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Hola, I'm Fel.
I came upon this server through constant searching, I'm not really new to WoW RP, as I have been RPing on Retail for a few years at least. I was in fact looking for a pre-cata server but figured there weren't any around so here I am now, it's good to meet y'all and I hope we'll have a blast!
A little bit about me, eh, not much to say, RP has in one way or another always been in my life and I'm well into my twenties. I suppose I could say I'm also swedish.. Honestly I don't know much else what to write here on the interwebs.
Obviously I come bearing a couple of questions!
1. How varied is the RP here in terms of factions, races and such? - Mostly wondering as I have a few character ideas brewing but I'd like to know the situation before making any progress on that.
<del>2. Where in the timeline would you say Freedom WoW currently is?</del>
3. What's your opinion of intelligent murlocs? ( You don't have to answer, haha )
4. How exactly do you handle lore here?
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No, we're nearing Landfall in MoP, but we're using WoD as a core for stability and other things.
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I see! I threw in a couple of more questions in the first topic.
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<I><s></s>1. How varied is the RP here in terms of factions, races and such? - Mostly wondering as I have a few character ideas brewing but I'd like to know the situation before making any progress on that.<e></e></I>
Pretty varied I'd say, though gnomes and tauren are the least common.
<I><s></s>2. Where in the timeline would you say Freedom WoW currently is?<e></e></I>
Like I said, nearing Landfall. Someone more invovled in Pandaria could give you specifics though.
<I><s></s>3. What's your opinion of intelligent murlocs? ( You don't have to answer, haha )<e></e></I>
How intelligent? Mean, Legion has a murloc archeology, so. :V
<I><s></s>4. How exactly do you handle lore here?<e></e></I>
Could you be more specific? We tend to mostly follow Blizzard lore, but we also allow players to customize a bit and wiggle in the lore on a case by case basis. I think?
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What I mean by question number 4 is for example: If an evil dude decides he wants to rule the entirety of Duskwood, how far would you allow this evil dude to go?
Another example could easily be taken directly from some of the retail RP where people claim to have some type of family ( however branched ) connection to a lore character ( for example Redpath or Menethil (lol) ) now, this isn't my first private server and so I know it's usually not allowed, but I'm simply asking because I'd like a clear picture of what's allowed and isn't allowed on Freedom WoW.
Now obviously these are simply examples that I have seen through my time in RP, I am not saying I support nor disapprove of these examples .
as for the murloc, it's up there with mrrgglton
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Probably disallowed, though a GM would have to say if the effort is entirely barred despite the result not being allowed.
Family connections to lore characters are disallowed.
Any other examples or idea as they come up would have to be passed on to GMs, as RPers can think of anything and everything.
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Character(s): Maforis, Vaka, Linaeus, Ulric, Gwyn
Hello there, Fel. Welcome to Freedom.
Well let me see if I can help out the best I can with your questions. Hmm...
1. The variation of RP is mostly Alliance at the current moment, but almost everyone has a Horde and Alliance character they like to play. I've been here for six years now and I can tell you that the favored faction to play swings through time. When I first came to Freedom, Rp was heavily equal to be fair but that was more of the nature of Wrath days. Alliance was favored for a bit though, then cata was Horde, then Pandaria became more Alliance. There are plenty of neutral people as well so don't be discouraged about that either.
For races, you can play almost anything. For things you can't play, just check the morph list. Some races you will have to apply for. High Elf, Furbolg, Mag'har Orc, and so on are tier 0 which you can either make without an application. If you want to play something a little bit rare, you'll have to make a morph application and hash it out with the staff.
2. What Roux said. We are on a month break but in January we will start Landfall patch content.
3. Intellegent Murloc hm? Well, it really depends honestly. If you want to try to apply for that, ask the GMs, bounce it off a few people perhaps with a good explanation and propose it to them. Don't feel discouraged if you get denied, just use it to learn how you might improve upon the concept.
