I've known of this server for several years but never really popped my head in, for one reason or another. I found myself curious and decided to poke around. I see a lot of y'all are from CoTH, but I unfortunately never got a chance to play it, so I'm sorta a fish out of water here.
I RP from time to time, but usually take sporadic breaks as the inspiration comes and goes.
As for my taste in vidya gams, I tend to play a lot of different things, from oldschool turn-based srpgs like tactics ogre, to stuff like baldur's gate, to FPS's and FPS-RPG's like stalker, and at times 4x games like MoO2 or for a more modern example, Stellaris.
Any tips from long-standing members on how to get in on some interesting arpee would be appreciated. I know communities tend to have their ins-and-outs, quirks etc.
07-03-2018, 12:55 PM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2018, 01:01 PM by Cerb57.)
Heya Nomit o/
We're currently in the middle of the Talador Storyline for WoD, this week is the Siege of Shattrath. Plenty of people come down and hang around the Garrisons to get introduced, but we have tons of RP around here to fit any fancy.
Most of the Lore Organizations have guilds and their own discord if you want to join any, I help out doing stuff for the Ebon Blade and I am one of the Commanders for the Alliance Garrison. Feel free to drop me a line on Discord if you're wanting to figure out how to get involved and I am sure others will offer the same here or in-game for their own projects o/
Joining the overall freedom discord is a great way to start people will poke for RP in the LFG chat there, and event postings in the various channels! Right now there's a Draenor focus but the portals are open ICly so there's still some things going on the Azeroth side!
Also, flammos, I never played alpha centauri although I heard a lot of praise about it over the years. Morrowind is unfortunately on my backlog. I've tried to get into it a few times, but, maybe modern games have fried my attention span.
The pine tree wastes which is perched on the hill, nor bark nor needles shelter it; such is the man whom none doth love; for what should he longer live?