experiences with Paragon but I'm glad you've come here! We don't really have a forum RP directive, but, that shouldn't stop you if you ever want to.

Above, some rad people dropped you a couple helpful links, so all that's left is a hug! I hope you enjoy your time here! 8D

Also, don't feel bad for being shy! I'm 70% anxiety and 30% anxiety attacks but once you talk to some of the people around here, it makes you feel a little bit better. We all have weird senses of humor so please keep that in mind. We're really glad to have you here, honest. If you ever feel uncomfortable ingame or anything like that, you can totally talk to me or somebody else if you'd like. I really hope this works out for you! It'd be a great stepping stone into a whole new World! <small><small><small><small>(dont you dare close your eyessss)</small></small></small></small>
Thank you all! To be honest I thought I was going to be smashed between an arriving community and a community already here or some such. That was really silly of me though. I think I'll be getting myself situated then!
<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Crow</dt><dd>Mar 20 2015, 11:02:54 AM</dd></dl><div>A good half of us have been here from anywhere from 3/6(7) years and only know freedom as a home..

[/quote]I see that reference. <E>8)</E>

Hi. We're all pretty jazz-hands. If you like, I can show you my dance moves in the mall whilst Matti gets mad at my un<I><s></s>bear<e></e></I>able behavior.
Hello! Hope you have a good time here.

If you got any questions feel free to PM the staff. They're very helpful and friendly.

Also, if you have some questions about lore (as I've seen that you have already posted something regarding that) feel free to ask them as well.

I can help too but, whenever I can't help, staff is there to help.

'Cause they're awesome.

Welcome ^^

Welcome to Freedom, where only some of us bite, and a some of us even do it for free. :$

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