It's generally best however to spend a bit of time on Freedom before going for some applications just so you can become familiar with the community and the workings of how it is run here so you can work with it appropriately of course. But we've had much odder things pass on Freedom. I can see an intellegent Murloc in my own personal opinion. (I'm not a staff member though ;P)
4. Lore used to be very flexible here on Freedom. People used to bend it out of control, but as of late, there is some very strict policy to it. For example, no named character can die unless the story of Warcraft actually does so. We follow the story and fix it to fit an RP community appropriately and as close as we can to the real story. We as players are heroes fulfilling the role of the adventurer. Of course, you can make or join in on other adventures people make up as it is RP afterall. Some people make up things so long as it fits the world, but follow the lore of the story.
The staff generally keeps the lore as true as it can be and dictate what could pass or not with the player base.
As I typed this out I just realized Roux had answered you, but I hope I added some supplementary answers to it.
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Hello Fel, I see Roux and Maf has helped you out a bit already but i'd like to pop my head in too and say 'Hey.' If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
4. We rp the heroes of the main story-line, meaning people back in Cata? Those characters were the ones who fought the Twilight's hammer, and the people in MoP right now are the ones whom have been fighting the mantid and sha.
Not your cup of tea? No problem, you can be a shop keeper, an employee at a tavern or a mercenary. Etc.
I've added a few links below you may find useful too.
FAQ's: [url=""><s> ... 455/1/#new">[/url]
This is the aforementioned morphs and races you can apply for: [url=""><s> ... 763/1/#new">[/url]
Our rules: [url=""><s> ... 005/1/#new">[/url]
Oh and this is the place to go for announcements, it's still being updated, but yes it should help give you an idea on where we are with Chi and things regarding demon hunters.
[url=""><s> ... 864/1/#new">[/url]
Welcome back to the server, I hope it's a long stay. ^^
Oh and for any specific feel free to make a CTS.
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Hey Fel I just wanted to answer some of these, I know some of it was partially answered but I wanted to give something more concrete from the Staff ^^
<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Quote:</dt><dd> </dd></dl><div>What I mean by question number 4 is for example: If an evil dude decides he wants to rule the entirety of Duskwood, how far would you allow this evil dude to go?[/quote]
We wouldn't bar the idea, it simply depends on how you go about the idea. Typically we would want this to be progressed, it couldnt be a situation where your PC evil warlock decides to take over duskwood over-night. We would want to see storylines made out of this, we may be open to allowing some control but it would be more or less temporary because of IC circumstances and consequences will come into play. Once the power is shifted there would be IC follow-up to shift it back to original status. So as a storyline this is a plausible idea if its done in reason, but if its something you would want a character to ICly take-over, control, and maintain control of for an extended period of time, that is less plausible.
TL  R The Idea wouldnt be disallowed but it would be expected to be progressed to that point over time, and it would have to be temporary to shift it back to the control of whats supposed to be there. Something like this would be better for a storyline as opposed to a character concept wherein you don't intend for the character to reap consequences.
<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Quote:</dt><dd> </dd></dl><div>Another example could easily be taken directly from some of the retail RP where people claim to have some type of family ( however branched ) connection to a lore character ( for example Redpath or Menethil (lol) ) [/quote]
We currently do not allow relations to Lore Characters at all.
About the Murlocs, yes you could play an intelligent Murloc, they are from my knowledge of the lore, rather intelligent as is, they have their own society and systems, (C0r gave a good example of that with their presence in archaeology), and they have the capability to speak other languages. They just end up getting taken advantage of by larger forces. However, even if Murlocs were not intelligent we have allowed players to propose a way for a typically non intelligent/sentient creature to be sentient/intelligent, of course this would have to be done in a manner where intelligence/sentience is an outcome and not started with.
For example: Arcane Experimentations upon a Lynx to explain how they are abnormally intelligent/sentient would be a better explanation than saying they were born that way or that they evolved that way.