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Ashran, and other things
With the introductions to Ashran complete, the zone is now open for people to visit and, to a limited degree, explore. The portals from Azeroth are now available for two-way travel to most factions capital cities, although as such travel is controlled by the factions. In terms of exploring Ashran, you're free to be in your factions area, but not the opposing factions area unless you have an official reason to visit. People can meet up with the opposing faction in the neutral spaces between the bases (Primarily around the Crossroads and Kings Rest) as well as at the neutral pandaren base at the Ring of Conquest. People should avoid other subzones like the Dark Woods for the time being, as these are likely to be side-quest areas shortly.

With Ashran open, the Garrisons are now off-limits for a few days  (No more than 2 weeks) while we switch to the max tier and get all the building in order. Unfortunately unlike the t2 we couldn't get everything 100% prepared so we need a little build time. They'll be back open asap, but in the meantime you can visit friendly settlements, ashran and azeroth.

With Ashran opening this also leaves the Wrynn's Vanguard and Voljin's Spears tabards available to be used. Please do importantly note that we will not be doing the PvP aspect of Ashran, and that engaging people in OOC PvP in Ashran either against their will or where RP is happening (Due to them being flagged by the zone) is a punishable offense.

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