Posts: 221
Threads: 51
Joined: Mar 2015
Hey y'all! Found you thanks to c0rzilla(whose thread is a little lower down the list).
I'm pretty eager to see what's what over here on Freedom. For myself, I tend to specialize in elves - of multiple kinds. So, that's the most likely thing to see me muckin' about on.
Posts: 727
Threads: 70
Joined: Aug 2014
Pronouns: She/her/they
Heyo! Welcome to Freedom! So many new faces. It's awesome!
Hope you enjoy your time here with us! If you ever need anything, our staff is rad as constellations. (????)
Elves are cool. MORE ELVES. <E>8)</E>
Posts: 296
Threads: 44
Joined: Jan 2015
Character(s): Too Many
Posts: 348
Threads: 78
Joined: Jul 2014
Welcome to the server, my dear friend! I dearly hope you enjoy your stay! If you ever need any assistance, both ingame and offgame, feel free to either PM here or contact me on all channels(I've posted my contact info in the signature, below).
Feel free at any time. I'll assist as much as possible.
Playable Characters:
Dragos Mordawn - Leon Cromwell - Avira Sindath
Posts: 2,076
Threads: 387
Joined: Jul 2014
Hey there! Welcome to Freedom =) If you have any questions feel free to ask me as well, and if you ever want to RP same deal =D
Posts: 453
Threads: 23
Joined: Jul 2014
<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Derock</dt><dd>Mar 12 2015, 09:22:07 PM</dd></dl><div>Welcome to the server, my dear friend! I dearly hope you enjoy your stay! If you ever need any assistance, both ingame and offgame, feel free to either PM here or contact me on all channels(I've posted my contact info in the signature, below).
Feel free at any time. I'll assist as much as possible. [/quote]Don't let him molest you with his touching greeting..
Whalecum to the server, if you have some problems connecting feel free to make a post in the tech support section or PM me, other then that enjoy your stay, you're here forever now.
Posts: 219
Threads: 31
Joined: Jul 2014
Oh, hello hello!
Welcome to Freedom. I hope that you will enjoy your stay and have wonderful time here!
Posts: 240
Threads: 13
Joined: Jan 2015
Posts: 563
Threads: 15
Joined: Jul 2014
Character(s): Aylana, Nzerial, Garrow, Indevio, Musu
Welcome to Freedom! <E>

Posts: 786
Threads: 60
Joined: Jul 2014
Welcome, hope you enjoy yourself here ^^
Posts: 175
Threads: 31
Joined: Jul 2014
And the last one; welcome to the server you as well!
Posts: 457
Threads: 42
Joined: Aug 2014
I salute you.
And I welcome you.