We need YOU to help make Freedom better!
As some of you guys have noticed, our custom item system can be... a little less than fufilling sometimes. It's difficult to always ensure it will give you the entry ID for all weapons an npc wields. So, with successful addition of our new item, the Argent Crusader Shield, we now implore you, players of Freedom, to help us find other items that you have had difficulty extracting from an NPC using the minimanager! The request format is below, be sure to tell us what the weapon is (axe, shield, off-hand weapon, etc.) and any other additional information that may be needed.

Happy RP'ing!

<blockquote class='code_blockquote'><dl><dt>Code: </dt><dd>&nbsp;</dd></dl><code>NPC Name:

Wowhead Link:

Weapon sought:

Additional Details:</code></blockquote>
Is there still any RP'ing going on the server by the way, Hayden?
This thread's about 2 years old. There is definitely RP on the server, yes.

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